Status: i'll try to update as soon as i can.. it is my first story so please don't judge and sorry for any mistacause english isn't my language!!

Love Is Strong Enough

Learning the truth


We arrived at Carnonilla's house and Sara got out of the car ant entered the house really fast so it was me and Iker and I had the chanse to ask him what Roberto was talking about
Sergio:"Can you tell me what happened back there?"
Iker:"It was nothing"
Sergio:" This was more than nothing.. We are friends and I wanna help you with this situation and i wanna help Alex gt out of this relationship"
Iker:"Ok I'll tell you but you have to promise that nobody else is going to find out about it! Ok?"
Sergio:" Ok... come on tell me"
Iker:" Ok.. it all happened back in 2009.. it was quite after the Confederation Cup.. I went on holidays in Ibiza and I was upset because i broke up with my ex-girlfriend so I drank.. Then I realised it was time to get back to the hotel! I was about to take a taxi so that i was sure that i arrived safely but then I remembered that i got here with my car and i couldn't leave it there.. I was about to arrive at the hotel when I fell asleep and I crashed into another car"
Sergio:" Oh my God! Were everybody ok?"
Iker:" In that car it was a family! Husband, his wife who was pregnant and their 4-year-old son.. This kid were for any months in critical situation.. For exactly 5 months..."
Sergio:" What happened with the child?"
Iker:" He is fine now.. All this 5 months I used to pay for all the hospitals because I was feeling guilty.."
Sergio:" Iker you have to calm dow.. i'm sure it was a misunderstanding!"
Iker:"Indeed.. a few weeks later after the accident I found out that this club was selling drinks with bad quality"
Sergio:"You have to be kidding me.."
Iker:" Unfortunately no.. Roberto was my lawyer when me and the child's parents decided to sue this club's owner.. So i told the whole story to Roberto..."
Sergio:" That's why he is blackmailing you?"
Iker:" Yes"
Sergio:" Doew Sara know?"
Iker:" THe only ones who know about it are my parents, you, Sara and Roberto and i don't want anybody else to know about it.. ok?"
Sergio:" Yes.. Hey don't worry about it"
Iker:" Ok! Bye! We have to get ready for a dinner for a dinner.. Do you know where to go?"
Sergio:" I think Sara mentioned something about Montgomerry's"
Iker:" Ithink.. The table is booked under the name carbonilla's"
Sergio:" Ok! At 8?"
Iker:"Yeah! Bye!"
Sergio:" Bye!"


Finally I finished recording my song and I was about to leave the building when Carol came..
Carol:" Are you gong to leave?"
Alexandra:" Yeah because i have a dinner to get ready for.. Do you have a better idea?"
Carol:" Yeah I was thinking maybe we coul go for shopping you know... we could go and buy something for your next concert and you could also meet some of your fans!"
alexandra:" Yeah.. Good idea!"

We were shopping and we were taking photos with my fans when i received a text message from Sergio
Looking forward for the dinner tonight even if we are going to be together with Sara and Iker

Then I realized how much in love I was with him.. this text messages it came so natural
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally i uploaded...
All the facts are fake and Iker didn't crash into another car!! Love yaaa!!