The Broken and the Fallen

The Broken

She hated him.

She hated how he was so loved.

She hated how he was of high status.

She hated how he was so puerile.

She hated how he was altruist.

She hated how unappreciative and disrespectful he was to The Father.

She hated how sinful he had acted.

She hated how he did not mind the whispers behind his back.

She hated how he allowed himself to get caught.

She hated how he never bothered to deny nor explain himself.

She hated how he remained his taciturnity.

She hated how he continued to smile.

She hated how he was so intrepid.

She hated how he was so complaisance to his fate.

She hates him.

She hates how he never bothers to look up in the heavens.

She hates how he never misses what he used to have.

She hates how he lives as the exact opposite of what he was born to become.

She hates how he never became gauche.

She hates how he is so optimistic about his fate.

She hates how he is enigmatic to her.

She hates how ubiquitous he is in her mind.

She hates how he is so beautiful despite his squalid actions.

She hates how he interacts with lowly beings.

She hates how he never bothers to mollify anyone.

She hates how he still has his altruism.

She hates how he still remains puerile.

She hates how his choice was salutary.

Today was the day she was graced 361 years ago. She is greeted. She is kissed. She is celebrated for.

Today was the day that her celebration will become insipid. Because her celebration will lack.

It will lack him.

She gazes down from above. And there he is below while she is here above. Her eyes form rain, which touch the beings below. Everyone below immediately cover themselves from the slightest of her touch. Except him. He allows himself to be touched.

By her sadness.

By her loneliness.

By her.

And her already broken soul breaks once again.

She needs him.

She needs his presence.

She needs his comfort.

She needs his assurance.

She needs his smile.

She needs his laugh.

She needs his words.

She needs his hand.

She needs his embrace.

She needs his light.

She jumps.

She lets herself fall.






Where it is not heaven.

Where angels do not tread.

Where he was thrown away.

She does not mind the whispers.

Just like he did.

She wills herself to let go of the comfort of her lackadaisical life.

Just like he did.

She does not obey The Father’s rules about staying above.

Just like he did.

She wills herself to be intrepid.

Just like he is.

She wills herself to maintain her grace.

Just like he always has.

She wills herself to rebuke pusillanimity.

Just like he always does.


She will not be complaisance.

Just like he had been.

She will not forget to ask forgiveness from The Father.

Just like he never did.

She will not bite the hand that fed her.

Just like he had done.

But most importantly

She will not leave him.

Just like how he did to her.

And there she is.

And there he is.

And her broken soul that was up above in heaven falls.

Down below.

With the sea.

With the land.

With the human beings.

With him.

With his fallen soul that completes her broken one.

She loves him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy