Status: This story does not follow along with The Walking Dead story. It is my own, but some of the characters are from The Walking Dead

Among the Dead

The World Has Gone To Shit


When I pulled into the parking lot of Skyline, I continued to sob. I saw Alice and Violet's car, so I knew that I was working with them today. I sprinted into the restaurant, and straight into the back room, making sure no one saw me crying. Four seconds after I shut the door, someone knocked. I quickly wiped my eyes, and pulled myself together. I cleared my throat, and said, "Come in."
Alice and Violet walked in, looking extremely concerned. I stared at them before our eyes met, and then I broke down once again. Violet came to my side, and pulled me into a hug. Alice came up behind me and started rubbing my shoulders while I cried on Vi's shoulder.
When I finally calmed down, Violet asked, "Do you wanna talk about it?"
I blew my nose, and nodded.
"I was in the car, on my way here. I was on Rapid Run when I saw a m-man in the woods," I began, swallowing my tears, and wiping my nose.
"H-h-he had a dead coyote, and h-he was e-eating it. He had...c-cataracts, and his skin looked l-like it was d-decaying," I went on, not having the composure to go on. Violet hugged me again, and continued to do so until I was the one to pull away.
I took a deep, shaky breath to remain calm and to finish my story.
"When I looked at him....I knew," I said in a thick voice.
Violet, confused, cocked her head to the side, and furrowed her brow.
But before she could say what she wanted to, our manager, our buddy Raymond walked in, saying, "Alice, Violet, what the hell are you two doing in here?"
"Get the hell out of here, Raymond! Alex is scared shitless! We're trying to calm her down!" Alice scolded.
"Oh shit..." he said, finally noticing me.
"Hey, Ray," I said, giving him a weak smile.
"What the hell happened to you, Alex?" he asked, moving closer, studying my red, swollen cheeks.
"Ray! Leave!" Alice ordered.
Raymond looked at Alice, and glared at her.
"You take all the time you need, Alex, and Violet. But you, Alice, better be out there or so help me God, you will be fired so fast, your head will spin. We got customers waiting."
Alice rolled her eyes.
"Aren't you gonna go out there?" I asked.
"Nah. Ray's an asshole," she responded.
"He's not an asshole, Alice," Violet said.
"Okay, he's an asshole at work. Whatever. Right now, our main priority is Alex."
"So...what do you mean you knew?" Violet asked, getting back to the point.
"That...nothing will ever be the same again. I felt something. Something that I can't explain. But it told me that something is happening right now, and we can't stop it. There's no way we can stop it. All we can be ready for it. And I knew that that was the thing that killed Mara," I whispered the last part, letting the tension hang in the air.
"We don't know that Mara's dead, though, Alex. The cops are still looking for her," Violet reminded.
I shook my head. "Pet-I mean Officer Mills gave me a call today. He said they found her ring next to the carcass of a rabbit. They still haven't found anything out with her phone, but she's more likely dead than not."
"You can't think like that, Alex. You have to trust the possibility that Mara is still out there. You know she still could be," Violet said, lifting my chin to look her in the eyes.
She pulled me in for another hug, and sighed.
"I'm so sorry you had to witness that," she whispered through my hair.
I smiled, and pushed her away. "Thanks."
"Now let's get back to work," Violet chimed, pulling me by my shoulders.
"Alice!" we heard Raymond yell from outside the door.
"Oh, blow it out your ass, Ray!" Alice hollered from behind us.

»•« »•«

The rest of the day, Alice and Violet kept their eyes on me. They would just quickly smile and then turn back to what they were doing whenever I would catch them watching me.
At the end of the day, I went into the back room to get my bag. Alice and Violet walked in, shortly after.
As I was about to walk out, Violet put a hand on my shoulder, stopping me, saying, "Go home, take a shower, and relax. Everything is going to be fine. Call me if you need anything."
I gave her a pathetic smile, and nodded, hugging her one last time. I loved Violet. She was so sweet, and caring. More like an older sister than a best friend. Her sister was more of like that crazy best friend that everyone loves, and will do anything to make you feel better. I loved them both, equally, but in different ways and for different reasons.
"You and your showers," I said, before pulling away. She loved to take showers.
I squeezed Alice's shoulder as I passed, telling her good bye.
I could hear Violet whisper, "Do you think she'll be okay?" But I didn't stay long enough to hear Alice's answer.
I was driving through the woods again, on my way home. I had nervous butterflies in my stomach as I was approaching the area where I found the man. I was so nervous, I felt like I was going to throw up.
I searched for the man and the coyote, but they were nowhere in sight. I looked all around, but they were gone.
I tore my eyes from the woods, and focused them on the road ahead of me. I took deep, steady breaths to calm myself. I felt like I was going to pass out. Everything started getting blurry, and I knew I was panicking. I felt the tears burn my eyes, and I started crying. It was more than just crying. It was weeping, panicking.
I knew I saw them. I knew for a fact they were there. Where did they go? What if he attacked another animal? Or a person? What if I really was going crazy? What if I just imagined it all?
I made it home safely, and sat in the driveway until I could calm down.
I ran my hands over my hair, continuing my deep breathing. Every couple of minutes, when I convinced myself that I was calm enough to go inside, I would just break down again. Finally, I was able to completely calm myself down.
Okay, Alex, okay. Now all you have to do is maintain your composure. You can do it. You'll be fine. Think positive.
I slowly opened my door, acting as if it were made of very delicate glass, and walked through the front door.
"Roman? Cort?" I called out.
"What's up, T-Rex?" Cort yelled from upstairs.
I took two steps at a time, and ran into Cort's room.
"Where's Roman?" I asked, finding him standing at his nightstand.
"Out," he replied, looking me up and down, furrowing his brow when he saw my puffy red eyes. "What the hell happened to you?"
I took a deep breath. Should I tell him? He laughed at my Mara story, it's only a question what he would do to this story.
"Something...something happened on my way to work," I answered, wringing my hands.
Cort just stared at me, waiting for me to go on.
"I saw...a the woods," I said, rubbing my hand over my eyes, and leaning against Cort's bed frame.
"He...he was decaying and he was eating a dead coyote," I started, but then Cort scoffed. "I know! I know! It sounds stupid. But you have to believe me, Cort. I wouldn't make this up!"
"Alex! Enough with this cannibalism shit, alright? It was funny once, but now you're starting to get really, really annoying," Cort said, turning back to his nightstand.
"What?! I thought you would believe me!" I said, holding the tears back. It was a lie, but I never knew Cort could say something that heartless.
"Wh-how-what am I supposed to believe?" Cort asked, flustered.
"You're supposed to believe me! I'm your sister!" I yelled at him.
"Well how am I supposed to believe you if it's complete bullshit?!" he yelled back. "You know, you're not giving me many options here, Alex! I want to believe you, but I can't! How can you believe something as outrageous as that, huh? You need to make things more clear! I don't understand you anymore!"
"Fuck you, Cort. Fuck you, and I hope you go to hell!" I growled at my brother.
I walked from his room, and slammed my door shut.
With tears forming in my eyes, once again, I collapsed onto my bed, cursing my brother for not believing me.
I understand that it's hard to believe what I've been telling them. I don't even know if I completely believe it myself. But right now, I just need some advice. Not someone who's going to give me pity and affection or someone who's going to give me shit for seeing things that they don't believe are real. No, I needed someone who I could actually talk to about this. And I knew exactly who.

»•« »•«

Twenty minutes later, I'm walking into some hole-in-the-wall Greek food restaurant called Sebastian's. I looked for the face that I asked to come here and discuss the crazy people with the messed up skin. The only person I know who knows anything about them.
He stands up upon sight of me, and smiles.
"Hey, Peter," I say, giving him a weak smile.
"You look like shit, Alexandra," Peter said, trying to make me laugh.
I smiled, and shook my head, saying, "Whatever."
"Sit down," he offered, holding his hand out for me to sit in the booth.
I took my seat as I heard Alex, the owner yell out in a thick, Greek accent, "Would you like something to eat or drink or no?"
"No thank you!" I called out just as Peter yelled, "Two Pepsi's!"
"Thanks," I replied.
Peter shrugged his shoulders as if it didn't matter.
He settled down in his seat before saying, " about that story?"
♠ ♠ ♠
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