‹ Prequel: Stitched Together
Status: Complete

Harley Quinn

Chapter Two

Doll was lying in her bed that same night staring absent mindedly at the ceiling. Well she was staring up towards the ceiling anyway it was too dark inside her room/cell that she couldn't actually see anything. Her attention however was quickly piqued when she heard a peaking noise coming from the direction of her door. She quietly slipped from her bed and made her way towards the sound. She pressed her face against the small glass window to attempt to see through the darkness of the hallway. She jumped back a little when a face on the other side mimicked her. She could see the smudge of makeup left behind and knew immediately who was on the other side. The Joker had actually come for her after all.

A few minutes later she heard the bolts unlock on the door and he pulled open the door. There he stood; her Joker in his full glory. Purple suit, green curly hair, and painted scars; she smiled brightly at him.

"You're late." She pointed out to him as she stepped out of her cell. She saw him roll his dark eyes.

"I got a little busy with the uh bat." The Joker told her. "Besides you don't always come on the exact day either doll face." He reminded her.

He handed her a gun as the creped silently through the dark, empty halls. It was eerily silent and she briefly wondered what time it was. She followed The Joker down the stairs without a sound but she did brush against his body briefly. He was warm and familiar and he smelled like he always did; like gasoline, sweat, and something that strictly was just him.

The made it out of the building with only having to kill two guards but the alarm never was triggered. Doll was happy to be free once again but she was even happier that she was back with The Joker. Although she knew that she was going to have to have a long talk with him. He had talked about her to that doctor and she didn't like that. Not one bit!

They arrived at their headquarters in roughly forty-five minutes. When they first got in the black van; The Joker in the driver's seat and Doll in the passenger's seat, she took a peak at the clock on the dashboard it read 1:38 a.m. By the time they reached headquarters Doll was beyond tired. All she wanted was to curl up in the bed she shared with The Joker and feel his strong arms around her. Doll knew her thoughts made her sound weak and needy but she didn't care. She was too tired to.

They walked in silence to their room and Doll wasted no time in stripping off her Arkham uniform to where she was only in her undergarments. She could feel The Joker's eyes roam over her form as she moved to the bed. She pulled the blanket down and crawled in. The Joker was quick to follow her example. She admitted that she watched him undress too. He slid in beside her in only his boxers. His arms wrapped secularly around her making her unable to escape him and for the time being she was content with that.

"I'm really sleepy right now and I like that fact that you're holding me." Doll mumbled sleepily into his chest. She heard him making a sound of agreement. "But don't think you're off the hook just yet. I met your pretty little doctor… and I'm extremely pissed." She continued to mumble as she buried herself deeper into his embrace. She felt his arms tighten around her but not enough that it hurt. He didn't say a word and before long they both drifted to sleep.

Doll was alone in bed when she woke up the next morning. She shrugged before heading straight for the conjoining bathroom to take a shower. Afterwards she changed into some of her own clothing.

She found The Joker setting at one of the table in the 'dining area'. Doll took a seat directly in front of him. She stared him down with narrowed eyes.

"So I met your pretty little therapist during my stay." She told him. He didn't react; he just continued to stare at her. "She was my therapist to you know. And boy did she have some interesting things to say." That got a reaction out of him. He sat up straight in his chair instead of slouching and his eyes narrowed towards her.

"Yeah, she seemed to think you guys were the best of buddies. Telling her about Carrillo and complaining how much of a bother I am to you. Then of course she went on a big rant how you liked her better because she wasn't covered in scars." Doll didn't take her eyes away from his. Her body was tense and anger and a little bit of jealousy was following through her body.

"Doll," he began in a warning tone. She wasn't afraid of him but it did silence her. "I didn't tell her anything about you that not common knowledge. She has your file… I'm sure dear old Gordon put something in there about your… accident. He would see that as a being helpful to your 'recovery'." He told her. Doll wasn't sure if he believed him but now that she was thinking somewhat rationally it would make since to have that in her file. Gordon would make sure of it. So that could be the truth but she wasn't done questioning yet.

"Okay so you didn't share juicy gossip about me with your little doctor friend… what did you do then? News flash she wants me out of the way. She didn't want you to come for me; she wanted you to come for her. She thinks she stands a chance and I want to know if Harley Quinn does." Doll's eyes stared dangerously into his. She wanted the truth know matter how angry it made her.

"Alright, I'll admit that I played around with her head… like every other doctor. But uh apparently she really is messed up in the head because she took it to a whole other level. I didn't ask her to help me escape and I certainly don't want her affections. Got that doll face?" The Joker told her and Doll believed him.

"Got it," Doll confirmed.

The Joker got up from his chair and Doll followed his lead. He stepped in front of her with a deadly serious face. She almost wanted to throw his most over used phrase at him but she kept silent. She watched as he slid off his purple glove from his right hand. The pale hand brushed over her face like a ghost. His brown eyes stayed focused on hers as he traced every scar on her face. His hand traveled down to her chin where it finally stopped. Doll gave him a small smile as the heat from his hand warmed her face. She wondered if it made her look like she was blushing. She hoped not.

"You're beautiful and unique. You're a puzzle that not even I can figure out what makes you tick. Don't ever doubt that. I don't want someone crazy… I want someone who's an individual." He told her.

Doll's next words broke the intense atmosphere.

"Why does it seem like the therapist that try to cure the crazy people are actually the ones that are crazy and need help?" She questioned to no one really. The Joker gave an amused expression. "I've had two doctors that were crazy. Maybe it's something in the water there." Doll gave a laugh, breaking out of his embrace.

"Does seem like a running theme." The Joker agreed.

"I wonder how crazy this Harley Quinn really is." Doll wondered out loud. "I feel like we haven't heard the last of her. She seemed to really want me out of the picture."

"I had no idea I was so desirable." The Joker well joked. Doll hit him in the stomach making him let out an umph noise. "Don't act like that. I charmed you didn't I?" He wiggled his painted eyebrows at her playfully. She rolled her eyes at him but smiled anyway. No one but her got to see him this way. He was normal… they were just human when it was just the two of them. They didn't have to prove anything to each other. They understood each other. They weren't monsters… they were just different. They saw the world for what it truly is and both understood that the only way to truly live and to be free is to live in chaos… to master chaos. They both were masters of chaos.

Doll had been out of Arkahm for two weeks and the two criminal master minds hadn't heard anything from Harley; which Doll was thankful for. As far as she was concerned she hoped to never have to see the doctor again and if she did she hoped it was the last time Harley would breathe.

Doll had walked down stairs to the living room section of the hotel they resided in when she heard the news. It made her pause to listen.

"Last night there were three robberies that have yet to be solved or any leads discovered. Two jewelry stories were robbed with over 50,000 dollars' worth of merchandise gone and a costume shop was broken into but nothing has been reported of the missing merchandise. At this time the police is not sure if they were related or who was responsible." The news caster said.

Doll arched an eyebrow curiously. Something seemed unusual but she couldn't quite grasp what it was. "How very interesting; seems we got a thief wanting attention." Doll muttered to herself.

She made her way to the kitchen area to see two of her and The Joker's henchmen eating sandwiches at the table. They both looked up at her when she entered.

"Did you need anything boss lady? Uh The Joker went out a few minutes ago encase you were looking for him." One of them spoke up. Doll winced slightly when he referred to her as 'boss lady'. The name made Doll want to barf but she let it slide.

"I'm perfectly capable of doing things myself," Doll snipped back at him. She smirked knowingly as she watched the man shift in his chair. "Did he happen to say where he was going by chance?" Doll asked curiously. The Joker hadn't said anything about leaving for anything today.

"Um, no he didn't." The same man answered. The other one shrugged unknowingly as well.

"What do I pay you people for?" Doll asked rhetorically and she was thankfully they didn't attempt to answer. She would have shot them without a second thought if they did.

Doll never got around to asking where The Joker went that day and after a couple of days passed she forgot all about it. However the thief couldn't be forgotten. Several more places were broken into but no one was ever killed or drastically hurt in anyway... how boring thought Doll. The news said the police had no leads. That didn't particularly surprise Doll. Gotham's police officers weren't the smartest bunch.

It was midnight and the streets were deserted of anyone except for Doll who strolled happily down the dark streets. She was wearing a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a plain black t-shirt and a purple leather jacket. Her feet were tucked into a pair of black booties. Her scars were covered mostly with makeup and her hair framed her face and shoulders.

Doll had no agenda that night she just felt like going for a peaceful walk. What she didn't except to come across was a store with its door wide open. Her curiosity was peeked. She had a suspicion that this was the doing of the new thief in town. Doll walked silently in to the dark store and glanced around but didn't hear or see anything. She stood just in the doorway for any indication that someone was still here. Just when she was about to give up she heard footsteps in the back. Sounds of rummaging and opening of drawers reached Doll's ears.

She pulled her switchblade from her back pants pocket and followed the sounds. Her eyes constantly surveyed the room and she stepped lightly to not be heard.

The sounds were coming from a back room where the owner kept items that weren't for sale yet and the money for the store. When Doll peeked inside she was surprised at what she found. The person was no doubt female; with a slender figure. Doll couldn't see much else but she did notice the long blonde hair that was pulled into pig tails. She rolled her eyes when it clicked in her head and she lowered her weapon to her side. She stood in the doorway for a few more minutes and her company never noticed she was there. Doll smiled when she cleared her throat and the little thief jumped and swirled around to face her.

"You know when I told you to get your hands dirty this wasn't really what I meant." Doll told the shocked Harley Quinn.

"How did you get in here?" Harley asked her angry at her presence.

"You left the door wide open. Not my fault that you're stupid." Doll told her with a wide smile.

"I wasn't doing this because of you." Harley told her. Her blue eyes narrowed as she stared at Doll who was now casually leaning against the door frame.

"Oh I know you're not doing this because of me. No, no you're doing this because of him. But let me give you some advice since you're new at being a criminal. Robbing jewelry stores isn't going to cut it. I only knew about you because our men like to watch the news. I don't think he has even noticed or cared. Now killing someone, someone meaningful just might do the trick but what you're doing now isn't cutting it." She told Harley as she walked further into the room. She stood only a few feet from the other woman. Their blue eyes connected and Doll could see Harley tense as she moved closer. She remembered what happened last time and now Harley had only herself to save her.

"I could just kill you." Harley spit those words out to her with hatred behind every word. She was hoping to see fear in Doll's eyes but she was only greeted with her laughter instead. "What's so funny? If I got rid of you then I would have my puddin' all to myself!" Harley told her.

"Puddin'? Does he know that's what you call him?" Doll continued to laugh. She panted as she tried to catch her breath. "If you want to kill me then by all means you can try. But uh I don't feel threatened by you… I've been through worse and came out alive."

"I'm like you Doll I don't care how you die… I just want you dead." Harley told her as she pulled out a gun from her black bag that was slung over her shoulder. She pointed it directly at Doll. "Let's see you talk your way out of this one." Harley smiled triumphantly. Doll had no escape and that made Harley giggle. However she did notice that Doll still didn't show any fear.

"For having a doctorates degree you're very dumb." Doll commented before Harley fired the gun.

Harley wasn't sure how it happened but her bullet missed its target which was Doll's heart instead it got her shoulder. Harley's mind was still reeling from missing her target that she was shocked when she found herself on the ground with Doll once again on top of her. She could feel Doll's warm blood drip on her. Doll didn't even seem to notice the bullet wound in her shoulder or the blood loss.

"I should just kill you but I do enjoy playing with my toys beforehand." Doll reminded her. Doll licked her lips as she stared down at Harley. "I want to see how far you're willing to go. Shooting someone isn't hard… an idiot could do it. It's quick… you don't have time to really think about what you're doing… until it's over. I want to know if you have what it takes to be with your puddin' like you claim you do." Doll told her.

"If you want to prove yourself meet me a week from now at midnight at the abandoned warehouse on 320 22nd street. You can't miss it. No weapons allowed. If you want to kill me and get to The Joker you do it by hand. Got that sweetheart?" Doll mocked.

"How do I know this isn't a trap?" Harley asked suspiciously.

"There's only one way to find out!" Doll sang brightly as she smiled down at her before she took Harley's own gun that was lying on the floor and knocked her on the head with the handle of it. "I'll let you sleep on it." Doll giggled to herself and she stood up. She glanced at her shoulder in annoyance. "I'll see you next week… if you wake up before someone finds you."
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