Status: Hiatus

The Boys and Girls in the Cliques

Howie Mandall & Billy Mays

Ray's POV

I was walking down the hall when, looking down at my feet, trying not to be noticed, as I was getting more attention with every successful football game I play. I tried to make myself smaller and attempt to be invisible. As I was walking to my Gym class I bumped into somebody. The other person's books fell to my feet and I reached down to pick them up. i looked up to see Bob, tears streaking down his face.

"Dude, are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked him, concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine," He said softly as he took his books from my hand.

"Then why are your tears of sorrow and anguish leaking down your melancholy face--"

Before I could finish my sentence a couple of play writers dressed in black wearing berets and carrying a Java looked over and spoke to me, "That was deep, man."

"Uh, thanks," I said as they walked away.

Bob giggled cutely.

Did I just call his giggles cute? Like, as in a puppy dog or a little squirrel looking for his nuts?

Well, maybe if he were a small squirrel looking for his nuts, then it would be cute.

You'd know you'd let him look for your nuts, a voice said inside me.

What the fuck? Who said that? I wondered.

There was no response.

"Hello?" Bob asked, "You were kinda spacing out."

"Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about nu---squirrels. We have a bad infestation over at my house. Do you know how to get rid of them?" I asked, making it up as I went along.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe you could....I dunno, poison their nuts?" Bob said.

I snorted, and Bob looked at me, confused. Then a look of comprehension washed over his face and we both started to laugh.

The bell rang and I snapped out of it.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around," I said, as I rushed to the Gymnasium. It didn't really matter, since I was the star quarterback, and they knew I was already good at physical activity.

"Yeah," he said, as he walked away.___

Bob's POV

*a few minutes earlier*

So, there I was, minding my own business, well, doing my business, you could say.....I was peeing.

Anyway, know that you know what I was doing, I could tell you that I was shoved right in the middle of....well, my business. My head hit the wall, and my package hit the side of the urinal.

I zipped up my pants and looked behind me.

"What the fuck are you---" I couldn't finish my sentence because knuckles hit the side of my face, hurting me with a shocking pain through my mandible (and for all you people who don't know what that is, it's my jaw.)

I looked up to see a bald jock with a brown soul patch. He looked like a Howie Mandall wannabe, only more built and probably wasn't a germaphobe, since he was picking on me in the scummy bathroom while I was pissing.

He pushed me down to the dirty bathroom floor, oh those stained tiles! Why couldn't they just listen to Billy Mays and gotten Oxi Clean or whatever is that cleans scum in between tiles. He pushed me down and started to kick my side. I groaned in agony, and he continued to hurt me without even thinking about my feelings.

He grinned at my pain, oh the bastard! He continued to kick both sides of me until he had enough and just walked out of the bathroom, that stupid Howie Mandall!

I lay there for a few seconds and then slowly got up. I groaned in pain, grabbing my side. I looked mirror, and I didn't look all that bad. I lifted up my shirt to see my whole side blackened with bruises. It was occasionally yellow at the middle, but that didn't make a difference.

I washed my hands and picked up my books from the ground. I walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway. I looked down as I walked, so no one could see me cry. I ended up bumping into someone.

That someone was Ray. My heart fluttered as he picked up my books and smiled as he looked at me. That smile faded as he saw my tear-stained face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Billy Mays is a spokesperson (who is really crazy. and creepy) who endorses cleaning products.

Howie Mandall is the host of Deal Or No Deal, a game show.

My Friend Melly helped me write this. Her user name is xColorful_Darknessx, and she demanded an update along with:

Psyche Adrenaline
Exaggerated Mess

Thank you very much.

And thank you to the people who have commented on my last updates:
Mister McNormal
Oh baby lets bang.
Erincer Walker x2 cuz she commented on my very last update (the only one)

Thank so much to the people who are still subscribed, even after the long wait, and if you aren't anymore I understand that I am very hard to deal with. I had major writers block (you would know if you read my journals)
I hopefully will be updating this more often (I am always saying that :\) and all I ask for is comments.

Love you!