Status: Updated every Friday.

Vita Mortem


Another wave of pain rippled through Ravan’s body and she let out a strangled groan, clutching her head. Ravan struggled to get up, stumbling once she was on her feet, and ended up knocking over her nightstand. ‘Gryffindor’s going to win this season for sure!’ ‘I really need to finish the potions essay or Professor Snape is going to give me detention.’ ‘I think it’s time to prank Filch again,’ so many voices screamed inside of her head. Tears spilled down her face as she tried to make it to the door.

“Have, have to get… away,” Ravan croaked, her legs buckled and before she hit the ground she was unconscious.


“Ravan?” Scarlet questioned in a small voice, her head peeking around the corner as she slowly opened the door. Hearing a small thud, she looked down with a frown to see Ravan in the way of the door’s swing. “Are you alright? I heard a scream..” Scarlet’s voice trailed off as she looked at her friend in concern, her brows furrowing as she took in the devastation of the room around her.

Scarlet knelt down by her friend and reached a hand out to her forehead, feeling the raw heat that was emanating from it. “We need to get you to the Hospital Wing, and now I sound insane because you’re unconscious and you can’t hear me,” she sighed, picking up Ravan’s arms to drag her unconscious body behind her. She made her way to the top of the stairs, before letting out a loud yell to alert the Gryffindors that something was wrong.

Her loud yell interrupted the party, heads swinging towards the girl’s dormitories, as Scarlet slowly descended the stairs, Ravan being dragged behind her. “Someone get Professor McGonagall!” she screamed over the last partiers, effectively quieting them.

“What’s wrong?” Oliver stepped forward, before Fred pushed him out of the way.

“She’s sick, you git!” Fred snapped, moving closer to Ravan.

“Well don’t just stand there! I need someone to help me get her down, unless you want me to give Ravan a concussion from hitting the stairs!” Scarlet said, cocking an eyebrow at the mass of students.

“Creevey, go get Professor McGonagall,” George directed, ushering him out of the room.

Fred and Oliver rushed up to Scarlet and Ravan, causing Scarlet’s eyes to widen and her to yell out, “No, a girl! I meant a-”

In the heat of the moment, everyone had forgotten that while girls were allowed in the boy’s dormitories, boys were not allowed inside the girl’s dormitories. Even trying to make your way up the stairs was futile, as the stairs would flatten, causing anyone who was on them to slide down to the bottom.

Scarlet’s feet lost their footing and she let out a startled cry as she felt Ravan began slide down the slope. Scarlet crashed down on top of her unconscious friend, elbowing Ravan harshly in the ribs and hitting her head harshly on the ground.

Fred and Oliver lost their own footing and went tumbling back down the now non-existent stairs as Scarlet and Ravan landed in a pile next to them.

“Merlin’s sake boys, you could have at least caught the unconscious one,” Scarlet stated, rolling her eyes at them from her position on the floor.

They grumbled their apologies as they picked themselves up off the floor, and then made their way over to Ravan. They glared at each other as they both went to pick her up, hands clashing.

“That’s fine, leave the one with the possible concussion to help herself up,” Scarlet grumbled as she stood up on her own, dusting herself off and turning to see Oliver scope Ravan up into his arms.

“She’s really burning up, come on,” Oliver said to Scarlet, frowning in concern, the two of them turning to head towards the Hospital Wing.


After a tired Madame Pomfrey was woken from her slumber by two frenzied students barging into the Hospital Wing, Ravan had been admitted for the night, to be better examined during the day. For now, she was kept in her sleep, so as not to wake again and scream in pain.Scarlet slept beside her in a chair by Ravan’s bed, worried for her friend and what could have made her scream out in pain like that.

Both their sleeping forms were watched over by Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. “Have you noticed the change in the weather?” Professor Dumbledore remarked, seeming to be making small talk to any other person.

Professor McGonagall knew better. “I have, I’ve noticed the slight difference. It seems to be changing on a whim, and that isn’t normal for this climate.” She looked at the two girls for a moment longer, before turning to Dumbledore and asking, “What will they become?”

Dumbledore turned to her, a slight twinkle in his eyes, before remarking, “Angels.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry our schedule has been out of whack!

Jess has a lot of uni work and I started a new job as well as having backstage managing to do, but now I've finished backstage managing so I'll have a bit more time on my hands to update another stories as well as my role-pays and staff duties.

Fun times!

Anywhore, hope you enjoyed this update <3
