Status: In progress

How Did We Get Here?

Chapter Seven

“what the hell happened?!”Kitten wasn’t sure what was going on or even where she was and she swore that sounded like Liam was Liam in the room? No she was with Taylor at the scene of his new movie, why would Liam be there? An obnoxious beep sounded and she groaned opening her eyes well this was weird, the walls were white and there was a small TV playing. She looked down at her hand and discovered there was an IV in her hand and that’s when she finally connected all the dots. She was in the hospital but Why?

“I don’t know, I walked over after my producers told me they were fighting and then she just collapsed, I knew she was running a fever but she insisted she was fine,” Kitten rolled her head to the side frowning when she noticed another bed pushed up next to her. Princess was Lying in it a iv in her hand as well.

“The babies! Are the babies ok?!” Kitten shot out of her bed setting her hand on her stomach franticly. Had something happened to the babies? Is that why they were in the hospital?

“Shh, Kitten, it’s ok the Dr said all the babies are fine,” Liam snapped to her side the minute she spoke. He ran his fingers through her hair looking at her. “All three babies are ok I promise, “ Kitten seemed to calm down at the reassurance that the babies were ok.

“Same thing happened with Princess, We over heard her and Louis fighting and then we walked over and she passed out. She’d been complaining of a head ache all morning but we weren’t sure what to do for her,” George mentioned sitting in the other side of the room next to Princess’ hand.

“Where are Zayn and Niall?” Kitten ignored whatever previous conversation was going on before she woke up. Liam let out a soft laugh pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“We just went to get ice chips and tea babe,” Zayn smiled as he walked in seeing Kitten awake and alert did his poor heart good. He’d been terrified that something awful had happened though he was beginning to get anxious because they had yet to hear much from a DR on what happened to either girl. Though it wasn’t unusual for Princess to end up in the ER with a migraine, maybe it was as simple as needing an increase in her medication for her migraines.

“what happened? Last thing I remember was arguing with….” She paused as the argument came back and harry’s threat to leave her and her bidding him goodbye. Her heart clenched in her chest. She’d hoped that had all been a dream but it was so far from a dream.

“Don’t even get me started on that douche bag,” Taylor practically snarled which only made Kitten cower in her bed.

“I…I told him I didn’t need him if he was going to be like the rest of my family. He threatened to leave because he’s made Liam didn’t want us to be a secret any more…he threatened to leave so I said goodbye,” tears started to make their way steadily down her face. “he doesn’t want me any more, He hates me,” She let out a small sob feeling that stupid annoying ache in the back of her head.

“Oh baby,” Surprising her it was Niall that rushed to her side as Zayn made himself at home at Princess side allowing Niall to comfort the distraught Kitten. “We’ll get through this, No matter what,” he promised having no real clue what he was promising but he didn’t care he’d do anything for his girls and if that meant figuring out how to either help the girls live with out Harry or figuring out how to make it work with Harry it didn’t matter. He’d do anything. He just had no idea how much of a challenge it would be.
Chapter Seven

The doctor came in shortly after Princess woke up and informed both girls that the babies were fine but both of them were a little over worked and much to stressed. Kitten had festered a small infection in her lungs that they’d put her on a pregnancy safe antibiotic for ad they upped Princess medication for her head aches but the doctor wanted to keep them over night just for observation and because both girls had fainted he wanted to make sure there was nothing he was missing. He did however bring in two more beds so that the boys could make them selves at home for the night.

“Can you hand me my ice chips?” Kitten huffed as she attempted to reach them. She’d spent a good hour crying about Harry before she’d finally settled down in Niall’s arms and was now cuddling with Liam on the bed staring at the TV as if it was going to give her the answers which she knew it couldn’t fix anything but right now she was to tired to think of anything to do about much of anything.

“Of course,” Liam leaned over grabbing the cup and sliding it into Kitten’s hands. Princess was awake but she was dozing in and out obviously she hadn’t been getting enough sleep lately. She wouldn’t talk about what had gone down with Louis she absolutely refused to and Kitten didn’t really want to talk much about what happened with Harry either and no one could blame them from the sounds of it their boyfriends…or ex-boyfriends had turned out to completely be dicks.

“um…guys?” George walked into the hospital room Louis hot on his heels. Liam jumped off the cot he’d been laying on cuddled up with Kitten a small feral growl ripping through the boy, Zayn and Niall jumped up as well spotting Louis in the door way.

“Why did you bring him in here!” Zayn snapped and George frowned and shook his head because he HADN’T. He’d been walking back to the room when Louis spotted him. He wandered around the whole first floor trying to lose him.

“I tried to lose him but damn he’s stubborn,” George groaned. “I swear I didn’t willingly bring him here, I hate him more than you lot do right now,” He promised moving back to his chair.

“What do you want,” Princess didn’t even bother addressing the other boys. “I thought it was “over” you didn’t want any more of this mess,” She was vibrating with anger as she looked at the blue eyed man who used to once love her.

“I…I didn’t mean it. I…I don’t want this to be over. I went home…I fought with Harry…I sat in the house alone thinking and I can’t…I can’t live with out you guys. I don’t want to go with Harry’s plan. I don’t want to propose to Eleanor. I don’t want to be with out you. I don’t want to break up with you I’m not strong enough.” Tears were starting to gather and fall down his cheeks.

“Louis not only did you hurt me but the way you treated Kitten was inexcusable,” The pregnant woman added looking at him warily.

“I know. Kitten I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I thought…I felt Harry Pulling away from us before Liam ever left for vacation it got worse when Liam left and I thought it was your fault and I was wrong, It’s not your fault he just doesn’t love us anymore,” Louis was practically sobbing in the door way and Kitten sighed unable to really stay mad at any one for very long.

“I know, He…I don’t know what’s wrong with him but next time don’t take it out on me yeah?” Kitten shrugged as everyone in the room kind of looked at her in awe (all except Princess, Princess knew just how much of a forgiving soul Kitten really was).

“I promise. It’ll never happen again. I want to come out to the world. I didn’t mean anything I said. I messed up and I’m so sorry. I want these babies. I want Zianourielle to come out, Management didn’t say anything about me having to propose that was all Harry’s idea. So was the Taylor swift thing, He knew it’d hurt you girls the most…I’m so sorry. “ Kitten’s forgiving nature almost made Louis feel worse because she was supposed to hate him to make this easier but instead she opened her arms as if she was welcoming him back automatically. He never would understand her love for them but he was so grateful for it.

“Kitten you are just forgiving him?!” Taylor snapped looking angrily at the girl because how could she just so easily accept him back into her life after everything he’d done to make her feel so awful. She frowned and looked at Taylor shrugging her shoulders before looking at Louis.

“I love him, I always have loved him. I’d welcome Harry Back if he apologized. Will the relationship be the same? I doubt it but I love them. They are my life and nothing can change that,” She added looking at Taylor in warning because she was not in the mood to play games right now or need to explain her self.

“She may have forgiven you, but you are still on my shit list Louis Tomlinson you did some pretty awful shit but I love you,” Princess sighed from the other bed because not even she could stay mad for too long and at least he was making an effort to make things right. She didn’t know if this would fix their relationship though. With all the hurtful things that had been said both girls took them to heart even if they were simply said in the heat of anger. The girls tended to take the insults a little too seriously sometimes and that made for a sticky situation.

“Now get over here and hug me,” Kitten pouted “and apologize to Jamison for upsetting me,” She stuck her tongue out laughing gently as Louis did exactly as he was told rushing over to apologize to the unborn child and press kisses all over kittens face.

“Hey I want kisses too!” Princess argued and Louis let out an eager laugh before racing towards Kitten tears still layering his gentle blue eyes as he pressed kisses all over her face. At least he had them again, and at least he was aware of just how badly he’d screwed up and how much he needed to make this better. He gently set his hands on her belly rubbing her belly and kissing it lightly.

“I can’t believe I ever treated you guys like shit,” He mumbled under his breath. “I feel so awful about it,” He admitted and Liam came up behind him clapping his hand on his back and smiling gently at the boy.

“We all make mistakes. The thing is not to ever make that same mistake again,” Zayn added as he made his way onto the cot next to kitten. “They want to keep the girls for observation over night they can leave tomorrow,” Zayn smiled pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“I have to leave by myself don’t i? Because I don’t have Harry, and I don’t think management would be happy with seeing Zayn leading me out hand in hand or even Liam for that matter” She sighed looking down at her belly the sting of not having Harry biting at her heart.

“no! That’s what I was going to tell you, it was supposed to be a surprise but Harry apparently wanted to ruin it for you, both of you,” Liam shook his head.

“management said that they are ok with us all coming out as a couple. We talked to Princess’ management and yours as well Kitten. We think it’s best now that there are going to be babies involved if we all came out,” Kitten’s eyes filled with tears she wasn’t sure if she was over joyed or devastated that they had to come out without Harry at her side.

“They really agreed?!” Princess sounded absolutely over joyed. “I don’t have to hide that I’m dating all of you?! No more Sophia?!” She gasped and looked at Liam who let out a small laugh and nodded.

“Yeah baby girl, No more Sophia, No More Perrie, no more Eleanor. She was so excited when I told her Dani and her could be seen out and about now, You should have seen her face,” Niall laughed he’d been the one to meet with Eleanor. Zayn had met with Sophia and Liam had met with Perrie. Just to mix things up.

“You should have seen Sophia’s face, It was god awful. I thought she was going to catch fire or something!” Zayn shuddered. “Or hit me,” Kitten growled lowly wiping a few happy tears from her face.

“She lays a hand on you and I’ll break every single one of her fingers,” She warned and Zayn just let out a laugh taking kitten’s hand and kissing her knuckles gently.

“Well you don’t have to worry about that, it’s all gonna be ok now,” Zayn set his head down next to her belly. “you hear that little James, it’s all gonna be ok now,”