I Slay


Blood, a liquid that pumps through our veins to keep us alive. Without it there would be no me, no you, no us. Nothing. Right now having something is better then nothing. That's the motto the people here live by.

In this city called Kane blood is spilt every day. It seeps into every crack and hole of the ground as the victor stabs the victim, the age of nineteen in the head.

This is the world we live in.

Where you're parents die at a young age because the air has gotten so polluted that only the next generation who was born into it are able to breathe it. They call us, 'the kids with tough lungs and large hearts.'
We grew up completely aware of what our future was going to be. You were ether born into a family that owned a shop, which is the best kind of work you can get. Or you were born into a family that didn't own anything so that then branched off into three choices: A piper, someone who works underground, A techie, someone who works on the machines or a messenger. You're life was already chosen for you by your parents before you were born.

My name is Quarin and I am a piper.

My hair is black like the oil that drips from the pipes but my eyes are blue like the sky used to be. Our country is called Ora and we have a queen. Her name is Xania and she was born with special powers. She calls the people of Ora her children. But if you look around, especially in my city, you do not see love nor do you feel it. We are poor, sick and restless.
Xania isn't the only one with powers, hers is just the most frightening. I and a few others in my city have them and I'm sure many more have them as well.
One year ago a notice was sent out to all the city's saying that anyone with these powers must be turned into the police immediately.
Let's just say they have't found us yet.


He stumbled through a small hallway that was covered in soot and oil from the pipe covered ceiling. He went inside the elevator and pressed the extremely faded button that said, "F #00"

He shut his gas mask over his pale chapped skin.

He's 25, no family, no friends.

The elevator came to a rough stop and the ricked bars slid open. The entire floor was pipes and wires that all lead to different generators. It was a dark and dirty place. He walked up to a machine and stuck a card that looked like glass with his information and ID picture embedded in it.

"Access granted, minus three tin for being 2.5 minutes late."

The machine said. Quarin didn't seem to care and he walked away and grabbed some of the oxygen gear and tools that he needed for the day.

The days seemed to go by fast underground where the sun didn't show. The buzzer sounded and Quarin headed home. He walked the filthy streets of the Slum. The sky was a vibrant orange and pink as it began to fade into the black night sky. He walked into a small brick apartment building and climbed the stairs to the top floor. He grabbed a pack of cigars out of his small apartment and went on the roof of the building.

A tall white building, far off in the distance, stood tall with what seemed to be a large barrier around it.
He lit his cigar and stared at the building,
"Some day.."
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Tin- Kane money
The Slum - The ghetto part of Kane