Status: Hiatus

The Boys and Girls in the Cliques

Family Guy

It was all the same the next day, the next, and the next. The snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the occasional shoves. It didn't really bother me anymore. I was used to it. It was all becoming consistent and predictable, it was never a surprise to me anymore.

I had learned more about the Way's and Frank these past few days. They were becoming my friends, and Erica was still sitting with me every day. Showing what a loyal friend she was to me. The boy's and us were communicating easier now, and things were less awkward. I was actually pretty happy.

I remember the day that I told my great-grandfather about the kids at school. He said, "Don't sweat it, Bob-O," he ruffled my hair, "You have good friends that will stick by you no matter what, screw everyone else," is what he said, then he asked if I wanted to watch this documentary on the sex habits of dolphins. I politely turned him down on that, but said I'll come back down to watch some blue whales banging each other in a while. He didn't hear the sarcasm in my voice.

So today, Thursday, we were having lunch. It was pretty normal for us to all meet during lunch. Frank and Mikey were a year behind us, and weren't in any of my classes, but we all had lunch together. It was a little bit different, though. Gerard was being less talkative, and I couldn't help but notice that he would flinch whenever he moved. I was wondering what was up with him, if maybe some kids cornered him yesterday and beat him up, or maybe even if he did it to himself. I wasn't sure, though. Gerard didn't really seem like the type to hurt himself on purpose, but you could never be sure.

I tried talking to Mikey about it with facial expressions and my eyes, but apparently he had no idea what I was trying to get at, making funny faces at him, making my eyes bigger, and nodding my head in Gerard's direction. It looked like I could only do that with Erica.

After a minute of doing this I decided this was hopeless, and that Mikey didn't have a clue. But once I stopped he gave me a puzzled look.

"Do you wanna ask Gerard out or somethin'?" Mikey asked me, he said this very loud, and it felt as if the whole room heard it. It got considerably quieter in the lunchroom. I blushed because now pretty much the whole room was staring at me along with Gerard and Frank, who were interrupted in their conversation on whether or not Barney was a pedophile (it was a very deep discussion, mind you.)

"Wow, I didn't know that you had the hots for Gerard, Bob," Frank said, and raised his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"What? No--I don't--"

"It's Okay to admit it, Bob," Mikey said, putting his hand over mine and attempted a sincere look.

Frank snickered and put his index and thumb touching each other to make an "O" and pushed his index finger on his other hand in an out of the "O", he directed this to Gerard. Gerard's cheek went even redder than mine.

"You misunderstood me, Mikey, you douche. I don't like Gerard," I informed them

Gerard let out a breath that he was holding in.

"That would've made things awkward," he said in sad voice. I didn't understand, did he really like me?

"How do we know you're not lying?" Frank asked, looking at me suspiciously.

"Because Bob has already told me who he likes, and it isn't Gerard," Erica piped up.

"Who would like me anyway?" Gerard said. Frank gave him a stern look that told him that that wasn't true.

"Ooh, who is it Bob?" Frank asked me, his mouth wide open in a goofy smile.

"No one," I said.

"Aw, c'mon Bob. Tell us who it is!" Mikey nudged my arm.

"You'll laugh," I whined. Note to self: whining is so not me.

"It's Ray," Erica did everything in her power to keep my secret safe. Not.

"Oh," Frank said, I gave Erica a dirty look, she shrugged.

"He's gay," Frank said out of the blue.


"Ray. I think he's gay. Or at least bisexual." Frank said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"How do you know that?" Mikey asked. Gerard was looking down at his food, a sad expression on his face, I was the only one to notice this.

"I just do. I could tell Bob was a flamer the first time he came here."

"But everyone else didn't. You have to admit he isn't a stereotypical fag. He fooled the whole school." Erica said.

"Well maybe I'm special. And if Bob could fool the school, wouldn't it be easier for Ray to fool them? Since he is so liked? And I did bet Mikey ten bucks that Bob was gay the second day of school, of course Mikey conveniently doesn't remember it." Frank said, Mikey smirked.

It did make a lot of sense. Maye Ray was gay.

"Did you watch Family Guy last night?" Frank changed the subject suddenly and asked me. I shook my head slowly, "No, why?"

"Because Family Guy is a very funny show, and maybe I just like to discuss mature, animated comedies after I watch them."

"Family Guy is just a stupid cartoon," Gerard grumbled.

Frank gasped over-dramatically, "Family Guy isn't a cartoon! And it is not stupid!"

"Why are we talking about this anyway?" Mikey asked.

"Because Family Guy is a very funny show, and maybe I just like to discuss mature, animated comedies after I watch them." Frank repeated.

"No, no. I mean we were just talking about Ray and then we just start talking about this! I happen to disagree with you in both convos! Family Guy is retarded, and Ray is definitely not gay!" Mikey said.

Frank shook his head, "Ga-a-ay," he drawn out the word in a sing-song voice, "And Family Guy is awesome!"

"Why watch that shit when you could watch some better cartoons? The Simpson's is a way better cartoon than Family Guy, and then there's Cartoon Network! There is shit on their way better than Family Guy!" Gerard said, finally getting into the conversation.

Mikey nodded, "Especially Pokemon."

"Pokemon is anime," Gerard informed Mikey. Mikey's face fell.

"Then why do the show Family Guy on Cartoon Network?" Frank said, starting to raise his voice, wanting to get back into this conversation.

"Oh come on. Family Guy is on at Midnight on Cartoon Network, like anybody would watch it then when there are even better shows on at twelve at night," I said accepting the fact that we weren't getting back to our old conversation, even if I did beg to differ on Franks view on Ray's sexuality. Oh, well. A guy can dream, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooh! Is Ray really gay? How will this Family guy-related argument end? You will find out soon! Well, not the latter, but you will live right?

Yeah, this was a filler, but action will come in the next chapter!! I have a lot planned for this story!

If I get enough comments, I might just update tomarrow, so tell me if you want an update!