Status: Updated Daily

Dear Jack


Dear Jack,

I saw your brother today. He seems better. Finally. He was in such a dark place for such a long time. We all were. Can I tell you about it? About how we all coped? I don't wanna make you feel bad or anything. But we all went through some shit when you left. I'm gonna tell you about it.

Rian was pretty bad. He cut himself off from the world for the longest time. He would rarely leave his house. He said outside reminded him of you too much.

Zack was Zack. You know he was quiet to begin with, so it was really hard to tell that he was depressed. He still went out and talked and laughed with everyone. He still smiled and acted like everything was okay. Nothing was okay.

Matt committed suicide 6 months after you died.

Vinny turned to drugs. Yeah, I know. We all expected it. Him and Grieco spent their days and nights snorting anything they could get their hands on. It was really bad for a long time. Vinny finally got sober. I don't know how long it's gonna last though. I don't know what happened to Grieco.

Danny followed after Matt, about 2 weeks later.

Your brother.. He kinda just went M.I.A for a while. No one heard from him for almost a year. When he finally came back, he was on so many drugs.. It was hard seeing him like that. I guess he was just trying to forget. We all tried to forget.

I won't go into detail about what happened to me.. I mean, I didn't turn to drugs. I didn't drink myself to death. I didn't kill myself, (although I though about it more than once.) I kinda just felt. I felt all of it.
I felt the drugs they all took. I felt the sadness Zack endured. I felt the isolation Rian put himself through. I swear to god, I felt the bullet Matt put through his head, and the rope that choked Danny.

I felt it all. I'm still feeling it.

I miss you, Jack. I miss you a lot.

Why did you have to be driving that night?

Love, Alex
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*sighs* I'm updating these while I'm at the doctors. It's taking my mind off the fact that they're putting me on new meds.

Things are getting bad again. Sorry for being depressing.