Status: Hiatus

The Boys and Girls in the Cliques

Suspicious Minds / He's Not Into Girls

Erica's POV (GASP!)

I was at my locker, putting away my books for lunch, when I thought I saw Bob out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head, to see him and Gerard Way walking together and laughing. I guess it was only a matter of time till he started to hang out with his own kind. I thought it was nice that I wasn't the only person that could make him happy.

Ginny walked up beside me and cleared her throat. I groaned in my mind and turned to her. I gave a semi-friendly smile and leaned against my locker.

She too was watching Bob walk to the lunchroom with Gerard. She had a puzzled look on her face.

"Why is Bob hanging out with the fag?" she asked me. Like I had all the answers to everything.

"Maybe they're friends," I said, a harsh edge to my tone. Why should she care if Bob was hanging out with him? It's not like she is God or something.

"Who would be friends with Gerard Way?" she said his name as if was a disgusting vulgar word.

"He's probably trying to be nice," Ginny though out loud.

"Or maybe he really is friends with him."

She gave me a dirty look and put her hands on her hips, "Well he is new, so he probably doesn't know how bad his reputation will be if he is seen hanging out with him. Look," she had a soft expression on her face and put her hand on my shoulder, "You're his friend, why don't you talk to him and maybe knock some sense into him. He listens to you, right?"

I was very offended at her words, but I decided to play along. I gave her a sickeningly sweet smile and said, "Of course I will."

She smiled and started to walk towards the lunchroom.

"Bitch," I added.____

It was lunch time, I was next to Bob as we talked about the concert, and how he thought that little kids were cute. I wasn't really paying much attention to him, which I was regretting since I'd probably missed out on something important, but my focus was on Ginny. She was sitting across from Bob making googly - love eyes at him. She would giggle at any chance that something he said could be taken as funny, and I could tell it was getting on his nerves.

If some chick tried to hit on me, and I wasn't attracted to her, I'd get pretty pissed or annoyed at her also.

I guess I was a bit jealous also. I still kinda liked Bob, and if I couldn't have him, well, Ginny couldn't. Because he's gay. And doesn't like girls. So Ginny has no chance with him. Ha.

It was still annoying nonetheless.

And then, believe it or not, she started giving me these weird looks! I know what you're thinking, no she wasn't hitting on me. She was kinda forcing me with her eyes to talk to him about Gerard. No way I was going to do that. If I did, Ginny would win and get a big head. Well, a bigger head.

"You're not listening," Bob said in a sing-song voice. I smiled and apologized. He went on about whatever he was talking about, and this time I actually listened to him.

When lunch was over Ginny pulled my aside by the trash cans. She tried avoiding the traffic coming out of the lunchroom and nearly pulled my arm off.

"You didn't talk to him about the fag," she said in an informing voice. Oh, really? I didn't know that.

"I'll talk to him about it later," I lied.

"Okay then. And I was wondering..." she looked me in the eye, it was almost like a glare, but not quite.

"Well, you're his friend, right? Do you think Bob would be interested in dating me?" she asked.

I snorted, this was just too good. I tried to regain my composure, while on the inside I was dying of a laughing fit.

"He's not into girls," I blurted out. But beat myself up in my mind for saying that. I am so fucking stupid! I said I wouldn't tell! Dammit, what kinda friend was I?

"Like you," I quickly made up for the slip up before. But Ginny didn't buy it. She heard what I said at first, then could totally see that I had tried to cover up what I had truly said. She had a suspicious look on her face, she didn't believe me, and was putting the pieces together in her head. Aha!, she was thinking, So that's why he's hanging out with Gerard, because he's a queer also!

"Oh, okay," she said in a mocking voice, "I now see where you two stand."

Oh shit. I really fucked up this time.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was going to my grandparents house all week for soccer camp. I know, I'm a bad person and I kept you waiting. Sigh, I hope you forgive me.

Yeah, so I mixed it up. You get Erica's POV! YAY! Oh, and Erica, I'm sorry about You-know-what. PM me.

Comments make me update faster!!!!