Status: Hiatus

The Boys and Girls in the Cliques

So... You're A Virgin?

There was an awkward silence in the car while I drove to my house. Ray's backpack was in his lap, his hands on top of it and he was looking out the window. I wondered what he was thinking about. Mostly I was wondering what he thought about me.

I was too nervous or scared to start a conversation with him. I had no idea what to say. If I was to tell him how awesome he was in the game today, he might start talking about it in detail and I would get lost and look like an idiot.

We arrived at my house. I pulled up in my driveway and took the key out of the ignition. I opened the door and Ray did the same.

I locked the door and walked up to my house.

I opened the door and there was my grandpa on the couch. He was watching Mythbuster's today.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I practically live here now," he said with a shrug. I chuckled and took Ray up to my room.

I took Ray up to my room. If only I could say that with something else in mind than tutoring.

"Don't have too much fun, now," my grandpa said from downstairs as I opened my door. I was thankful that it was dark in my room so Ray couldn't see how hard I was blushing.

Much to my dismay, I had to turn the light on soon. I made sure my back was to him until felt the heat on my face go down.

I sat on my bed and Ray did the same. We avoided eye contact for a few minutes and we said nothing.

"Well, that's embarrassing," Ray said with a light air to his voice.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, "You have no idea."

There was another awkward silence. Ray broke it this time once again.

"So.... what do you want me to do? You know..... I kinda need to pass this next test," he said with a smiled.

I told him to get his History book out and he did so. Apparently, like everybody else in this school, History class was nap time, and he never got any notes. He didn't even read the pages assigned when he got home. I made him read the whole chapter twice, and take notes on whatever he thought sounded important.

While he did this I tried to stare at him without noticing. I was successful many times and he never found out that I was looking at him.

"It must suck to be you," Ray said out of the blue while he was jotting down something.


He looked up, "You know what I mean." he shrugged.

"I've gotten used to it," I replied nonchalantly.

"Don't you feel disappointed, though? Like.... don't you feel everybody is going on to this wrong?" he said.

I shrugged, "I guess.... why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious." he said a little too quickly.

"What? Are you deciding to turn gay anytime soon?" I joked with him.

He laughed, but it sounded a bit forced to me. I then wondered, would Ray get away with it? Would it be okay if Ray were gay, or would people treat him the way they treat me? Or would they acknowledge it and not do anything? I mean, his situation would have to be somewhat different than mine, him being super popular and loved and all.

"Is that chick that you hang out with, Erica... is she a lesbian?" he asked.

I shook my head, "No. Why?"

"Because she hangs out with you."

"No. She's just a really good friend that sticks by me.... I don't want to offend you or anything, but what about your friends? What would they do if you were gay?" he stopped writing and looked up at me.

He shrugged, "I dunno. I haven't really thought about it."

I wasn't entirely convinced about that. It was just the way he said it that shouted that he had thought about it. Maybe Frank was right....

"Can I tell you something?" Ray asked after a while.

"Sure." I said.

"Do you promise not to tell anyone?" Ray had a very serious look on his face.

"I promise. Pinky swear," I joked, sticking out my pinky.

He laughed at this. Look, I made a funny!

"I haven't told the guys this, but I've only kissed a girl."

"Nothing else?" I asked, shocked.

He shook his head.

"Aren't girls always hitting on you?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, but I never went all the way with a girl."

"How could this happen, though? Aren't all football players supposed to brag about all the girls they did?"

"They do. They just think I'm modest. It's okay though, they think I've done three time as many girls than them, so they're fine that they don't have this big competition with me along with the other guys."

I chuckled at this.

"Why'd you tell me this anyway?" I asked him after a pause of silence.

He shrugged, "I trust you, and I wanted to share that with somebody."

Wow, he trusted me? And he hardly even knows me.

"I also knew you wouldn't tease me about it and start bragging about all the girls you've banged," he added.

I laughed out loud, the hardest I've had in a while, "True, true. Damn, you already know so much about me!"

We both started to laugh. I've come to the conclusion that Ray is a pretty awesome guy.

The laughing soon died down, and Ray brought his attention back to the task at hand, which was studying. There was about five more minutes of silence. I broke it.

"So you're a virgin?"

He looked up at me with a surprised and shocked look on his face. He quickly looked down.

"Uh...Yeah," he said into his book quickly. I was confused by this. It sounded like he was lying, but he said that he never had sex before. I was pretty sure he wasn't lying about that.

Correction: he said he never had sex with a girl before. All I did was put two and two together and the answer was clear.

Or maybe he wasn't lying. Maybe he was just ashamed to admit it. Or maybe he had sex with a trans-gendered man, but he still had a pussy.... okay that was far-fetched. To make it more believable it had to be a trans-gendered girl with a dick, because he's straight, right? He thought the girl was a chick but when he went into the bedroom he found out she didn't have girl parts, but fucked her anyway because he was already in the room. And then he never had sex again because he was scarred from that experience.

Yes, that makes perfect sense!

Aw, who was I kidding. That probably never happened in the history of man-kind! Although.... there are a billion-trillion people in this world. Who knows? Maybe it happened!

Ray brought me out of my thoughts, "Are you?"

"What?" I asked.

"A virgin?"

"Oh. Uh... no, not really."

"Not really?" he asked with suspicion.

I chuckled, "No, I am not a virgin."

"What happened?" he asked with curiosity.

"You really want to hear about my sex life?" I asked him.

"If you want me to hear it," he shrugged.

" was at band camp..." I trailed off.

Ray laughed, "You're such a nerd."

"I know. The guy, he played the Trombone. And sometimes the Tuba."

Ray started to laugh really hard, I joined in.

"I'm guessing he was really good at sucking you off, eh? Having blowing experience and all."

"Oh yeah, really good."

"He'd probably be better at it for you if he played the flute," Ray said.

I hit him with my pillow, "You did not just go there!"

"Oh, I did," he said and took the pillow away from me and hit me on the head.

I took away my pillow and put it in my lap, "That will be enough fun for the evening. I don't want to get you too aroused."

Ray stuck his tongue out at me.

He went back to taking notes, and I quizzed him on them a few times. We talked about some random things in between.

When it started to get late I suggested that it was time for him to go.

We said our good-byes and he walked out the door.

I was about to go back upstairs when I heard a knock on the door.

I opened it to see Ray.

"Can you take me home?"

I chuckled, remembering that I had brought him here with my mom's car.

"Why should you? What's in it for me?" I asked him.

Ray thought for a bit before saying, "I have cookies at my house."

"Works for me," I said and grabbed the keys from the coffee table.

Ray gave me directions to his house. Apparently he lived in the rich neighborhood. His house was huge!

He got out and told me to come inside. I followed him in.

I looked around, it was much bigger on the inside. We went into the kitchen where he gave me a cookie.

I looked at the cookie in my hand and crossed my arms around my chest.

"I don't get out of bed for less then three."

Ray laughed and gave me two more cookies.

"I'll see you Monday," he said as led me too the door.

He opened the door and I nodded. If my life was a romantic comedy Ray would kiss me right now in the doorway.

But it wasn't, and he gave me one of those man-hugs instead. The one where you grab the others hand and bump shoulders. But when he finished I gave him a real hug.

"I'm gay. I don't do man-hugs," I said. Ray chuckled.

Once we pulled away he said another I'll see you around, and I walked over to my car.

"Good game, by the way."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, I'm back!

I am impressed by you guys! You gave me a lot of comments for the last chapter!! And I now have five stars! God, I love you guys!.

Hoped you like the update, I worked extra hard on it. Except when I took a break and went swimming, but oh well.

Please read my new Journal post. It concerns all of my stories, and I need your opinion on some things.