Status: Hiatus

The Boys and Girls in the Cliques

Thank God For Friendship

I guess I never really thought about what Gerard Way, his brother, or Frank Iero were like. I guess in the back of my head I just thought that maybe they were super depressed and talked to no one. Yet, I knew that this was a bit stupid of me to think this. They were obviously real people, and I probably shouldn't judge them like that.

Well, I never thought about how they were until I was paired up with Gerard Way for Math.

I was a bit nervous at first. What was I supposed to say to him? I guess that was where that first stereotype came in. Why would he talk to me anyway? Then I told myself that that was a pretty bad thing to say. Who was I judge him of what I didn't know about him?

I was still contemplating of what to say when he said the first thing:

"This is impossible," he said, shaking his head.

"Hell yeah it is," I found myself saying.

"I hate Math," he said.

I shrugged, "Geometry's okay."

"Are you fucking crazy?" he exclaimed in a hushed tone.

"What, do you prefer Algebra or Trig or something?"

"I just hate all math," he said, shaking his head.

"Its not that bad," I shrugged.

Gerard looked at me as if I had something utterly disgusting and offensive.

He shook his head once more, "You're crazy."

I smiled and tried to explain the best I could the problems on the sheet.

We finished with five minutes to spare, I had just given up and let him copy off of my work.

"So, what's your favorite band?" I asked Gerard.

"Uh, I like the Misfits. They are my absolute favorite. Queen is probably my guilty pleasure," he confessed with a shrug.

"You?" he asked me.

"I like Black Sabbath." I said.

He nodded, "They're pretty cool."

There was an awkward silence between us. We both really didn't know what to say next.

"Um, I was wondering..." he started, but shook his head and stopped.

"Never mind, you probably wouldn't want to be seen hanging out with me," he said, more to himself than to me.

"No, dude, what were you saying?" I said, not wanting him to feel that way with me. In the minutes I had shared with him, I noticed that he could probably be a true friend. One that I would need.

"I was wondering if we could hang out some more often. Help with math, you know?" he said, uncertain with his words.

"More like give you the answers, right?" I said, smiling.

He chuckled, and seemed more relieved.

"Maybe," he mumbled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, well it may seem like a filler. But its not!!! I'll sow you filler....
Sorry for the length, I just tried to write a little bit more, but it just didn't feel right. Ya know?
I am so sorry for the long wait. At first I was a bit stuck on this. And if you read my journal post, you'd understand that My Aunt Gave me Twilight, the book. And I was caught up with that and didn't have time to update.
Actually, I admit that I had time. I was just too into the book. I think the movie will be better though.
This story will soon take off. It might seem like its going nowhere right now, but next chapter will be some action, I assure you!
Yeah, so, I'm sorry for the wait, and the length. And every sin that I had done. Well... at least every updating sin. On Mibba. Yeah.

OH! I forgot. What do you think of my new layout? My lil sister made the "Bray" backround for me. she pretty much knows all about MCR bandslash. lol, the first time I told her about Waycest she was like, "But they're brothers..." lol so cute.
What a bad influence I am.