Status: Are you ready for when it comes, what will it look like when survival takes play. see how that begins from the Beyond This Point. As it will keep you in your seats and make you wonder if this will happen and hopefully in the end you can decide on that.

Beyond This Point

Time is up and here we go

Newport Oregon
April 22nd 2015 1:35 P.M.
The town of Newport and other beach towns were destroyed; the waters were still high up filled
with Dubrie, carrying a mold stench that smelt like sulfur that was in the air, smoke was thick in the
sky from the many fires. Highways and bridges were still being worked on, there was help coming
from all sides from all military branches, Red Cross, Fema and other country allies that were helping
from great Britain, Japan, Australia and the U.N. The black hawks were flying over with other
military craft. Hundreds of these military aircrafts came flying in and dropping off supplies and
soldiers to the bad areas of the North West coast and the soldiers were shocked to see that these
beach towns were just in the waters, they searched through high and low in the buildings and in the
waters as they were on rafts in the waters to search for survivors. Helicopters were flying
everywhere around the beach areas looking for hours day and night for anyone from down below.
There was a headquarters for the military and for aircrafts to land there to bring supplies, survivors
mostly the injured. The heroic ways of soldiers, country allies, local authorities and Red Cross from
those who wear a badge or medal to a volunteer who doesn’t need badges or medals to show that
they can be a soldier themselves by medically and mentally help people who are suffering. All were
making a difference in each day they were saving lives and bringing families and friends back
together, but they were also especially there when someone lost their loved one.
They work hard and never gave up even for how frustrating, difficult and challenging it got.
These kinds of people were always there for them. As it has become a priority and mission to save
as many as they can, then rebuild their home towns back again. When the water was seeping back
more giving more better search opportunity to find anyone faster, many of reporters were always
coming in to give the word the news, interviewing people. Most of the interviews from survivors
were heart breaking, tear jerking to where you were hurting for these people who have lost
everything. It was a great opportunity to show the truth of what happened at the Northwest coast
and what it looked like, they were taking pictures after pictures of everything that showed the true
horror that this disaster brought. At headquarters soldiers were coming in and out with injured and
survivors, Kyle a reporter who had a passion to always be in the danger zone but also had a passion
in telling the truth as he would capture everything through one on one interviews, good writing and
most of taking photos of the disaster and the aftermath with his well-known black and white
photography. Kyle was sitting with the other solders in the cafeteria in a school where it sheltered
the soldiers to give them a place of rest, they were all laughing at the table, telling dirty jokes. Kyle
then saw the newspaper and something caught his attention he scanned through the first page of the
as it was talking about the disaster and it’s aftermath. It was also saying how this is already bringing
the economy down and in the corner a small picture that was showing the refugee’s camp riots, he
looked at it and turned to the page. He read about the 153,000 refugees that are already
in central Oregon and how people in violence. Kyle then called his boss back at News and asked
to send him to Central Oregon, his boss was frustrated but sent him anyways and Kyle flown in a
cargo plane sitting with other soldiers. They landed at the Redmond Airport, once they got out, he
saw the many hundreds of white tents from Red Cross that were housing the injured, Kyle walked
through the small airport and there was only soldiers and people from Red Cross. He then saw the
bus that was taking refugees to Bend and Kyle took the next bus, once he arrived to Bend it didn’t
look as lively and bright as it should be. There were so many people walking down through town
and the parks, there was always a long traffic driving in the streets and. He felt sad when he looked
out of that bus window as there was piles of trash everywhere, there was hundreds of tents at the
parks and parking lots, it was hard experience to look at, especially when use to come to this town
when he was young for camping trips and festivals that Bend did as a town and community. Now it
is broken, trashed, transformed and dirty. Soldiers and police patrolled everywhere on the streets
from foot to vehicles and they also used drones to have better view on the towns. He saw the
Hopelessness was in their eyes and the restless was in their faces as the feeling of careless and they
were starting to look empty but lost, and separated from the grace of life and love. Once the bus
had arrived to COCC camp division he then walked out and smelt that foul wet and the stench of
B.O., there was dirt everywhere even on the streets, people walking around, people eating food,
people getting treated. Soldiers and U.N. troops were armed and on guard. Kyle was shocked of
how everything looked there was white tents everywhere and shacks around the Deschutes river
woods area. He saw how dirty they looked and their depression seemed deeper into wounds from
losing so many loved ones, his heart hurt for he never had seen anything like this before and it
cramped his stomach to where he wanted to puke. He then got to his tent where there were bunks
and he picked his bunk and started to unpack his stuff on the his bunk, after when he was done he
then walked out and started to walk through the camp. He saw how much they were struggling and
how they seemed to be giving up. Suddenly he saw people running down the camp and he heard a
woman screaming, quickly Kyle started to run down and as he got closer towards the crowd. He
stopped and heard the woman screaming in her tent and he saw this skinny black man wearing a
basketball jersey and baggy jeans that would hang loose down to the man’s ass.
Kyle said “what’s going on?”
The man said “someone is giving birth and some doctors and volunteers are with her now.”
“oh my, is she doing well?” said Kyle
The man looked at him oddly and said “if you think that sounds like she’s doing well then
shit dude what kind of pain have you been in?”
Kyle smiled and chuckled as he said “well I hope she will be okay.”
After a while of waiting and sitting around with the crowd then suddenly they the baby cry and
everyone smiled as the doctor came out and smiled, he then whispered to the crowd that they both
are fine. Everyone smiled and was happy. Kyle walked away happy and the man who talked to him
walked up and said “you reporter?”
Kyle had an odd look on his face and said “yeah how did you know?”
“That badge on you”
He looks down and says “but that could be any badge.”
“True but only reporters where picture I.D. badges so they can pass through here and plus
that symbol stamped on you is what lets them pass you..”
“So what made you want to talk to me?”
“I don’t know there’s not many to talk too and you seem the only one that is normal”
“How long have you been here for?”
“Since day one, yeah I know everything has changed since day one. I’ve seen a lot of bad
things in my life but this is pretty bad, everyone coming to the point where they just want to break
out of their cages and go crazy, it literally is happening. There’s starting to be more rapes and
murders slowly more and more police are catching young people around with selling drugs, most
them carry a pistol with them.”
“You think it was a good idea to bring them here?”
He looked at him and said “I hope so cause people are falling apart here the only thing that
is keeping them together is the system that Red Cross and the Military are bringing, soon they will
run out of control”
“What’s your name?”
He brought his hand out and shook Kyle’s hand he said “oh sorry, my name is Lucas”
“Kyle, it’s nice to meet you”
He smiled “you too man”
“So why are you doing here?”
“Well I’m here for my next story; people are going to want to know the truth of what
happened here.”
“Just be careful man there are crazy people out here, don’t want to get yourself killed.”
“you sound like your saying that I’m not safe.”
“You’re not and soon we all won’t be, but don’t worry I got your back you’re not alone”
Kyle smiled and nodded him and walked away feeling alittle less concerned but knowing
from the friendship he just made, he knew that might be the only way to keep him safe.

Aaron woke up to a beautiful sunny day finally an answer prayer to make the cold go
away, Aaron looked at the picture of his wife and daughter as he felt sad but kept the mindset of
positive that he will find them and are alive. He then folded the picture and stuck in his back
pocket. After getting dress and walked out towards the food tent where they were serving breakfast
and he got in line after an hour of waiting Aaron was getting close but then he turned and saw a boy
as he was looking suspicious. The boy was looking at the food that was on the table filled with
food, he was eye balling it as if he is imaginating what it tasted like, then Aaron saw how the boy
made a run for it and he grabbed a muffin but before he could get away, two big men were chasing
after him. And when one them got him they were about ready to beat him and no one was doing
anything, Aaron looked around and was shocked that no one wouldn’t do something to them.
Aaron then walks out and pushes the one of the big guys away, both were staring at him and
Aaron said “leave this boy alone”
“This isn’t your business now give us the boy, he took something of ours and needs to be
“Just because the boy was hungry! You know what, why don’t you just turn around and walk
away were done here.”
Then the two big men quickly pulled out a gun and as he was about to fire suddenly he was
smacked in the back of the head by someone else holding a board and Aaron quickly ran over and
tackled the guy down. He then firmly said “don’t mess with me; I have dealt with many
enemies like yourself. I have killed many people and don’t think I won’t do the same to you”
He let the man go as he ran away, Aaron turned his head and looked at the man that saved him he
was a husky looking man who had the look of a biker with his long biker beard and was wearing a t-
shirt and jeans.
Aaron then stood up and said “thank you”
the man nodded and said “no problem was waiting, couldn’t wait any longer.”
Aaron then stuck his hand out and said “Aaron”
He smiled and walked over and shook his hand and said “Justin”
“So what made you want to save me?”
“I wasn’t really trying to save anyone; I just wanted to hit that man in the back of the head”
they both smiled and chuckled they walked down and Aaron said “so tell me about yourself?”
“what’s there to know”
“well everyone has a story Justin, I’m sure you can tell me something.”
Justin then said “well I was in Portland when the earth quake happened, I remember a
sudden shake and then it stopped and quickly came back. Everything was swaying around as the
ground was rumbling, I looked out the window and saw how the roads were doing a wave motion as
they were cracking and splitting down the middle. I became afraid; I saw how the buildings would
not stop shaking, I was praying for the shaking to stop and it wouldn’t stop. My apartment was
starting to crumble like the other apartments because it was built out of bricks and half of the side of
the building was destroyed, I saw a lot of dead people; saw too many families broken. I remember
coming outside and nothing looked the same, There was so much damage and debrie with police
and ambulance everywhere. You can hear their sirens for miles throughout the city. As well the
National Guard came and they started to do the evacuations, got on the first bus, drove me to the
Redmond Airport and made me wait longer and drove me here the next morning”
“God I can’t even imagine of what you saw and how tired you must have been”
“Oh tell me about it, I had blisters all over my feet because I walked so much and had was
always walking over the debrie. Yeah my feet have been through hell. What about you man what’s
your story?”
“Well I was teaching and then it happened everyone was shocked and scared, I was more
worried about my wife and daughter cause they went to Newport for the weekend; haven’t heard
from them yet. People wonder why I’m still in self-control and not going crazy and I don’t know
why? Because I feel like I am going crazy but I can’t stop breathing I can’t let this world change that
because as long as I know who I am. I will survive, I just have to think will I help people, will I be
there when someone is in trouble, will I be there to take care of someone when their sick.
Truthfully I hope so because I hope I have the strength to help these people. Maybe it’s because I
don’t have a quitting heart because I was in the military, I saw some crazy things in the war that
drove me to being a drinker. I thank god every day for my wife because if it weren’t for her I be
dead. That’s why I’m holding on to something and I don’t know what it is but I know its love cause
its telling me to hold on to them to pray and help others. I’m becoming a more different person
every day because people here are giving up they are turning into the things they hoped would never
happen. They are losing it and with the gangs rising up slowly and the drugs are starting to poke out
more in these camps, were dying and there’s nothing I can do about it but watch.”
Justin stood in front of him and looked into his eyes and said “I can see why you are hurting
and overwhelmed, but your still holding on do you really want my advice” Aaron looked at him
“Keep praying, look for answers and if you can’t find them then give it to the good lord cause he
sure will listen. I’m not asking you to keep going on, I am telling you to keep pressing forward.
Help the weak and stand up against your enemies and that is even the demons that you fight within
as well.”
“You really think their alive.”
“Yeah I do, don’t give up.”
Aaron started to see a friendship to quickly unfold as he respected this man and felt like he was
talking to a brother, He was very happy that he made a friend, someone to talk too. Aaron was
blessed to have the gift in friendship.

Jeff was in the bathrooms at the main COCC center with lines of people waiting to go in the
bathroom, all the bathrooms around the camp would get this way often in the camps. He was over
the sink with his shirt off, he was becoming scrawny and he saw that he hadn’t ate much in the past
couple days, Jeff looked like he hadn’t slept for 28 hours. The man looked hungry, stress and was
having frightening flashbacks of the tsunami coming in and taking someone he loved so dear, after
he wash his face with pool of water in the sink. Trying to snap out of it, once he was done and
walked out. Jeff was walking in his socks from his shoes being stolen; he walked down and then sat
down on a bench. Looking around and then over heard two young men talking. Jeff listened in
more and they were talking about how bad it is, that they have never seen that much drugs in one
place ever. They talked about how everything is becoming out of control that there needs to be
order., the both were stating how they are tired of being bullied around by these gangs and seeing
other people getting in the way, and wishing they could do something about it. The both then
walked away and Jeff thought about it hard of how he is tired of it too and wants to make
this road be his, he then stood up and walks down. Following the two men as they were walking
down through the campus and down towards the school library. Jeff then lost them and couldn’t
find them he scanned through the area and nothing, and then as he turned his head he looked in the
distance of the two walking towards the back in the woods. Jeff walked down and rushed a little to
catch up to them but making sure his cover isn’t blown, and as he walked in the woods trying to be
hidden then he still couldn’t find them and walked out in the middle to have a better view. Then
suddenly the two guys came out with their pistols out and pointed at him and Jeff raised his hands
The man with long brown hair and patches of hair around his face, he was wearing a leather jacket
with jeans that had holes in them and wearing black cowboy boots, he then said “why have you
been following us?”
“Look I am not here to hurt you, yes I have been following you but I heard what you said
And I agree I am tired of being afraid and seeing these gangs just plunder us to the ground. Your
tired of being pushed around, well I am too and you said you wish you could do something about it
The other man was wearing a black hooded sweater and ripped up jeans, he was a Jamaican;
Jeff could tell by his ascent he then said “man don’t listen to him. This man is crazy let’s just bring
him down no one will know.”
“Look I know you are pissed and you want to do something about it. Well I know how, you
can either come with me and at least listen to what I have to say and we can really do something
about it or you can end me now but in the end you will be gutted down by these leaders.”
Both men looked at each other as they didn’t know what to say and didn’t know what to do cause
either way they think he’s just going to kill them, but why for something like this. They both
nodded and Jeff said “tell me your names”
the Jamaican said “Rob”
the other guy said “Drew”
“alright come with me then .” said Jeff
They both followed Jeff through the camp and out of the college way road, many people were
walking on the side of the street and they walked up a hill towards these buildings and walked
through the campus area. It was packed with people in shacks and tents, some just lying there or
standing there and doing nothing. Some were having small fires with their clothes hanged up to be
dry., the smell of bad order made a horrible stench that was hard to catch a breath. Finally they got
to the science building where outside were chairs and tables were set up around for people to sit, as
many people were sitting in them already and they grabbed a seat to sit down at a table.
Drew said “so why do you really need our help?"
Jeff answered “because in a day or two more there will be more violence because of gangs,
everyday someone is killed or rapped, once it gets really bad the government will have to issue for
the Red Cross and Church volunteers to go home; then we have the military and local authorities to
deal with and they will take over everything in control. We are not safe anymore, this town is
becoming more upside down and more treacherous than ever before. I see more drugs being sold
around me then I did when I was in the city, I even see kids selling drugs and carrying pistols in their
pants. So tell me do you think everything is in controlled or do you believe if we don’t do anything
about it then more innocent lives will be lost.”
The both looked at each other and nodded as they were agreeing with what he was saying because
most of it was true and that they were tired themselves of being in this camp and not being able to
get out of here unless it’s to get on a bus.
“How are we supposed to do that? There are more soldiers and cops in these camps and in
town. If we are going to do this, have you thought of a plan yet?” said drew
Jeff looked at him and said “yes, I have thought a lot about this for a couple of days and so I
have been watching. Trying to know what goes on and when they do it. I may know someone who
is in this gang.”
“how? You don’t even know if he has done anything bad huh?” said Rob
Jeff said “I have seen him and I have seen him selling these drugs, he prowls around and
looks upon young girls, if he isn’t in a gang then he must know who is in a gang and where to find
“Look dude, you seem like you know what you’re doing and I understand that you are tired,
dirty, probably hungry and most of all pissed off because I am. But doesn’t mean we should go out
and kill people. “
“ I’m not saying were going to kill this guy but we will bring down this gang, and yes if that means
killing a few to end it then so be it. They are animals and transforming our human nature of
morality to something that won’t exist anymore. I’m done seeing these animals bully people around
I hate bullies, and our government and military sure is losing control but we have the power because
we are the people. For god sake my wife has not spoken since the day my daughter was rapped and
they have still not found him because there is multiple cases of rape and molestation going on. I’m asking you for your help because if we don’t do this then things will never look up again.”
They both didn’t know what to say and were frustrated because they know it’s true but didn’t feel
like they have enough strength and will power to bring this gang down. Rob then looked
at Drew then back at Jeff and said “what do you want us too do?”
“The guy who I think knows something about these gangs likes to hangout out around the
track by the refugee sheltering area at the soccer field, he always looks suspicious but was always
hard to catch on his dealings at first. He is Korean doesn’t really look much accept has two bands
around his right arm which could mean he is in a gang. We will go to the place he hangs out follow
him then bring him down and question him, once we know more about where is this gang then will
end it.”
Later that day around 4:30 PM. in the evening as it was a busy day and more people were
being transport to here, everyone was doing their own thing and most were being in line for dinner.
Jeff, Rob and Drew were in their own spots just hanging tight trying not to look suspicious then
after five minutes later came the target he was by the track next to the woods trying to not be
recognized. They watched him closely as he was standing there until a younger guy wearing a red t-
shirt and had glasses on, he stood next to him not saying anything. Then he handed him a wrapped
bag quickly but smoothly handed it to the target, and then he dropped something on the ground that
could be money. He walked away and once he got far enough, the target bent over and put it in his
pocket and walked away in the woods, Jeff and his new friends come out and tried not to be seen
from him as they were following the target. They walked in the woods hiding behind cover in
different environmental spots, every time that he glances over, the three stopped on a rock hill
hidden by a line of trees they looked through the leaves and saw the target coming out on the street
as there was a green SUV parked and the target walks over and started talking to whoever was in the
car. Jeff and his boys grab their pistols out and quietly come down the hill and then suddenly as
they were walking towards them, they heard the driver say “oh shit cops” suddenly the driver then
starts to drive and the three fire their pistols which makes the target lay down and not too move as
they were shooting at the driver and managed to kill him. They walk over and stand there with the
pistols pointing at them and the two search the SUV and Jeff forces the two men to sit and they do.
Jeff grabs one their chin and says firmly “look at me! Who are you? And what were you just
The man looked at him and said “fuck you!” he spit in his face and Jeff wiped his face with his arm
sleeve, he then punched him once in the face and another in his gut which took his breath away.
Jeff said “okay let’s try this again who are you? And what were you just doing?”
He spit blood then said “Ronny my name is Ronny, I’m just doing my business man”
“oh yeah selling some good stuff and you sure to be into selling it to children.”
“dude you don’t know what you’re talking about, you don’t know who you’re dealing with!”
“what did you say! So you do have dangerous friends.”
“yeah but who isn’t”
“what do you mean by that?”
“There are a lot more like us, a lot more” Jeff became looked down by Ronny and saw
weakness in him and laughed and said “What you didn’t think this would happen? Trust me that’s
why I say you have no idea who you are messing with.” Jeff looks at him in anger he then let go of
him and turned around and said “let him go” then he stopped and heard Ronny say
“Yeah that’s right bitch, don’t mess with me or my boys are coming for you. Who are you
anyways? Huh…wait I know who you are, don’t you have a little girl?” Jeff stopped as the man
continued “wait wasn’t she the fourteen year that was to have been the first to have got raped.”
Jeff turned around and started to slowly walk down towards him as Ronny was laughing there he
had hatred in his heart pumping the adrenaline into his brain as he walked over and Jeff then quickly
pointed his pistol at Ronny and fired as the bullet shot through his forehead and crushed the back of
his dome sending a spray of blood coming from out his head. He stood over him and said-
“I’m taking over now”
He then shot him twice and walked down past Rob and Drew as they were shocked of what they
saw him do to that man but also respected him more cause a gang member rapped his daughter. As
Jeff got back to the camp and threw his dirty clothes away and got into clean ones after getting ready
he walked out and saw Drew and Rob walking over towards him. He stood there looking at them
both as they did the same thing, Drew and Rob smiled and told him how they have his back and
time for work to be done, they shook his hand. Jeff told them that he looked at Ronnys cell phone
to find information about some more gang members and found out that he had one where his
brother is going to the motel to meet with the boss and few others from a gang to talk about new
distributing. And that they are meeting tonight at five. Jeff looked at his men and nodded and Jeff
said “its time”
Sara was in her office sitting in front of her computer screen and the governor was on screen
as they were having a web cam conversation about what next and how this natural disaster is taking
its effect.
The governor said “Sara I wanted to see you like this because I have word from the
president about the refugees” she got comfortable and was all open ears and he said-
“The president has told me and all branches of the military that were going to have to keep
the refugees in the camps for another week or two.”
Her eyes went wide open as she was thinking in her head; they will never survive another week
before things go out of control she then said “are you crazy you know they can’t stay there for
another week. Being all cabin fevered, running out of food and supplies, these people need to be
taken care of, they want their homes and see their families. They need to be out in controlled areas
and not stuck and packed up in here together. You know there is a bad cold front coming and its
going to make more people die and just go insane, no you can’t do this.”
“Sara it’s already being done, the president has let everyone know about the order he is
making, we will send you soldiers, food, water, supplies anything but the refugees must stay.”
“its almost been a week and already people are going crazy, within half of another week.
everything will change and by the end of the week you will all lose control of the situation.”
“Sara we are doing everything in our power to fix this, we are into the billions in damage and
we are at a death rate so far in total of 8300 people and we have more in injured. You can’t rush
these things and sure as hell can’t control them, you just need to go with it and do your job.”
“I am doing my job, I’ve doing my job since day one and that is helping these people. What
you all are deciding is not going to help but make things worse.”
“Sara look around you, nothing is always going to seem right to you but think about if we let
them back home. When there is no home for them to come back too, you can’t just keep trying to
control everything and make it work out your way. Look I’m sorry but it is what it is. Will be
sending you more reinforcements and supplies, keep holding on stay on the course. Good luck to
you all.”
The screen then went black as he got off, leaving Sara sitting there as her hands were on her face,
she felt very tired and more stress as she was overwhelmed by everything. She tries to stay positive
but worries for the people she then started to have tears dripping down as she didn’t know what
else to do. She knew things are going to get worse.
The president had issued the order of code 43 which was an order to the general
of all military branches to be given a little more police power, and so the president sent more
supplies and food to the refugee camps in Oregon. There are thousands of people at the gates,
sticking their heads out as they were starving and were feeling like they were in prison with cabin
fever to the max. They looked dirty and have not been showering for days because the camp was so
filled with thousands of people. The Army and National Guard came driving into COCC in
humvee’s and trucks and to the Redmond amphitheater as both places were the most populated
ones and were dealing with more problems than any camp in central Oregon for refugees. They
were carrying food and supplies and there were driving them to camps once they got to COCC and
had everyone line up at the trucks to be given food. They were all becoming in patient and frustrated
of waiting so long, then the food and supplies in the trucks were empty; the soldiers told them there
was no more. Everyone started cursing and yelling as they knew they would not last another day
without food. The crowd became bigger and aggressive then a small riot happened and the soldiers
were trying to stop it but couldn’t as everyone would scatter and bring each soldier down. Then
soldiers would fire in the air and started to go around making many arrests, but they were able to
stop the riot. The town looked like something you see in an apocalyptic movie the streets were filled
with people and downtown was quite where they’re wasn’t many shopping in the stores and the
streets were dirty and had a fungus smell. Every building always had graffiti with words that would
be raciest, sexual or political. There was trash everywhere, with bags of trash piled up on the side of
the roads, homeless people were now in every corner. You could not walk by without seeing
homeless people crowding around a flaming barrel and everyone was trying to get warm. The stores
like Wal-Mart and Fred Myers had trash on the parking lot and broken down carts that were left
there, the shelves were all empty, everything looked so much more smaller. As life was becoming
more an illusion and reality was becoming the nightmare, with everything slowly crumbling as
people were letting their emotions get the best of them. They have let this natural disaster get the
better of them, from more gangs rising up, to drugs like meth and heroin becoming more well know
and distributed more faster. People were losing hope and dying, because of it more and more people
decide to become careless as they sit there staring at time going by them. The parks had
people always going there and setting up their tents; it was a valley of tents and homeless. The smell
was like a mold smell but ten times worse, More people were becoming sick and especially for the
injured for their wounds were getting infected faster. It was mostly remembered as a sad torment
that people were going through as refugees. The towns people were being affected by it as well
more, as they were making many complaints about the refugees and telling their governor of how
there is to many people and how everything is getting worse.. The news everywhere was showing
how the stocks are going out and the debt is increasing which was going to become a crash in a
couple of days maybe a week. Jeff and his two loyal comrades were in Drew’s bronco truck as they
were speaking privately away from public about their plan of bringing down this gang. Jeff then said
“Alright guys this is what we’re going to do, this meeting is at the town motel they are in
room 8 we will drive over and park at the back of the hotel. Then will sneak to the door and
when I throw the flash grenade in the window , we start firing at them.”
“How do we know if this is the leader?” said Rob
Jeff said “I don’t if it really is, just going with a gut feeling it is. And I have enough evidence
to back it up. Look this is our chance to end this once and for all.”
Drew and Rob agreed and nodded their heads Jeff said “alright look I know this seems black
and white but we have to do this, we can do this if we do it right. Alright …let’s get ready.”
Drew brought a lot of weaponry and three bullet proof vests, they got out and walked behind the
truck and opened the latch and saw all kinds of guns that he had collected in the past. They each
grabbed a pistol then a AK and M4 rifles with high tech gadgets on them like laser dot sights. The
three then strapped on their vests and wore big snow jackets and masks with irry faces on them as it
was like a person’s head except their mouths were smiling and showing sharp teeth real big, And the
eyes were a big size black eye balls to stare fear down their enemies throats. They got in the truck
after when ready and drove off down the college hill and rode through downtown and down to the
small white town hotel. They parked at the back of the motel, and walked slowly around the hotel as
they walked towards the door they saw the number eight on it and noticed knew this was the room.
Jeff pointed for them to stand on both sides of the window and wait till the flash is gone and they
agreed, Jeff grabbed out the flash grenade that he took from a Humvee without the soldiers looking.
Jeff then stood up to the door and stuck a military mic under the door to listen in through his ear
phones, As he listened to a couple of men in their having a conversation about bringing their
product meth to town and have more to distribute for him. Jeff catched on to it quick and got up
and threw the flash bang through the window which shattered it, and a bright white flash made them
go on the ground plugging their ears. Drew and Rob started firing through the window
and Jeff broke down the door and shot them as blood was spilt out of their bodies, the carpet was
soaked in blood and bullet holes were in the walls and ceilings. They walked in and were surprised
of what they did, Jeff said “well done” they shook his hand and felt proud to know that they
brought down a gang. Jeff and the guys then helped to wrap each body in black garbage human
bags and put them in the truck, then they drove out of Bend and to Lapine deep in to the woods
once they got there, and parked the truck they brought each body to the shrugged dirt land and
started to dig and bury them, Jeff found saw them as worthy brothers someone who he could put
his trust in. Once they drove back they said nothing as they were thinking to themselves what have I
done to get me here? Once they got to the hill and parked Jeff then shook their hands and was
telling them of how proud he was and walked away to figure out the next he has for the future.
The next morning Drew and Rob felt so excited and proud that they had the strength
to do it, they felt inspired by their leader and how he gave them the chance to prove themselves to
let gangs know to be watching their backs. So they walked around the camp and talked with some
men in the camp and told them of what they did and how this man is a leader. At first they thought
they were bullshitting but were amazed how they killed two gang leaders so said in the newspaper.
Drew and Rob sent a text to Jeff and said-
“Meet us at this destination tonight be there at 11 p.m. on the dot.” Jeff was thinking what this was
about and why. Jeff went to the hospital to visit his wife and daughter as his wife had no life in her
she felt like she was losing her daughter, while she was asleep he walked in the room his daughter
was laying there and thought of her as beautiful asleep. Jeff then pulled up a seat and sat down next
to her grasping her hand gently he then said “Hey baby I miss you, I just wanted to visit you and say
how sorry I am, I have done a lot of bad things and I’m not proud of them but I don’t regret it.
Because were supposed to fight against evil and that’s what I’ve been doing. Oh god please forgive
me for what I have done, I should have been a better father to you I should of kept you close. I
have realized that I have left myself on a lonesome road and I’m scared. I have come to conclusion
of knowing why I’m doing this. It’s for you baby I love you, I’m sorry I will not lose you again.”
He stood up and kissed his daughter on the forehead he felt in ache in his heart and
his stomach was sore and burning as he felt like something was burdening him, he walked out with
his head low knowing he will do more bad in the future. Later that night Jeff walked out of the
camp sneaking by soldiers and security patrol cars which were everywhere in the streets. He walked
through town and in to drake park where the playground was by the river. It was darkened there
and were no lights only shadowed, He saw up ahead a barrel that had a decent size fire going on,
where it shined brightness in the area, Jeff walked out and stood against the fire as he was wearing a
carpenters coat and was black he still felt cold as the chills went up his spine. Then out of the dark
he heard a crackle sound like broken sticks someone stepped out of the shadows, and was Drew
then Rob then behind him were many other men as they crowded around the fire.
Drew then said “you’re probably wondering why we’re all here and most of all why have you
come tonight. You have gained mine and Robs respect we were so pressured by fear and weakness
we just needed someone to get us up and stand against it. Well you have got our attention you say if
we keep this up we can bring all these gangs down and you showed us that last night. We have
others who are tired of being in dirt and these men need a leader. And Jeff you are our leader”
Rob walked up and said “you know at first I thought you were just a con, but after a few
more times of seeing how you respected us. That got my attention me and we are now your
brothers, I will always have your back.” Everyone nodded and agreed
Jeff said “if we are to accomplish this mission then first of all we are brothers everyone here
is your brother. We are going up against a tough and determined enemy and it’s not just the gangs
that we need to worry about. There are those who are corrupted and there here already, the
government will take control of everything, they think they have everything under control now but
they are naive in their selfish ways, if they want order then this is the worst way to come with order, It’s the people who have the power and we deserve to get it back. It’s time to take back what they are taking from us now, we will show them the signs of who we are. If our leaders think they have the power to fix this…they are wrong because they have the power to only create false reality and
only giving nightmares, they think they can make us into a test. The fact is that our leaders could
never imagine having someone be above them in power, Brothers you are strong, valiant and brave
use that honor to take back order and freedom. We are a brotherhood and not a gang but the gangs
will fear and our leaders of America will fear us as well, your mission is to find these gang members
and bring them down I don’t care if to find them we need to find their family and friends. Once we
bring these gang leaders we will actually have the fear. And that fear is a resource a power source to
people souls, now go and find them and kill them all.”

They cheered loudly and Jeff walked over shaking their hands, thanking them for their courage and
their service to the brotherhood. That night the skies were clear but the air was smokey, some of
the men heard from police scanners that there are more evidence of people who are in gangs that
are living at campsites in the woods down in china hat road. The men were screaming out of their
vehicles as there was four vehicles being driven in the Deschutes River woods in over the rock y and
bumpy dirt roads; they saw many lights up ahead it was a large camp filled with homeless people in
tents and wood shelters. The people were afraid and some were running as the men in the trucks
we’re firing their guns and everyone started to run, they pulled over and got out, scattering
throughout the camp. All were being brutally aggressive in finding of who is in the gangs, Woman
were being beaten and rapped as you could hear there bloody screams. Drew noticed one of the
men rapping a young woman he became angry and got him off and beated his face with the butt of
his gun as he was disgusted by the animal behavior, blood was splatter everywhere with the man’s
face being beat in and the cheek bones were shattered then crushed in. They started to light up some
of the tents on fire and had a crowd of people held up with their guns pointed at them, they were
already afraid and had death in their eyes. The woods had lighting up around from the shelters
being burned and there was some people in there being burned alive. They managed to capture
three gang members and they beat them senselessly to get info about the gangs they were with and
how many there is and who is the leader. Most didn’t tell much but one who was a Hispanic and a
very strong looking told Jeff that his gang leader stays in a house in a neighborhood by Wal-Mart off
Sally ct. and has other gang members living with him and knows locations of where others are. He t
made him think to spare him but only lied and then they all shot them repeatedly with blood
splattering everywhere.
It was a moment of where the villains finally look at themselves in the mirror and truly see the real
monster in them, As things were becoming worse and a new power that will crush everything was
coming. It was a dark time, for everyone else were thinking if this way the right choice to come to
these refugee camps?
To be continued……
As darkness is rising and the war that was on is now at en end against these gangs; but in dealing with another war against a greater threat, as things slowly get worse with more people being brought to the camps and the poverty rate in it is increasing and the crimes are increasing as well. The town is becoming more and more disastrous as people have lost their morality and a new gang has rose up and that will bring the town to total control. And a few will make that choice to end it all to make that stand, even when their world is falling apart.