Status: *coo* I update every Sunday ^-^ and I would love if I could get some feedback.


Flowers that once stood

1 week later

"Alice" Willis pulled me into a hug. I began to notice how much they've changed in a little week. Or maybe it was I who changed. Spending nights at the lab actually did well. Luan gave me over the past weekend agility, intelligence, and senses tests on my abilities. What I did wrong, he helped me improve, to enhance. Not only that, Luan limited what I could eat, to ensure I get proper meals. "I worried where you might of gone off to- how did you get here anyway?" Willis wondered, turning towards Luan; expecting a reasonable answer. I felt a tap from my shoulder to see Rosie and I hug her immensity. Why did you run away? She used her telepath voice to link with my mind. I thought back to her, Willis knows. We exchanged glances and giggled as I released her from my hug.

"She was found in the park which I happened to walk by to and her presence being here, I change my view of the whole idea" Luan clicked on his pen and wrote something in his journal "I need to study more on the active life of drawing figures who can eat...sleep..". His voice lowered into mumbles as he continually wrote in his journal. His brown eyes concreted to the journal. Willis made a worried face. But why would he care? I thought silently to myself. Willis did technically kick me out to find a new place so why change emotions? Humans are complicated.

"A park!? Alice I-" A eruption of a hard slamming close came from Luan's journal. Willis looked agitated from Luan blocking his apologize. How ever Luan didn't seem to bother to care. Instead he began taping on the table like a idea was occurring. He raised his head up, some of his hair in his face.

"Rose and Willis I want you to bring the Enlightenment Thinkers here" Luan perked his glasses up and stroked his beard "Yeah, if's it's possible.. just try". Willis shook his head furiously and his eyes seemed to go on fire, I was afraid it was going to fly off.

"Are you crazy old man?!" Willis pulled his own hair "It's already hard to hide Alice in this town, just think of how many people will freak". Luan kept a calm composure and opened up his journal again, beginning his writing once again. Willis sighed out of frustration and shifted his glance over to us, the quiet ones. I still wore my purple dress and shoes with my purple matching gloves that didn't come together with the boxers but separately.

"Just do it.. I want to see something and if things get out of hand, Alice will protect you, right?" Luan placed down his journal and instead grabbed a needle. He gently grabbed my wrist and injected something, "this is a chip to keep you safe and tracks your data results". I was unsure; returning to Gelée after banishment? Now to look at their faces now. My parents must be shamed I chose this path.. "Right, Alice?" Luan snapped his fingers to grab my attention. I nodded, folding my arms. There was so much to think about and I haven't thought about it before until now.

"Fine.. I won't participate in this, Rose and Alice you should go" Willis replied. leaning on a wall. I raised a eyebrow in surprise.

"I guess killing your alternate self and showing up what seems a century later would be awkward right?" I said. Willis grunted and muttered something under his breath. "We'll go anyway, I mean how hard is it to persuade Thinkers?" I try laughing, yet it failed terribly. Luan handed the boxers to me and gave a nod as I connected them for future battles.

"It's good having confidence, Alice. Now do what you must do! Come with me Willis" He went off into another room, Willis followed.

" do we go to my world?" I asked. Rosie smiled. I'll show you.

The Returned of human's residence or should I say Rosie's room

My presence didn't go unnoticed. Her parents stared at me like ghosts and neighbors returned inside their homes along the sidewalks. Now standing right in front of pictures that connected to form the village, I had to wait before Rosie given the thumbs up, it did amaze me of the artwork given. So eastern styled like my own. I wanted to run my hand over the inking even if I knew I would ruin the picture. Rosie who came out of the bathroom dressed in her white kimono and a white flower set in her hair that curled around her shoulders. She gave a thumbs up and we both launched in the picture. We floated downward onto the ground, I can see why this was so odd to me. Finally reaching the ground, we landed right in front of the Thinkers' household. The world around us was silent. I wasn't the only one weary of my surroundings, Rosie sensed it too. Fear. "Fear?" I questioned, my voice tone lowered to a whisper. Fear.

"Fear is what keeps everyone in order" Thinker Kai appeared. Thinker Mao popped up right behind him and took a bite of a apple.

"You see, rumors can effect people into believing all sorts of things" Thinker Mao snickered.

"So there's fear to lock doors, shut windows tight at night, and keep children away from others; to ensure no violence is created among hatred" Thinker Hummingbird held a teddy bear which seemed to be ripped on some parts of it's body making it look old and ruined.

"Hatred; the worst sin, is what we try to prevent. Not to disturb ignorance" Yamin's child form showed. "Yet you broke the bubble from the two worlds.. why?".

"Yamin.." I raised my hand above my mouth, almost about to cry. They circled us repeating "why? why?". Why? Why was I curious enough to wander. Why was I wanting to visit something rather than being stuck in my cage where's it all good and peaceful. Why. Why. Stop it. Stop it now. My mind whirled with anger as I screamed. The circled stopped. Everything stopped. Yamin. Rosie. Thinkers. In this frozen world, I can clearly think. I let out a breath of air and undid my two braids. My red hair unfolded cascading down my back. I took off the boxers, only hanging on the gloves. My ears bended a little due from being tired. I felt tears fall down my cheeks onto my gloves as I fell on the ground. I blinked to see only Yamin's true self in the view. He walked over and patted my head.

"Alice, just hang on there" Yamin bent down and hugged me. With the next blink, he dispersed into the flowers of the tree that stood in his backyard. I was here in front of the Thinkers' household, Rosie by my side. It didn't happen. All of it was a nightmare. A expectation given. Rosie held onto my boxer as we walked on the petal steps to the front door. She raised her hand up to the door and knocked.