Status: Hiatus

The Boys and Girls in the Cliques

Forget About The Dirty Looks? Yeah, Right

People were staring at me, and I didn't like it.

With all these people looking at me made me recently realise that I don't like to be stared at. Everyone was doing it, some people were even giving me dirty looks. I was scared, what did I do? Did they find out I was gay?

"Faggot," some ass said to me. Well, that answered that question.

That only meant one thing: Erica told.

Damn, I was so pissed.

I tried weaving in and out of the crowd of haters looking for her. She had to be here somewhere!

There she was, where (of course) she would be. Her head was stuck in her locker, most likely hiding from me. I tapped her back, she jumped and hit her head on the top of her locker. She came out of her locker, rubbing the back of her head and looking guilty.

"You told," I stated. I didn't accuse her, I knew it was her, and I didn't yell. There must be some explanation as to why she would let slip to the whole school that I was a "sinner", as a person that had just walked passed said.

"Oh my fucking god, Bob, I am so sorry!" she said as she flung her arms around me, "Ugh! I didn't mean to! It slipped and she found out and told everyone!"

"Woah, wait, back up. I don't understand, who told? Who did you tell?" I asked, confused.

"It was Ginny!" she exclaimed with tears in her eyes, "She was asking if you'd like to go out with her and I let it slip that you don't like girls, but I said, "Like you," so it would that you didn't like girls like her, but she figured it out and told everybody and she probably would've told even if you weren't gay!" she said very quickly, but I caught enough to know what happened.

I was speechless. That whore told the whole fucking school!

It went like that for the rest of the day, the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and I even got pushed into lockers a few times. Sure, I was used to it, but this was the whole school. It hurt.

I couldn't even imagine what lunch was like.____

Erica and I, after getting our food, went to sat down at our usual table, with all the other band geeks. Once we were about ten feet away from the table, everyone turned around and sent us a glare. It was mostly towards me, that menacing glare. I had a feeling that if Erica would've wanted to sit there without me, she could.

Yet, she did the thing a real friend did and grabbed my arm and us both walked over to the table where Gerard Way, his brother, and Frank Iero sat.

I never really took a good, hard look at any of them. Gerard, who I had already seen and knew from math, had shoulder chin length black hair (probably dyed). He had beautiful eyes, hazel. They say that eye's are the window to the soul, an I guess it must be true in some way, because all I really saw in his eyes were sorrow, despair, depression, and was that.... sympathy? He was staring at me, but he had a glazed over look, it was like he was here, but he wasn't. Does that make sense? It was like he was lost in his own place where he could escape the disappointment of the real world that had clearly let him down. I slightly understood how he was feeling.

The boy on the other side of him had to be his brother, Micheal. They looked a little alike, they had the same shaped eye's and mouth. Mikey was really scrawny, where as Gerard had a larger built, not fat though. Mikey had glasses and mousy brown hair. He had that nerdy look to him, but he could sorta pull it off.

Frank. He was a different story. He had that sad tint to his eye's, but more hope. They were also hazel, but could be easily mistaken for brown. He had dark brown hair, it was shaggy and around chin length. His eyes were wide and innocent, but you can tell that traumatic things had happened in his life. I got this feeling that he was the one that kept them to together. To keep them from breaking.

"Hey," I said softly. It was almost as that word was a detonator, every body's head turned to me. Then came the dirty looks. I haven't felt rejection like this before, and I didn't like it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Note to the real Ginny: don't get offended that I called you whore. You aren't and we both know that :]

Comments please! They really encourage me to write! If I get enough I might update again!