Status: Hiatus

The Boys and Girls in the Cliques

Girls Aren't My Thing...

I got into the front seat of my mom's car and waited for her to get in. Women always take so long to get ready; I could never quite understand it. It doesn't take that long to just throw something on, is it? It was only my grandpa; does she really have to get all dressed up?

We were going to my grandpa's house. He lived right down the road. I was a bit anxious. Who wouldn't be? This would be the first time I met him, how do I know what he is like?

My mom walked out of the house. She came close to the car and I rolled down the window.

"Hey mom, we live in New Jersey now. Go lock the door!" I told her. She groaned and turned around. Sometimes I feel as if I'm the parent sometimes.

She locked the door and walked back to the car. She got in and gave me a look.

"What I would do without you?" she said and pinched my cheek.

"Mom," I groaned, but I had a smile on my face.

My mom started the car and we pulled out of the driveway. He only lived about a few blocks away, so we were there in no time.

I got out of the car, a little nervous. I had no idea what this dude is like. What if he's an old man that only likes to hit people with his cane?

My mom rang the doorbell. I took a deep breath. I've had a grand history of bad first impressions.

An old man with a big smile opened the door, "Well isn't it my granddaughter!" he exclaimed with a smile. He beckoned us inside and closed the door behind us.

Once inside he gave my mom a huge hug. And I just stood there like an idiot and didn't really know what to do. They finally pulled apart and my grandfather laid eyes on me. I was a bit uncomfortable under his gaze, I have always been a bit self-conscious and I don't like it when people stare at me. Or take a picture of me. I hate cameras with a passion.

"And this is Robert!" he said and hugged me.

"Call me Bob," I managed to say as he hugged me.

He let go and stared at me once again, "Well don't just stand there! Sit!" he said to us. We did as told and sat on the sofa.

"How do you like Jersey, Bob?" he asked.

I shrugged, "Pretty cool. But I still love Chicago," I said. It was kinda a lie, since I thought Chicago was waaay better than New Jersey, but I am trying to make a good impression.
"Oh, I understand. A bit homesick, huh? Bet you left some lovely lady back in Illinois, right?" He said.

Ah, shit. He just had to bring this up. I felt my face getting red. I was off to a good start, but he just had to talk about my sexuality.

"Ummmm....Girls aren't thing," I said, pretty lamely. Oh, god, I hope he doesn't hate me. Don't old people hate gays?

"Are you homosexual?" he asked, I couldn't tell what he thought by his voice or expression. Fuck, I was fucking scared!

I felt myself nodding.

My grandpa gave a hoot of laughter. I looked up, confused. He was holding his gut and laughing his ass off. I don't get it, does he think being gay is funny?

"Wanna know why your grandma left me?" he asked, amidst the laughter. I didn't know what this had to do with anything, so I said, "Uhh, sure?"

"She found me cheating on her with an old army buddy. She was pissed!" he exclaimed. I started to laugh as well. And I was worried that he'd hate me for being gay!

"I bet it skips a generation!," he sighed and stopped laughing, "You and me has got to get together some time and talk about guy stuff, you know what I mean?" he said and winked. I smiled in spite of it all. My mother was right next to me and shaking her head. She was right about how cool he was.

After that my mom made dinner for us while I and my Grandpa played video games. Yes, video games. And boy did he kick my ass! I made a mental note to me for if I never got any friends I could always hang out with my grandpa.

I told him how I was in band during dinner and pretty much everything about myself. Even more stuff than I ever told my mom, she was surprised about some of the things I had said.

It was getting late, and we had to go home. I was happy that I found some sort of parental figure that I actually could relate to.

Before I left I give him a big hug. "We should hang out more often," he said to me, and for a second it was as if he was my age.

I bid him farewell and left.

While in the car my mom turned to me and said, "I told you he was cool."