Status: Hiatus

The Boys and Girls in the Cliques

Too Cool For The Second Grade

The rest of the day I kept feeling like I was being watched. It was freaking me out, seriously. I knew I was just being paranoid, but I still kept looking over my shoulder and jumped at the tiniest sound. I was so relieved when the bell rang and we were dismissed.

I walked quickly to my locker, wanting to get out of this hell hole as soon as possible.

I put my books away and got all my shit that I needed for my homework, which I probably wasn't even going to do. It was a bad habit of mine to take my homework home when I know that I'm not going to do it, so I carry the books around for absolutely nothing.

I walked through the halls and when I reached the main entrance\exit I saw the guys and Erica waiting for me right outside the doors.

I smiled and we started walking.

"So... Bobby, my dear friend? Care to explain why you had a lovely stiffy at lunch?" Frank asked, bluntly.

Everybody started to laugh as I blushed.

"Uh.... Cotton Candy turns me on?" I said, but it came out as more of a question.

"Liar!" Frank yelled.

"I'm not a liar!" I stuttered as Mikey and Erica clutched their guts and doubled over, Gerard had his little smirk that he had when Frank acts like this. He probably thinks he's too cool for laughing or something.

"Cotton candy does turn me on! Just ask any of my other friends!" I said.

Frank scoffed, then lowered his voice to a softer tone, "Bobby, sweetie, sorry to say this, but we are the only friends you have. Unless you have some invisible friends, in which case.... how come you've never introduced me!?"

"My friends back in Illinois, I mean!" I defended.

"Oh, sorry," Frank said.

I chuckled.

"But seriously though, you can't get a boner from just cotton candy. Who were you thinking about?" Frank pressed.

I decided to go with my good friend, Sarcasm.

"Oh yeah, it was so totally you, Frank. You and cotton candy turn me on like a light switch." I joked.

"Oh I knew you liked me like that, sexy," Frank said, and I could tell he was just kidding around.

Frank then reached up to me, standing up on his tip-toes, seeing as he is, like, a midget, and he licked my jawbone.

I faked moaned and slapped his ass.

I first saw Gerard's eyes widen and he firmly stated, "Okay, that's enough.... you hormonal teenagers," he put a smile on his face, but I could tell it was forced.

I felt a bit guilty for that. He obviously liked Frank, and now he was all jealous.

"That's fine, I don't even like the short-ass that much anyway," I said, trying to make it a bit better for him. He smiled a small, yet genuine, smile and I could tell that this was all fixed, thanks to me. You can hold your applause!

"So," I said, changing the subject, "Where are we going anyway?"

Mikey answered, he was in the front, "My house."


We arrived at his house, which on the small side, one level, with red bricks.

"Welcome to our humble abode," Gerard said as we walked through the door. I kicked off my shoes as Mikey and Frank jumped on the sofa. I followed suit as I watched Frank and Mikey fight over the remote.

"I wanna watch Fairly Odd Parents!"

"No! We are going to watch America's Next Top Model!"

I'll let you try to figure out who wanted to watch what.

I watched in amusement as they fought over the control, and as Gerard snatched it out of their hands and turned it on to a channel showing Beetle Juice.

Nods and several voices of approval were heard. Gerard then squeezed in between Frank and me, with much difficulty because the couch was small and lets say he wasn't the thinnest guy I knew.

"Move, fat ass," Gerard said to Frank as he pushed him into Mikey.

"Ugh, excuse me?" Frank said and I chuckled.

Erica looked at us and pouted, "Where am I supposed to sit?" she asked.

"The floor," Mikey pointed.

She looked at us with narrowed eyes for a few moments, then sat on the floor next to the couch and huffed.

We watched Beetle juice for the next hour. Frank being a good commentator with sayings like: "Don't say the name three times! Don't say it! You better not-- fuck! What did I just say, Retards?" and all of us cracking up at him and telling him to shush.

At one point I ask Erica about Ginny's No-show during the game.

"Oh, that. Yeah, she dropped out of band and then a week later she transferred to a private school. Her father was real mad at the district, ranting on about allowing fags in the school..." she trailed

"Will you shut up? I am trying to watch the movie!' Frank said.

We shut up after that.

Even more interesting was when Gerard and Mikey's dad came home.

All he said to Gerard was: "Hey look, the fag's home," and ignored him the rest of the afternoon. He did, however, say hi to us and even Mikey. Whenever his dad would come near, he would tense up and not move an inch and he would get this stony look on his face.

It looked like all the other guys, including Erica, knew about this and wasn't fazed by it. I wondered why they kept this from me, I could be trusted, right?

When Beetle juice had ten minutes to go, I looked at my watch and said that I had to leave.

Mikey got up really quickly and said that he would walk with me since it was getting late and it would be better to go together.

I said that it wouldn't matter because then he would be walking home alone, then he'd probably get mugged when it would've been me.

"I'll come with you guys then," Erica said, as she shrugged her coat on and slipped on her shoes.

I did the same and as we walked out the door Mikey turned to me and said, "I have to tell you something..."
♠ ♠ ♠
I haven't updated this in ever, and I fell guilty :[
Yeah, so anyway.... I was listening to "Never Wanted To Dance" by MSI while I was writing this. It's so kick-ass it blows me away. If you haven't listened to it I suggest that you do.
And you guys should thank Shanea. If it wasn't for her telling me to update this I would've had no motivation and this wouldn't be here.
Thank You!