The Forgotten

Now You Know


Her body wasn't stiff as she broke out of the hypnotic stare she had fixed upon the window. It was morning and she saw it fit to greet Billie Joe this find morning. Slipping down a floor, she appeared in his bedroom. Apparently it was Friday. Last day of the week for school for those smuck kids. It'd be interesting what they did for the weekend. 'Probably the same shit they did during the week.' She thought. The bathroom door was closed.

Billie was inside finishing up getting ready. He had no place to be that day, but he already had plans made with a playful poltergeist. As he opened the door he about jumped a foot into the air.
He clutched at his heart. One leg bent up and an arm up in the air. A permanent grin plastered to her face.
"That shit never gets old."

Billie chose to ignore her quips, walking out the door. She floated over his heels.
"What are we doin' today?"
She asked in a normal tone of voice. He could of sworn that if he ever had a daughter this is what it would be like.
"I'm going to try to figure out a way to break this little thing we have going here once and for all."
He turned into the kitchen pulling out the hefty yellow page book, flipping through it's pages. She cackled loudly holding onto herself.
"Good luck with that."
Billie glared up at her, determined to right the situation.

He found a number and address of a psychic in the area. He tore out the page, briskly walking to the front door. They got into the car and drove into town. Pulling up to a brick building that held multiple businesses. They both got out of the car, staring up at the neon red eye sign. The same look on both of their faces.

"A thousand bucks says she's a total quack."
Billie ignored the demon's negative attitude. Walking in, up to the floor that the name 'Madam Zina' red upon a metal plaque. Pushed the door open and stood around looking at the vast collection of crap that was lying around. Brick a brack thrown around in random fashion. From chicken bones hanging from the ceiling to crystals thrown upon tables. A woman emerged from a curtained entry. She pushed aside the beads that were hanging from them. Her nose was bent slightly as if someone
punched it, her plump old woman body shrouded in gypsy garb, and her back horribly hunched.
"My God she's hideous."
She Devil's eyes stared at the woman.

The woman's eyes widened as she rushed at Billie, pushing him out of her shop. Effectively pushing the demon out with him.
"Out! Out! Get back Devil! You curse my shop!"
She shouted at them, waving the clear crystal pendent from around her neck. Shutting the door in his face.
"No! Please I need help with this thing! Don't fucking ignore me!"
He kicked the door, leaning his head against it.

"Well hate to tell you so but.."
He turned around to look tiredly at the demon standing behind him shrugging. The door opened abruptly, as Billie stood straight the old woman stared at him carefully.
"You talk to this entity?"
He stuttered, a spark of hope that she'd help him. She nodded her head, opening the door for him. He walked in as she shut it behind the demon passed through. She told him to take a seat at a small round table where she sat across from him.

"You been followed for a long time."
She spied in the corner at the demon standing, staring back at her dis trustingly.
"I know."
Billie spoke quickly, hoping she'd have some kind of explanation.
"She not like other demons. She very special."
The woman nodded towards her.
"What kinda garbled bullshit is she saying about me?"
The demon glared at the woman. Not feeling totally comfortable being scrutinized by her.
"She not from Hell, she sent there from past life. Sin committed horrible, but she not remember."
The woman continued to spew from her mouth.
"You tell her to shut the hell up or I'm gonna come over there and-"
"Everyone be quiet!"
Billie strained his voice, putting his hands up.
"What the hell do you mean she's not from Hell? She's a demon isn't she?"
"A special kind."
She nodded.

"Well then why the hell is she following me?"
He pleaded, hoping to get an answer.
"Can't tell you, but she can."
The woman stared tensely through Billie to the demon. The demon gave Billie an uncomfortable glance.
"Don't look at me. She said it."
"So you can't tell me anything at all?"
He rifled his hand through his hair, looking up at her. The old woman shook her head. Billie stood up, sighing he tossed a twenty down on the clothed table.

They exited through the door, walking down the stairs and out the building.
"Well that was a waste of time."
Billie sighed turning to go to his car.
"Could of told you that."
The demon spoke, getting into the car. He rolled his eyes. Back to square one.

Joey was sitting in his room when he heard his Father come in through the front door shutting it loudly behind him. He figured he had a rough day.

"I hope that little stunt taught you to never believe in that kinda shit again. What a waste of fuckin' money and time."
The demon shoved the front door shut. Following Billie into the living room. Where he sat down to continuously listen to the demon complain about his so called 'reckless behavior'. And that was coming from HER.
"Would ya shut the hell up? I know it was, you don't have to keep telling me."
He held his head in his hands. Between his knees as he sat. The demon rolled her eyes.
"I'm gonna go lay down for a while. Stay outta trouble would ya?"
He called back to her as he made his way upstairs. In return caused her to roll her eyes.
"I mean it."
He gave her a pointed look though his messy hair, hanging in his eyes. As he slugged up the stairs. Upon hearing the door click shut she wondered upstairs. And back into the boy's room. She was in earlier. It drew her in. She couldn't quite explain it. The Armstrong boy was laying face down on his bed. Apparently asleep. 'Humans'. She rolled her eyes. Sitting in his game chair. Plush with cushion, she sat there pondering just how long would he sleep.

He stirred, arm slinging around the edge of the bed. He was noticeably not as skinny as Billie. Normal built, with wavy brown hair. Thick on his head. He had his Mother's face. And obviously his Father's sleeping habits. Drowsily Joey sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. His eyes slowly opened seeing a girl sitting in HIS chair in HIS room.
"What the hell?"
He stared, clearly not woken up yet.
She stared back at him, just as confused.
"A fuckin' ghost is in my room..oh my God."
She had to resist the urge to throttle him.
"Are you that fucking stupid?"
She asked. A glare fixed on her face. Her beautiful yet hauntingly scary face. Joey concluded that he was in fact not dreaming, but was actually wide awake.
"Oh shit. I'm awake."
"Congradufuckinglations Einstein. You're not all that dumb after all."
She continued to glare at him.
"Were you killed here?"
He questioned, in wonder staring at her body.

"Oh God."
She groaned disgustedly, flickering out of the room and into Billie's.
"Wake up shit head we've got problems!"
She announced, waking him up. He blinked his eyes rapidly sitting up.
"What the hell do you mean?"

They both looked over as the door opened, Joey quickly walking in. But upon seeing the 'ghost' talking with his Father, he stood stunned.
"You can see her too?"

Billie's neck snapped to the demon staring in shock.
"He can see you?!"
She gave him a nasty look. Joey sat on the edge of the bed next to Billie.
"Dad this is nuts. Did you know about this the whole time?"
Billie looked at his son not understanding for a moment.
"Joey what do you think is happening right now?"
"She's a ghost right?"
He looked to him. Billie shook his head. They both looked at her.
"I'm a fucking demon kid."
She growled out.

"Holy shit."
Billie scolded.
"Oh shut the hell up Billie. You've said worse shit in your life."
She waved her hand at him in annoyance. This whole situation became a nucence to her.
"Wait what?"
Joey looked at them confused. Billie glared at her.
"Looks like the cat's out of the bag."
She smirked, shrugging to herself. Not caring if Billie wasn't ready to tell him. He glared at her, not wanting to let him in on his secret. A secret nobody but he knew. But now that his own son saw her, he had to tell him. Or else things would really get screwed up.

"I've been stuck with her my entire life. Only she went away when I married your Mom. Until recently she's decided to show back up."
He explained simply. Joeys stood up turning around to think it all out.
They both looked at each other to just shrug out the answer neither of them knew.
"They why can I see her?"
"You have the same corroded genes as him?"
She tried only earning an irritated look from Billie.
"Don't listen to her. I don't know Joe. But maybe this is a good thing. Maybe you can help watch after her for me."
Billie rubbed the back of his neck thinking about it.
"What?! Why are you treating me like I need a fucking babysitter! Don't fucking stick me with Jr., Billie Boy or I'll make things more difficult."
She threatened clenching her teeth, barring them at him.
"What do ya say?"
"I guess I could."
Joey looked over at the girl burning with anger, floating around in his Father's room. Which both scared and intrigued him at the same time.

He clapped him on the back, walking out to the stairs.
"Hello?! Am I fucking invisible?! I am NOT hanging out with Billie Bob Jr. All damn day!"
She yelled down at him, wanting to throw herself over the railing and land on him down below. He just waved her off.
"You know you don't have to follow me everywhere I go? We've been separated before."
"Obviously numb nuts! When the hell did you get so smart?!"
She continued to yell down at him over the banister. Billie smirked at her, starting to enjoy their little sarcastic fights.
"She's not that tough Joey. I'll be down in the basement if you need me."
He disappeared around the corner. She turned to Joey as he started to cautiously head towards his room.
"Great, just..great."
She moaned, silently following behind him.

They've been sitting across from each other, just staring. She glanced up from her dead stare on the floor.
"What the hell are you looking at?"
Causing Joey to look away. As she went back to glaring at something else. Glancing back, he noticed she didn't look as threatening as before. More like a child in time out. Than an evil demon, hell bent on ruining his Father's life.
"What's your name?"
Joey spoke up. She scrunched up her face, tilting her head as she talked.
"I don't have a fucking name."
"You've had to of had a name at some point."
He logically thought out. Although Hell didn't apply to the laws of logic.
"Even if I did, I wouldn't remember."
She spat, staring up at the ceiling. The thought of it irritated her.
"Why don't you try?"

She stared at him. His face melting into a different one. It was a more narrow face of a young man, black messy hair and steel grey eyes. Eyes that made her feel an emotion that she hadn't felt in years.
Her voice cracked. Her hand fluttered up to her throat. Joey's eyes softened.
"Do you remember what happened?"
She blanked out. She couldn't utter another word as the feelings of loss and regret flooded her senses. Her head shook uncontrollably. Joey stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders.
"You're alright, see?"
"You can touch me too?"
She looked down at him with a quivering lip.
"Am I not suppose to?"
He knelled there looking into her eyes. He just wanted to know. He had to.
"I need to go."
She evaporated. He could still feel her around. He got up and started heading for the basement, with the intent of finally getting to the bottom of all this.

Billie didn't intend to come down and start writing but his hands just wouldn't stop jotting down word after word. It flowed nonstop.
Joey jogged down the stairs, standing in front of him. Billie looked up at his son, looking slightly concerned.
"What's wrong?"
He felt his stomach drop, fearing she did something.

"I think you need to talk to Gloria Dad."
Joey urgently took a seat on the piano bench. Billie turned placing a hand on his shoulder.
"That's her name. Something's really wrong with her. She's not evil Dad. Something happened to her, she won't tell me, maybe since she's attached to you, you could talk to her."
It was so unlike Joey to care about something this much. He'd never seen him like this. Wait did he just call her Gloria? His mind couldn't stop thinking.
"What else did she tell you?"
"Nothing. She disappeared."
Billie stood up and walked to the second level of his home with his son following behind. She had been attached to him for long, it's like he could find her with his eyes closed. He pulled down a set of stairs from the ceiling, that led to the attic. There she was lying on the dust coated, wooden floors. He had a funny feeling that she would be up here.

"I'll handle it from here Joey."
He smiled at his son, going up the stairs to sit at an angle of the opening. He looked down at her petite frame. Small leather jacket hugging her closely, with a black shirt underneath. Tight black jeans covered her legs with black leather combat boots attached to her feet. His hand lightly feathered over her long black hair, her bangs cut straight across her forehead. Her matte red lips puckered open slightly. Eyelids were shut. Which was something he'd never seen. She almost looked
human lying there. He felt a pull as her face twisted up in pain. Could demons have nightmares just like people do?

Gloria sat up violently, her orchard eyes wearily gazing around, landed on Billie Joe. He swallowed thickly.
"You alright Gloria?"
His hand rest upon her shoulder. She nodded, scooting away from him, back against the window.
"I didn't know demons could have bad dreams."
He stared at her shaking hands.
"They can't sleep either."
She laughed humorlessly. Gripping the material of her jeans in her fingers, tight.
"Shit, I don't know what's happening to me anymore. This shouldn't be happening. I shouldn't be feeling this way."
"How do you feel?"
"Like someone gutted out a hole in my chest an put a heart there. I'm so sore. I feel so weak. And I don't even know why."
Billie stared at her as her fingertips caressed under her clavicle. He scooted closer to her. Chancing to put his hand on her knee.

"Maybe it was something that happened to you before, your past life?"
He wondered, trying to remember all that the psychic told him.
"I don't know it's been so long.."
Her voice sounded far away, as she tried to gauge just exactly what she was looking for. Billie studied her face.
"What happened before you came to me?"
Her lids began to droop just as Billie reached for her hand.

Her eyes closed as she saw the boy from before standing next to her, it was a warm summer day. In the 1960s, telling from the old tube TV and rotary phone. The orange and yellow floral wallpaper looking new, as they walked over to sit on the living room floor. No one was home, just like how they planned.
"Let's get this party started."
The boy smirked to her, pulling out various drugs from his bag. He held a needle in one hand and a vial in the other.
"Jimmy you sure we should be doing this?"
She bit her lip, gazing at him.
"Come on Glor it's fun, don't worry so much."
She nodded, doing anything to please him. Her love for him would drive her to do practically anything to please him.
"I'll go first."
He dipped the syringe into the brown liquid, sucking it up. Injecting it into his arm. He winced then shook his arm out a bit, grinning at his beautiful neighbor.
"Your turn beautiful."
His charming grin always pulling her in. She nodded, as he turned around getting more out of his bag. He looked down at his trembling hands.

As the drug started taking effect, Jimmy's body swayed into Gloria's. His head resting against her stomach.
She stared down at him. She called his name in panic, as he vomited out blood on her deep blue dress. She pulled him down onto the floor, on his back. His head had lulled to the side, blood leaking out his mouth.

"No, no please."
Her voice squeaked, as her hands touched his face. Not knowing what to do.
"I love you Jimmy."
She cried at his side. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, as he let out his last breath. The needle meant for Gloria rolled out of his palm as his hand slacked. Her hands touched her face, smearing the blood as she let out a loud sob. Frantically called the police telling them all that she could.

When they came in they found her sitting next to his body, covered in his blood. Her blood soaked Mary Janes made two slick trails of red out the door. Her face contorted behind the glass as they drove away.
"But you didn't do anything wrong."
Billie stared in awe at the vision she was experiencing, that was visible to him too.
"Didn't matter. I was fooling around with the pastor's son. And my family wasn't well known for going to church. I was the black stain on that pure town. So they got rid of me. Put me in a foster home at the age of 16. Too bad they didn't get a chance."
She muttered darkly staring at the floor.
"I hung myself."
Billie's face etched in horror. He'd have never known.
"But you were so young. Why would you go to hell for such a devastating thing?"
She gave him a pat on the hand. Feeling the effects of meloncoly get to her.
"You know what they say about people who commit suicide? They become civil servants in the after life."

He gripped on to her hand bringing it to her chest, where she could feel the beating in her hand.
"I don't want to say I'm sorry cause I know you. And I know that you'll be more upset. But for what it's worth I'd try to stop you if I had the chance."
His eyes shone with sensirity. For the first time in a long time, she felt loved.