Status: i'll try to update as soon as i can.. it is my first story so please don't judge and sorry for any mistacause english isn't my language!!

Love Is Strong Enough

The decision


The last thing i remembered is Sergio taking me to his car and me crying because Roberto slapped me.. Then i fell asllep because i was very tired and all i wanted is this pain to go away! After a while i felt somebody lifting me and carrying me.. instantly i woke up and realised that it was Sergio who was carrying me to his house.. That means that what happened back at my house wasn't a dream!
Sergio:" Alex.. you woke up!"
Alex:" Yeeah.. i couldn't sllep anymore.."
Sergio:" That's fine.. now you will wait here for me to bring your staff from my car.. ok?"
Alex:" Yeah.. ohh and Sergio.."
Sergio:" what?"
Alex:" Thank you so much for everything.."
Sergio:" Ne nada" and he left smiling..
As i was waiting for him to come with my bags i decided to wander around his house.. i must admit that his house was big and cosy, on the walls there were many photos from him with his friends and his family.. his smile was so beautiful and he seemed to be happy.. then i heard the door open
Sergio:" Alex? Where are you?"
Alex:" I'm right here" I said as i was approaching him
Sergio:" Let me show you your room "
Alex:" Ok come on.."
We got upstairs and he opened the door and i saw a beautiful room.. if i didn't know him so well i would definitely tell that his house was decorated with his mother's help which means that he is a family man!
Sergio:" Well this is your room there is an en-suite bathroom and my room is next door so if you need anything you can always call me"
Alex:" Thank you.. F***"
Sergio:" What happened?"
Alex:" I forgot some of my staff back at the house and now i don't have what to wear.."
Sergio:" I could always lend you one of my shirts"
Alex:" Yes thank you that would be great!"
Sergio:" I'll be back in a few minutes"
So he left the room.. i sat down on the bed and started thinking about my life and what i have to do to move on with my life.. well firstly i should find a manager because i fired Carol.. pff i don't know many people whom i trust with such an important issue as my career and the only other person apart from Carol and my family who i trus is Scooter.. Considering that in L.A it is 10 in the morning i decided to call him.. Yael, his girlfriend and my friend and the first person who warned me about Roberto, answered it
Yael:" Hello?"
Alex:" Hey Yael.."
Yael:" Is that really you? oh my God i missed you so much"
Alex:" Yeah.. i missed you too.. how is everybody?"
Yael:" Everybody is fine.."
Alex:" I'm glad.. is scooter busy because something really important to ask him?"
Yael:" Yepp.. he is here and no he isn't busy so you can talk to him"
Alex:" Thank you"
Scooter:" Hey alex.."
Alex:" hey.. umm i have to ask you something."
Scooter:" Of course anything.."
Alex:" I kind of fired Carol because i caught her with Roberto in our bed and i would like to ask you if you want too, to become my manager"
Scooter:" Oh my God.. i'm so sorry to hear about you and Roberto.. and yep i would be really honoured to become your manager"
Alex:" Well thank you.."
Scooter:" No worries but you have to flight over here to LA to discuss some important issue.. i will book your tckets and send you the details"
Alex:" ok.. see you tommorow" as i was answering to Scooted sergio entered the room with one of his shirts on his hands
Scooter:" OK bye"
Sergio:" Who was it?"
Alex:" It was Scooter Braun my new manager!"
Sergio:" Wow you've already found a new manager? You're good!"
Alex:" yeah and tommorow i will fly back to LA propably to finish my album and discuss some important issues with him!"
Sergio:" Oh right.. ok" Sergio's face fell as soon as he heard about me flying back to LA
Alex:" Hey what happened?"
Sergio:" It's just... i have something important to say to you but i don't know your reaction"
Alex:" Well go on ant tell me otherwise you won't find out my reaction"
Sergio:" Alex you are an incredible perso and a beautiful woman.. and i say that to you even though i met you today and i have to confess something to you.. Alex i'm in love with you.. and i wouldn't say that to you neither today nor now but considering you will leave tommorow i wanted you to know about my feelings"
Alex:" Well if this makes you feel any better Sergio i'm in love with you too.. how couldn't i? You are an incredible person and you are this man that every woman in the world would like to date you and also i'm glad that you spoke with me today before i left.."
Sergio:" So where does this leave us?"
Alex:" I want so badly to date you but i just broke up and i'm brokenhearted but i promise to you that when i return from LA refreshed and calmer we will give us a chanse.. i promise to you"
Sergio:" Ok thank you.. ohh here is your shirt"
Alex:" thank you" ( )

Next morning i woke up and checked my phone.. there was an e-mail from Scooter who informed me that my flight will leave at 12 meaning that i have to be at the airport by 10! i was still with my shirt that Sergio gave me last night! I got downstairs and saw Sergio cooking
Alex:" Good morning!"
Sergio:" Buenos dias.. How did you sleep?"
Alex:" Everything was fine.. umm Scooter informed me that i my flight will leave at 12 and that means that i should be at the airport by 10"
Sergio:" OK.. it is 9.30 we can eat and then we can leave!"
Alex:" Actually Sergio i'm not really hungry.. i will go upstairs to get ready!"
Sergio:" OK!

I got upstairs and got ready ( ) .. i still couldn't believe that Sergio confessed his feelings to me and i confessed mine to him! i'm so happy about it! When i return from LA i will give this relationship a try.. I got ready then went downstairs with all my bags and saw Sergio waiting for me!
Sergio:" Are you ready?"
Alex:" Yes.. come on let's go"
Sergio:" The drive to the airport was quite but not awkwardly quite.. at times we would listen to the music, sing or laugh! After 20 minutes we arrived at the airport i took my ticket and waited for the announcement of my flight! There weren't many paparazzis at the airport.. then my flight was announced
Alex:" Well i must go!"
Sergio:" Please be careful and don't forget what you promised!"
alex:" Hey we will talk ok.. bye!"
Sergio:" Bye!"
We hugged each other and i left knowing that i have one important reason to return back to Madrid.. ant this was a possible relationship with this beautiful man Sergio Ramos