The Forgotten



Billie exited the shower smelling of fresh roses. It was a whole new day for him. Having his past demon get her just deserts. His pouty lips set in a small smile as he opened the bathroom door, holding the towel around his waist. The steam plumes, rolling out into the chilled room creating a foggy atmosphere. He walked over to his dresser picking out his clothes. As he bent a low whistle followed suit. He spun around to find the demon sitting on his bed. Smirk firmly planted on her red lips, knees crossed over each other and arms resting on his sheets.

"You get finer every year. Are you sure you didn't make a pact with the Devil?"
She smiled almost sweetly at him. His face dulled as he went into the bathroom to change.
"What are you still doing here?"
"Aw Billie you didn't think a silly little thing like not being able to touch you could drive me away? There are other ways to inflict pain."
She waltzed in as he pulled up his pants, sitting on the counter.
"What are you going to do annoy me to death?"
He quipped, arching an eyebrow as he applied his eyeliner.
"That could work. It's a slow approach but it'll sure as hell be fun for me. Oh we can be such good friends! We'll have slumber parties and braid each other's hair."
She grinned, clasping her hands together thinking about the promising ideas. Billie turned to her frowning.

"Why is it always me? Don't you have some other evil plots to be planning than wasting time chasing after me?"
"Nope. In fact this is way more fun."
He sighed hopelessly. At least it was better than cowering in fear. This was manageable. At least until he found a way to get rid of her. She sat there staring at herself in the mirror as Billie dried his hair. Continuing to follow him around the house until he stepped out the door and over to his car.

"I call shotty!"
She cheered as she ghosted through the metal door sitting down. Billie's forehead wrinkled in worry. He buckled himself in and looked back at her as she sat looking some what excited.
"We're going to the studio so please, please try not to screw this up for me."
"What's in it for me?"
Billie resisted the urge to groan in frustration as she simply stared.
"You do realize you just tried reasoning with a demon?"
He glared back at her.
"What?! Even you know that was stupid."
She threw her hands up in mock defense.
"Shut up."
He spat as he backed out of the driveway.
Ooh Billie is feisty today!"
She clapped her hands mocking him again. Her lips formed in a smiling grin.

The ride there wasn't too brutal. She only reached over to honk his horn effectively getting the driver to give him a dirty look. He pulled into the studio parking lot. As he shut off the engine he slowly moved to get out of the vehicle. Dreading what would await if he screwed up in front of his band mates. She followed behind him like an obedient dog.

"Took ya long enough."
Tre was lounging on a rollie chair, twirling his drumsticks in his hand.
"Hey Tre."
He greeted taking a seat on the run down green couch. Where he crashed frequently after all night binge sessions. Intent on writing lyrics to his new album. Not only one album, but a trilogy of them. He almost felt like he bit off more than he could chew. But if he could pull it off he knew it'd be awesome.
"Where's Mike?"
He turned his head looking into the recording room.

He shrugged.
"Hey what's that red mark on your face?"
Tre twisted in his seat, pointing at Billie's face with a drumstick. Billie's face scrunched up in confusion as he pulled out his phone. He turned on the camera making it point on himself. Seeing there was indeed a red welt forming on his cheek.
"Fuck yes!"
The She Devil cheered, pumping her fist back into herself. Billie's eyes shone in annoyance as his eyebrows knitted themselves together. His head turned to her, looking as if he was staring at a wall.
"Go a little too hard with the ole' hand there Billie Joe?"
Tre leaned over to stare at the picture that Billie took of himself, a welt of red confusion on his face.
"Shut the hell up Tre."
Billie angrily muttered. Embarrassment clearly on his face.
"He's right!"
She cackled, holding her stomach as she appeared sitting on a stool next to Billie.

"What'd I do?"
He frowned down at his friend only slightly offended. Not like this was nothing new for Tre. Mike soon walked in to greet his friends.
"What the hell happened to you?"
Mike did a double take of Billie's face.
Tre turned to Billie lightly tapping him with a drumstick.
"Would you guys cut it out? I had a rough morning I don't need this."
He groaned as he swatted away Tre's sticks.
"Yeah stop making fun of him Tre, he's having a tough morning."
Mike agreed, though sarcastically. The speakers crackled and the opening lines of an Alice Cooper song, 'Give the kid a break.' Began to play. Only to turn off a minute later. Everyone looked around, expressions spooked.
"I'm beginning to think this place is haunted you guys."
Tre spoke his eyes wide as saucers.
"Or possessed."
Billie mumbled to himself, looking at the source as she sat grinning guiltily.
"Come on guys lets get to work."
Mike strode up to the board filled with a mandrid of knobs.

The rest of practice went off without so much as a hitch. Billie got a few decent lines written down, Mike finished up a few songs he needed to get down for bass, and Tre filled out the last of his drum solos that he had been putting off. The energy was good and Billie was shocked if he didn't find his evil counter part taking the whole thing with enjoyment.
"I'll see you guys later!"
He waved as he reached his car. He and the demon entered and he started down the road.
"I see that you had fun today."
He looked out of the corner of his eye, with a slight smile.
"If that's your idea of fun.:
She scoffed as the corner of her lips pulled up betraying her.
"Oh I don't know I thought I saw you having a good time."
"You THOUGHT Billie."
She insisted continuing to stare out the windshield in denial.

"It's okay to admit it I won't tell all the other demons."
He teased her. She rolled her eyes tucking her chin into her hand that rested upon the passenger door, gazing out the window in annoyance.
"That'd be a cold day in hell."
Billy only smiled to himself. With new feelings about his situation he was beginning to look forward to having this trailing demon follow him. Even if the idea somewhat scared the shit out of him.

When they got home they discovered it empty.
"Who died? It's like a damn funeral home in here."
She announced kicking at the air, hands shoved in her pockets. Billie studied her bored expression. He had to somewhat agree. Now that his kids had grown up some and had their own lives it was pretty quiet.
"Adrienne's at the store and the boys are at school."
He shrugged walking into the kitchen to get a much needed cup of coffee. While the demon lounged on the couch. Her hands behind her head and feet kicked up on the entable.

"How the hell do you live like this?"
She complained, as the TV switched on by it's self. Billie stood there with his jaw slacked.
"How do you keep doing that?"
"Do what?"
She absentmindedly asked, busy watching Jerry Springer.
"Keep turning things on without actually touching them? I thought only ghosts did that."
He replied taking a seat next to her, gently placing the coffee cup on the table.
"It's called poltergeist my naive little friend. And ghosts can't do shit besides walk around doing the same crap they've been doing for centuries."
She rolled her eyes, rocking her head side to side as she spoke.

"So you can magically move or turn on anything you want without actually doing anything."
He concluded.
"Can you show me?"
She looked over to Billie with an arched eyebrow. Considering the pros and cons. Slowly but surely the ceiling fan turned on as well as all the lights in the house began to flicker on and off. Billie looked around slightly amazed at what his new little friend could do.
"Isn't that impressive. It's more fun to make people have visions. I like to make them as vial as possible, myself."
The coffee cup levitated and hung in front of Billie's face. He grabbed it, spreading his fingers around the warm ceramic surface.

"Like making people see stuff? I thought that was only in horror movies."
"Where do you think they got it from? Ever seen Poltergeist?"
She grinned viciously. Billie Joe shuttered at the image.
"Can you make me see something?"
He wondered, placing the cup back down. She thoughtfully tapped her chin then sat up facing him. Billie's image got foggy. He could see trees all around him, leading to an old neighborhood up ahead. It was as if he was gliding with such speed. He went up some old porch steps and a door opened for him. Inside was a boy with black messy hair laying on the ground. With a girl that looked vaguely
familiar crouching over him. Her head turned abruptly, she had blood on her cheeks and hands. Stained on her blue dress. Her eyes haunting. Billie took a deep breath and was back in his living room.

"Sorry you weren't suppose to see that."
She looked at him with a somewhat pained expression. He rung his hands through his hair.
"Damn my head is killing me."
"Yeah that'll happen."
She looked closely at him, knowingly.
"Hey you think you could levitate that aspirin-"
Billie's hand touched onto her face. He felt her solid lukewarm skin on his fingertips. His eyes widened with shock. She stared at him with an amused and curious expression of her own. He quickly withdrew his hand.

"How is that even possible?!"
"I don't know. Try it again."
She stared at him more curious than before, it was odd and never happened to her. Billie hesitantly reached forward and let his hand rest on her arm. She lifted up her arm with his hand still attached.
"Well how about that."
She stared almost shocked.
"How come I can touch you now but you still can't touch me?"
Billie watched her, quite freaked out himself.
"Maybe some weird polar universe is at work here. Or maybe you're just a freak."
She looked up at him seriously. Billie watched her lay her arm back down and continue to stare. Her eyes blank with no life within them. As if her mind was somewhere else. Billie sat there watching her for a few moments before he cleared his throat.

She sat there not moving. She saw herself sitting on the floor with blood all over her hands. She pressed her cheek against the boy who lay on the ground's cold one. He didn't move, of course he didn't. Why would he after she- "HEY!"She shook her head looking at Billie Joe.
"What happened?"
He leaned forward, staring into her eyes. She blinked, herself confused.
"Don't know."
Her voice soft yet holding anger. Anger she didn't even know what for.

"Hi honey how did recording go?"
Adrienne walked in through the front door, smiling to her husband. Billie gave the demon a look. To which she surprisingly excepted, for now. He got up and gave his wife a kiss and talked with each other. That left her alone to do some exploring. She drifted up through the ceiling coming into a bedroom. It had clothing everywhere. As well as some pop cans and dirty dishes.
"What a fuckin' pig."
She stared down with her hands on her hips. It was obviously one of Billie's bastard sons. Billie as a teenage boy was never neat. But not that filthy either. She smiled at the memory of when they first were getting use to each other.

His Father passed away not long before she appeared to him. He was only 10 at the time. A troubled little boy who was holding in a lot of anger, but that flew out the window as soon as she showed up. One night she scared him so bad he hid under his bed.
"Come on out kid."
She lay on her stomach trying to get the young boy out from under his bed.
"No way."
He stared at her glowing yellow eyes that looked back at him in the darkness.
"Don't you know monsters hide under beds?"
He looked thoughtful at the point she was making.
"But you're not under the bed."
His young voice told her. He had a point.
"I'm not a monster."
She stated. She did seem normal all except for her eyes, they terrorized him. Billie crawled out from the bed, coming face to face with her. She moved out of the way so he could stand up. She helped him get back into his bed. He looked up at her with doe like eyes as she carefully pulled up the blanket to his chin.

"Are you my guardian angel?"
He innocently asked. She looked down at him her eyebrow arched. A particular look to his simple enough question.
She said slowly, wondering what brought this on.
"My Mom says sometimes when bad things happen to good people, God sends a guardian angel to people who need them."
He elaborated. Her eyes cut to him. A horrid feeling brewing in her gut.
"I'm no angel kid."
She carefully worded herself. Billie looked thoughtful for a moment.
"You better get to bed before your Mom gets pissed."
She said before he could say anything else. She wondered why she was even there in the first place. Why Billie of all people? He seemed like a good boy. But you could never tell who he was going to grow into. She assumed she was there to corrupt him. And corrupt him she did. He was the king of punk rock after all. That instilled a sense of pride in her. Even if she still hated him. After all demons don't love.

The sound of loud footsteps were coming closer to the room she stood in. She blended into the closet. Even though it was useless since no one else but Billie could see her. The oldest of the Armstrong boys walked in kicking the door shut behind him. Tossing his backpack onto the floor. She stared intensely at him through the black shutter closet door. He lay down on his bed, texting away on his phone. She rolled her eyes. Such trivial things were useless to her when she had the power to do only what people wished they could do. The annoying clicking noises were driving her up the wall. She breathed through her nose loudly, glaring menacingly at him. Joey stopped looking up at the sudden noise. Her eyes narrowed. There's no way in hell he could of heard her. She didn't exit to him. She was gonna test her theory out more but Adrienne called him down for dinner. He
pocketed his phone leaving the room. She emerged from the closet, glaring at the
spot where he was.

Clearly screwing with the Armstrongs was not nearly as fun when they couldn't see you. She drifted up another floor to the attic. It was dusty, filled with boxes of things they neither needed or wanted anymore. There was only one round window. She went over and took a seat next to it. Staring down at all the happy suburban people. She smirked thinking it was pretty hypocritical of Billie to live here.

"I can't wait to get the fuck out of this dead end town. Where I can be out on my own and not deal with everybody's shit."
She stared at Billie going into yet again one of his famous rants. She smirked knowing he was stoned out of his mind. His black dreads lightly touched his shoulders. She thought it was disgusting, it smelled like the inside of a gym locker, not to mention it looked like he picked up a dead dog off the side of the road putting it on his head. She didn't think it qualified for 'hair'. But the Berkeley punk
scene sure made an impression on him.
"What's the rush Mommy and Brad let you stay here scott free."
She mimicked 'Mommy' in a baby tone of voice. Billie scowled at her.
"Fuck him and fuck this place. I'm gonna make it big with my band and show all these assholes who's really gonna have the last laugh."
He declared, smacking his fist into the carpeted floor upon which they were sitting in his bedroom.

"That's it give them all the big F U."
She grinned viciously encouraging him.
"It'll only be Mike, Tre, and me. And we're gonna fuckin' tare shit up."
He took a hit from his joint.
"You can get fucked outta your head from all the drugs you want."
He dreamily agreed, completely mellowed out.
"You can bring whatever girl home at night without your mom questioning you."
She thought out for him. He 'mhmm'ed her. Eyelids practically shut.
"Little Casanova with a whore on each arm, begging for your autograph."
She spit out, daring to look into his slitted eyes. The greenness intensified from the pot.
"Fuck yeah."
With that he passed out her little prodigy.