The Forgotten

I Was There


Billie opened his eyes, watching the dust particles float around in the sunlight. It couldn't of only been an hour or so they were up there. Gloria was sitting up and looked at him, seeing that he was awake.
"I didn't want to wake you."
She uncharacteristically frowned at him. He could tell the air was still thick with their talk. His feelings towards her changed. He now understood the pain. That she hadn't been born evil. But forced into this situation.

They left the attic, Billie Joe told her, he wanted to talk a walk for a short while. But didn't want to leave her alone. So he asked Joseph if he would stay with her for a while.
"It'll only be for a little bit."
He told them, mostly reassuring himself. Gloria seated in the corner on a chair. Which was unlike her. Normally she'd be floating an inch or two above it, but it appeared she was actually touching the chair.

As he walked down the driveway and on to the sidewalk. He couldn't help but think about all that had changed in such a short period of time. It use to be before he married Adrienne and the band grew more popular, that she was the main component in his life. She always had a say, whether it be good or bad. He could always remember her right by his side.

His mind began to wonder back to his childhood, only able to remember some part of when Gloria first came into his life. He remembered when he was afraid of her even if he didn't understand why. She was always so angry and spoke words that if his Mother had heard he'd be in trouble. She always kept him at an arms length away. Never letting him get too close to her.

But as he tried to remember into his 20s, that's when it began to get foggy. Vaguely he could see her face cackling in the background in a drug en fueled fog he was constantly in. He'd often wake up from drunken nights of sex with scratch marks down his back. He wasn't sure if it was from the girls he was with or Gloria. It was a wonder he was still alive. She was the influence behind most of it, as he could recall. From the mandrid of drugs that pumped into his body, all memory was lost.

It was in his teenage years, where he remembered that she was most present. He talked to her about his plans to make it big with his band and how he couldn't wait to get the hell outta that town.

And to him the sudden realization as to why Gloria was so familiar to him because that was one of the main characters in his album 21st Century Breakdown. And Christian wasn't a familiar name but the kind of people that ultimately killed her. Not only that but Jimmy, Jimmy was the name of the saint that was the down fall in American Idiot. She was the influence of the majority of his lyrics. Either from drugs, making him feel crazy from seeing her in the first place or from herself. But one memory stuck out to him the most.

"Where you goin' boy."
Billie Joe turned around, his eyes half lidded from insomnia. His step Father Brad was taking up the couch, crumbs showered around him.
"The only place you better be going out to is to get a job."
He ignored him, casting his tired eyes at the floor.
"You better not be stoned boy."
Brad stood up, sizing up Billie. Billie glanced over to his right to see the She Devil, as he liked to call her. Glaring hostilely at Brad. Her teeth barred at him like a dog. A low growl emerging from her throat.
"Are you listening to me, you better show some god damn respect."
Billie glared at Brad, his fists shaking in anger. It seemed to dwell from another source. He'd never felt such rage in his life.
"Respect?! What fucking respect do I owe you! You're the one that sits around wasting away on MY couch! In MY home! You don't deserve my Mother! And She sure as hell don't deserve to be stuck with you!"
He yelled out, saying all the things he always wished to say. Leaving Brad stunned and speechless.

Now he knew it was because of Gloria. Her anger channeled into him. Allowing him to say what he never had the courage to. It was all Gloria, an whether she intended to or not she helped him get his foot into the door to finally stand up for himself. And all this time he had been effectively blocking her out to be this hellish creature wanting to destroy him. When really she wasn't that at all.

Joey and Gloria sat in his room. As he quietly sat on his bed, occasionally looking at her every now and then. She just looked so pitiful to him. He didn't know how to help her and he knew better than to try and get her to talk again. So he waited for his Father to come home.

It was only an hour before Billie Joe came back. He slowly poked his head in Joey's room. Seeing they were right were he left them. Gloria's eyes perked up a bit. Making Billie smile.
"Joe your Mom's downstairs why don't you give her a hand?"
Joey quietly left his room, leaving the door open. Billie walking into his room, he could feel Gloria behind him. As he turned around she was almost slumped over. A pout on her lips.

"You left me alone for an hour with your son. Don't expect me to be happy about it."
She spared him a glance. Her usual cruel quips starting back up again. He smiled, happy she was getting back around to her old self.
"It couldn't of been that bad."
"He didn't talk the whole time."
He right out laughed at her. She was so use to Billie Joe and his constant chattering.
"Eh he gets it from his Mother."
"That's for fuckin' sure. You better get that kid to do some socialization."
He shook his head with a smile on his face. He knew she wasn't trying to be mean.
"Y'know, I didn't realize just how much you influenced me when I was younger."
He touched upon the subject lightly, afraid he'd upset her again.

"Of course I did. How do you think you got so cool?"
She crossed her arms, smirking at him. He noticed her feet hovering over the ground.
"Yeah thanks for all the years of drug in fueled sexcapades."
Billie sarcastically joked.

"Well I am your demon."
She simply answered. He smiled at her not sure he minded anymore.

"I've been thinking, you should tell your wife about all this. After all you had lied to her for years. She deserves to know."
He couldn't believe his ears. She was actually suggesting that he tell his wife, that he was attached to a demon?
He asked her, not comprehending anything she was saying.
"You heard me asshole."
He scratched his head, actually considering it.
"Why are you telling me this now?"
"I've had time to think, I maybe a demon. But that doesn't mean I have to follow some sort of code that says I have to be evil. I am still me, inside here. Somewhere."
He felt bad for her, that she had been put in that label. Demons to him were cruel and evil. But here was one right in front of him, and it wasn't so.

"Fine but I want you with me."
He stubbornly demanded.
"I don't know if that's such a good idea."
She looked hesitant.
"You are the one who suggested it."
He reminded her. Looking at her with raised eyebrows.
She went back to pouting.
"After dinner."

The whole time Billie sat at the table his nerves were on edge. He may have not suggested to do this, but he did agree to it. He watched Adie finish clearing off the table. He hesitantly stood up and came behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to the back of her neck.
"Well this is unexpected."
She smiled turning around in his arms.
"Can we talk?"
He hoped to display a calmness around him. She nodded as they sat on the couch. Gloria already sitting down across from Adrienne. Billie sat down next to Gloria hope-ing to draw some strength from her.

"So..there's something about me that I haven't told you and you might think it sounds completely crazy an I don't blame you."
He sighed heavily running a hand through his hair, pulling at it. A concerned expression crossed Adie's features.
"What is it? Are you back on drugs?"
"No, no I-"
He glanced at Gloria as she nudged him to get on with it.
"I have a demon following me."
Her eyes bore into his, not knowing what to think. They never were very religious. she was wry of this conversation from the very start.
"She's been attached to me since my Dad died. When we met, she just..disappeared. It sounds weird I know but, that day at the beach. She came back and she's here now."
He looked at Gloria as she stared at Adrienne not liking the looks she was giving Billie.

"I don't know what to think. Last time something like this happened was before the boys were born. I'm sorry Billie but I don't know how to believe you."
She looked at her hands. Billie's face dropped to his callused hands. Silent breaths coming from him. The total devastation that this wasn't going to go well never crossed his mind.

Gloria glared at her. Not believing she's toss the idea aside so quickly, especially for someone she loved. She quickly grew angry. The lights began to flicker, windows opening making the curtains fly like mad. Adie looked around her, shocked into fear. And as she looked up a girl stood floating in mid air. A menacing glare on her face.
"Oh now you wanna notice me? After I fucking have to make you believe him myself?!"
Gloria yelled, holding her arms out ready to fight for Billie's sake.
"I'm so sorry Billie. I believe you I do I'm sorry for doubting you."
Adrienne knelled in front of him as he lifted his head. She pressed his face into her shoulder hugging him. He grasped onto her. Relief, as he cast a glance at Gloria. Calming down some, remaining by his side.

"Uh Dad?" In walked the youngest Armstrong. Jake stared up at the girl hovering near the ceiling. His head cocked in confusion pointing at her.
"So everybody can see me now? Great. How the hell am I suppose to get any time to myself?"
Gloria glared upwards, dropping down to the floor. Jake began to walk over as Adie was about to grab him, Billie shook his head letting him go.
"Who're you?"
He looked up in awe. His mouth missing a few teeth, from the age he was currently in. She looked at him contemplating what he knew.
"Gloria. Who're you?"
She sassed him back. Her arms crossed. It was as if Billie was looking back into time. Only he didn't get an introduction. She just came and scared the crap out of him.
"Jake. This is my house you know."
He felt the need to inform her. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion.
"I know that. You don't gotta tell me."
"Okay. You wanna play video games with me?"
He offered, grinning. Never one to turn down another person to play with.
"I don't know. I'm not good at that kinda crap."
She leaned away from his touch.
"I am so I can teach you."
He grabbed on to her and dragged her away up the stairs towards his room. Adrienne and Billie looked at each other in disbelief of what just happened. Not only did Jake have a conversation with a demonic entity but he invited her to play video games.

All had calmed down and Adrienne was taking a nap, after the heated conversation they had downstairs. Billie quietly snuck out of his room, as to not wake her up. He knew that after Jake had kidnapped Gloria to his room, Joey's voice could be heard in as well. The playful sounds of banter were bouncing down the halls as Billie opened the door to the room.

"WHAT?! How is that even possible? You cheated!"
Gloria threw down her controller, pouting her lips. Jake grinned up at her.
"I told you I'm really good."
"He really is."
Joey added. Gloria rolled her eyes.
"You guys are so warped by video games, phones and your computers. Next thing you know fucking robots are gonna take over the world."
She ranted, pointing to everything she just said.
"You sound like my Dad."
Jake made a face.
"No your Dad sounds like me."
She corrected him.

"Hey guys."
Billie announced himself in. Looking at the massive mound of junk surrounding them.
"Speak of the devil."
Gloria whispered to Joey, smirking. Billie sat behind them and watched them interact. For supposedly being an evil entity, she was a pretty good babysitter.

"If I gotta play one more video game, I'm gonna hurl green puke all over the place."
She complained, laying on the ground.
"Alright guys let her rest before she gets cranky."
Billie stood up followed by the boys as they laughed. Gloria grumbled as Billie Joe helped her up.
"Can't you just float yourself downstairs?"
He inquired as they walked down the steps.
"That little stunt took too much energy out of me."
She ran her hands down her face.

"Hey I wanna show you something."
Billie got a sudden idea. He pulled out a box of Green Day CD's. Setting them down in front of her.
"What's all this shit?"
She leaned in picking up the 21st Century Breakdown Cd. A perplexed expression on her face.
"My music."
He watched her closely as she scanned down the track list.
"Why is my name on here?"
She sounded so small. Billie couldn't help but be proud of his work.
"I think I knew all along but just couldn't find out until you did."
Gloria fell silent, bowing her head into her hands.
"I never really forgot you."
He watched her slowly lift her head.
"Can I listen to it?"

Billie got up taking the CD injecting it into the player. 'Viva La Gloria' played out of the speakers. The words more meaningful to both of them now that they knew the truth. Silent tears ran down her face. As Billie didn't see, standing at the window looking out it. Having a moment as well. As the song ended she looked over to him.

Tentatively stepping over, she wrapped her arms around him. And endless stream of tears running down her face. Billie tightly hugged her to him.
"You are not forgotten."
He repeated. His hand cradling her head. Gloria remained quiet. As Billie stroked her hair.

Such a simple gesture. Yet it calmed her all the same. Billie pressed Gloria into him, she was like the missing piece. His other half of himself. She was older than him but appeared much younger. He never had a daughter. But getting closer to her, he knew that was what was missing. His beautiful little Gloria. Full of spunk and heart. Being a demon didn't stop her from being who she was. And frankly, he didn't think she was one.

"You're not a demon Gloria."
He mumbled into the top of her head.
"Than what am I?"
She muttered back.
"You're my guardian angel."

The two fell asleep on the couch, Adie covered them with a blanket. Not meaning to wake them, Billie Joe stirred looking up at his wife. Smiles planted firmly on their faces. He told her about everything that he had contemplated in his mind. And with Adrienne's approval, he couldn't wait to tell Gloria about his ideas. He just wasn't sure what people would say. He didn't know if he should tell them she was a demon, for they wouldn't understand and take her away from him. And if he lied he didn't want to hurt her feelings either.

"What time is it?"
Sleep coated his words as he attempted to sit up. Seeing as how Gloria was latched on to his side.
"Almost 1."
He carefully scooped her up, like a bride; carrying her up the stairs. In the guest room, he laid her down on the plush blanket. He thought to himself how before she had all the qualities of a demonic entity. But once discovering herself, she adopted human habits. Was it possible to reverse the effects done? He wasn't sure but something told him not to doubt whatever powers might be at work here.