
Entry Seven

I probably sound like a broken record.

But I can’t help it.

God is just so good. I’m out here at university for Easter break with no money to my name. On top of that, all the dining halls are closed. I had no idea what I was going to do for food for the next five days. And just as that thought crossed my mind, I check my mail and saw that I’d received a $20 gift card to Wal-mart. Amazing!

On another note, I’m pretty positive guys have a sixth sense – one that lets them know when girls have finally moved on from them. I say this because J texted me today. Ridiculous, right? I’m still not going to get all caught up and mushy over him like I was before. And I’m still planning on shifting my focus to bettering myself mentally, physically, and spiritually, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a least a little satisfied that he decided to get text me today.

His excuse was that he accidentally deleted our text conversation before he could save my contact in his phone. I’m not really sure what to make of that – he could very well be lying, but whatever. Our conversation pretty much picked up where we left off, and I still feel really chill and comfortable talking to him. So for the time being, I’m just going to accept this “relationship” between us for what it is and not try to worry or anticipate anything else. The end of the semester is coming up, and I need my mind cleared and focused so that I can finish on a high note.

Lastly, my brother almost had sex today. I was surprised and not surprised all at the same time. He’s so mature. So much so that sometimes I even forget he’s the younger sibling instead of myself. It’s his decision to do whatever he wants, but I just hope he’s smart enough to not go and catch an STD. Females these days are so disgusting. I’d be so heartbroken if he fooled around and caught something.

I’m still planning on saving all of that for marriage. Call me a prude if you want, but that’s my decision and I’m sticking to it. I just feel like I’ve done so much wrong in the eyes of God, and I kind of want to “make up” for it in a sense by waiting to have sex until I’m married. I know sin and retribution doesn’t really work like that, but I still want to go through with it.

April 18th, 2014