Status: *coo* I update every Sunday ^-^ and I would love if I could get some feedback.



It seemed like forever until their mother disappeared off to do something else, I explored Willis's room to rush time. After their conversations of 'How are you?' and 'Let's do this and that', Willis finally returned; except he didn't look happy at all but rather dismayed and uncomfortable. "Alice you need to find somewhere go- a place where my parents won't find you, I mean since they finally returned, it would risk too much" He ran a hand through his hair.

"Why can't you tell them I'm here? They already seen my boxers" I crossed my arms, what's odd about me? The doctor didn't seem bothered by my presence, he adored me.

"If my parents were to see a personal friend's dead daughter strangely alive in my room with bunny ears-I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be normal about it" Willis argued. I gave him a glare, offended. My ears were maybe a little longer than most rabbits and bend a bit but I am still a rabbit spirit!

"Fine! If you want me to leave so badly I'll go" Grabbing one of my boxers, I smashed it against his window and escaped through the cold night. I didn't know why he wanted me to leave so badly, I'm pretty sure they' would've been amazed too. I'm the normal one here-they're not. I've always wanted to see the human's world...

Normady, Ome's Alleyway

I released a puff air, I came to a unfamiliar part alley where the night shined in darkness with only a barrel's top lit. Cries and laughter were deeper in the alleyway were a group of men surrounded a woman. "Please don't kill me" The woman pleaded "I-I swear I didn't notice anything" She used her purse as a shield as protection, a broken phone laid on the ground shattered. My gut urged me to do something otherwise it would destroy my honor to ignore a poor bystander. I had to stop them. Before I opened my mouth, something from behind hit my head causing me to blank out.

I soon regained awareness of what was around me. I couldn't move tied; by a chair, I suddenly felt weaker than before. Sounds of steps came, I shouted "Show yourself!".

"She's awake" A man had a bandana tied around his bald head, had a vest with symbols, and tattoos "I see the needle worked on ya, Boss will be happy". He touched my cheek and slapped it gently.

"Boss?" I questioned "What happened to the woman?" I gritted my teeth. The man snickered.

"All you need to know is this!" The man knocked me out again "Let's obtain the blood sample..".


"Alice! Let's play a game of hide and seek" Yamin tugged gently on my ears. We were in a grassy field with a baby blue sky and little clouds. No sun at all. We were both young children dressed in are kimonos.

"Yamin how are you..?" I gasped at my childish voice, I touched my front teeth. Gosh.. I remembered having these buck teeth until I lost them.

"C'mon let's play!" He kept tugging. At a younger age, Yamin wasn't mature and calm, he was a hyper impatient child who would do the most extreme adventures, that was until he chosen to be with the Thinkers. His eyes become much more darker and became more quiet, countered to me. Was this when Willis finally wanted to inspect on everyone? Or is this the time where his sister decided to come here and visit more often? I touched Yamin's hand recollecting the thoughts of the cold feeling in his hand.

"Ok.. where can I hide?" I asked, looking at his light blue eyes.

"There" He pointed to a dark hole formed in the ground.

"There?" It had a unwanted force to it, I faced him again to be met with the older version of him. The once green world now in ruined. The clouds covered the sky and Yamin's shirt had dried blood where Willis puncher him.

"That's where unpures go in the time of purging" He pushed me off the ledge.

"Yamin!" My voice ranged out to him but no reply came back.

"Alice! Wake up!" Doctor Luan snapped his fingers. I fluttered my eyes to the lighting.

"Luan?" I mumbled "Where are we?".

"In the park" Doctor Luan replied "Why are you sleeping out here? It's dangerous at night to explore".

"I can tell.." I grumped, rubbing my eyes.

"Have you ever heard of Foxes' Trickery gang? Late at night a woman draws in people to believe that she's in danger when crying out for help when in reality the gang ambushes the person who tries to rescues her and steal's all their money, belongings, and whatever is valuable" Doctor Luan explained "After taking everything, the gang drops off the body in these parks".

"How would you know that?" I eyed at him.

"We have a thing called news where it informs us on the latest crime, gossip, and garbage about people we could care less about" Doctor Luan smiled "So far no one has caught the gang, they're nomads you know? I assume your honor gotten the best of you, Alice"