Story of a Girl

Somewhere I Belong

Zacky leads me up the walkway that leads to the house. After two months of non stop touring and six months of being mentally separated from Zack, this is a well needed visit. I remember the last time I was here...I had to pick up my stuff, and lets just say it wasn't your cup of tea. Zacky unlocks the front door with his keys. We'll have to make a new set for me...I sorta flushed them down the toilet after I moved out. Awkwardly, I step inside the house and look around. It's a little sloppier then I remember, but otherwise it looks the same.

"Welcome home Nick." Zacky says putting his arm around my neck and giving me a squeeze.
"Now lets go take care of this." He says taking my duffel bag from my slanting shoulder.

After the short walk from the front door to our room, Zacky throws my bag on the bed. Glancing around the room, I notice a box in the far corner.

"What's all this?" I ask going down on my knees to look inside.

"The stuff you left behind." Zacky says walking over and taking a seat next to the box.
"Like your signed copy of Twilight." He says reaching in the box and taking a tattered book out.

"Oh my god...I looked for this everywhere. I had to buy a new copy." I say sitting down and clutching Twilight to my chest.

"Good thing I kept it." Zacky says. I nod my head.

"What else is in there?" I ask peaking in.

"Lets see..." Zacky says.
"Your razor...ew." He says placing a pink Venus razor on the ground. I giggle at his expression.
"Eyeliner...nail polish...flash drive...and this..." Zacky says pulling out a lacy pair of V string panties.

"I remember these." I giggle.

"I remember taking them off." Zacky laughs with a dirty grin.

I playfully hit him with the back of my hand and carry on with sorting through my stuff. I'm not surprised I left so much stuff here...I packed for Matt's in less then 15 minutes. I was bound to forgot something...or a bunch of somethings.
The day goes on and I continue to settle back in. Honestly, I missed this placed. After nearly half a year, I feel like I belong somewhere: here.

"Hey you." Zacky says pushing our bedroom door open.

"Hey." I say flashing a smile as a slip a royal blue V-neck shirt over my bra.

"Going to bed so soon?" He asks taking a couple steps towards me.

"Yeah. After many months of restless nights...I have to catching up to do." I say.

" for me. Zacky says undoing his belt.

I walk over to my mirror to put my hair in a pony tail. When I turn around Zack's already sitting in bed with the covers draped over his legs. I take a couple running steps and plop myself onto the bed.

" seriously missed this bed." I say looking over at Zack. He smiles and lays his head on his pillow.

"Good night." He says kissing my nose.

"Good night." I yawn.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you thought "Yay Brittany has five days off which means updates!"
Rofl, yeah I'm sorry it took so long...but I have good news:

*For those of you going "WTF?", read my random notes of wisdom at the bottom.* :P

For those of you who love me, and my stories *counts the maximum of two*
You can follow me on Twitter:
IDK...I thought it'd be a fun way of letting y'all into the writing process (and randomness)
Plus it's a fun website.
*For those of you who DON'T know what Twitter is *shame*, it's a website where you update your life. Oh and each MCR member has one so that might encourage. :P*

Sorry for ranting...but is it just me, or have I used a lot of V words in this update. V Neck, V string. Ok...I'll shut up now. XD