Status: Hiatus

The Boys and Girls in the Cliques

Time For Thinking and a Little Over-Reacting

I was currently in band practice. It was my first band practice at this school. And needless to say, the songs we were practicing were kinda easy. Maybe I'm just so talented it seems easy to me.

Or maybe I just like to boast about my abilities.

But nevertheless, it was an easy song and I found myself thinking about different things is I robotically played my instrument. Maybe the reason why these were easy songs was because the first concert was going to be at the elementary school, playing for the little kids. It wasn't like we were supposed to impress anybody or anything.

So there I was, thinking about what happened yesterday. Today was uneventful, giving me even more to time to think about the school, and my sexuality. I was scared, I admit it, I really didn't want to lose my friends. I was kinda getting attached to them. Well, who wouldn't? They're my friends!

But I do know that at least Erica will still be my friend when I tell her. Because I will tell her. It's just who I am, and I won't hide who I really am from my friends.

I looked over at Erica as I thought of her. She caught me staring and smiled back at me.

Today was almost the same as yesterday. I found out that the Way's and Frank were in pretty much every class with me, and Ray was in about half. That made me feel kinda cool, I guess.

I couldn't help but feel really sorry for them. They were literally completely rejected just because they were gay. I didn't want that to happen to me. Sure people hated me back at my old school, but it wasn't a lot. The rest didn't care either way. We were a pretty open minded school.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to hind myself for long, though.

The song was soon over and the band teacher, Mr. Cox, started to talk about something or other while my mind started to drift to other things.

It was a bit lonely up here, I noticed. Since I was a percussionist I sat way in the back were nobody else was. It's funny how I just notice random things like that.

I caught Ginny staring at my with my peripheral vision. I didn't want to look back at her, though, that would cause an uncomfortable situation for me.

Class was soon dismissed and I rushed to my locker so Ginny wouldn't try to follow me. I put away all my shit that I didn't need for my homework and started to head home.

Erica started to catch up with me while I was walking out of the building.

"Wanna walk home with me?" she asked me.

"Sure," I said and we continued to walk.

We were walking in silence for a few more moments as we walked side by side.

"So," Erica said, trying to stir up a conversation with me.

"Is there anybody you have your eyes on yet?" She asked me with a smirk.

"Well there is this one... person I'm kinda interested in," I told her, but I wasn't quite ready to tell her about me yet.

"Oh yeah? Care to... tell me about them?" She asked.

I shook my head. Silence soon followed afterward.

"...Bob?" Erica said after a while.

"Yeah?" I asked her. It was the way she said my name that got me wondering what she would say next.

"I know we just met but..."

My eyes widened. Uh-oh, this wasn't starting to sound good.

"I think I... like you," she said, looking at me for a response. She was biting her lip, and had a worried look on her face.

"Erica," I sighed as I tried to think of what to say next.

I guess now is better than never. And to think I wasn't quite ready to tell her just a mere moments ago.

"I'm gay."
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhhh... comments make me happy?

sorry about the shortness. I just felt that I needed to update this so I did. And I left you with a cliffhanger! Muahahahahahahaha!

And I would like to advertise my new Stories Crystal Child and Awake And Unafraid. I'm too lazy to put the links here, but you guys are smart, you know where you can find them ;]