The Mission


[A/n] Set after the Avenger’s movie but before Iron Man 3 or Captain America 2.

“They want me to come in, Charles,” Evelynn whispered to the grave stone. “I think they’re worried I might fall into old habits. They don’t see the good in me like you did.” She ran her hands through her dark chestnut hair. “I wish you were here to give me advice. I feel lost.”

“Hey, kid,” Logan walked up behind her and clasps his hands on her shoulders. “Bike’s ready whenever you are.” Logan had offered to drive her to NYC, where she was meant to meet her new boss. Logan didn’t trust the guy, and frankly Evelynn didn’t either. It was always hard to trust someone who had previously tried to kill you.

“You know, Logan, I’m no kid anymore. I’m almost 26,” Evelynn quipped, picked up her backpack and followed Logan to the garage. Logan handed her the extra helmet but did not don his own as he swung his leg over the bike. She followed suit and wrapped her arms around his waist. When the bike started, Evelynn squeezed a little tighter. She didn’t mind motorcycles, per se, but Logan had a tendency to drive a little recklessly. He was practically indestructible and tended to forget that others may not be.

There was a silver table in the middle of the room and Evelynn sat flatfooted on the chair facing the darkened one-way mirror. Evelynn perused through the files as she waited for Director Fury to grace her with his presence. There were three SHIELD agents in the room, armed and staring at her intently. They probably didn’t have the clearances to even know why someone like her would need so much added security. Fury really didn’t trust her. Well at least the feeling was mutual.

“Interesting that you call me in,” she stated, nonchalantly as Fury entered. “Why not call the X-men in if your precious Avengers really can’t handle them?”

“Sometimes the fewer people you have to micromanage, the better.”

“So why me?”

“Call it a hunch that you need something to distract you,” Fury responded. “Couldn’t have you messing up Storm’s classes now that Charles is dead.”

“I would never insult his memory like that and you know it,” Evelynn scowled. After a moment, she relaxed. “You know my past, you know my, talent, shall we say? If you don’t tell me what I want to know I can just find out.”

“That is why we need you on this mission.” Fury smirked.

“And the Avenger’s know nothing about this?” Fury shook his head. “Do I have a cover as to why I’m in the Stark Tower with all of the Avengers?”

Fury pushed an additional file across the table. It was much older than the others and was marked “Steve Rogers, Captain America.” She nodded in understanding.