Status: *coo* I update every Sunday ^-^ and I would love if I could get some feedback.


Duty calls

Thinker's Household

The cold drifts of the wind didn't make me any more comfortable than now. The front wooden door slowly opened, making a large creaking sound to reveal Thinker Mao chewing on a red apple. He gave a look of surprise, "Maiden Rosie?" Thinker Mao dropped his apple and pulled in Rosie in one of his friendly embraces "It felt like forever..". This lasted for a few minutes, making it awkward to stand there. Finished with their hugging, Thinker Mao looked at me with disgust and whispered into Rosie's ear in which she nodded. "Come inside then" He grabbed his apple from the ground and engulfed the entire apple. I always knew he never liked me anymore than I did. The entire room was cold, in the center were the rest of the Thinkers in their pray. In the middle sat Thinker Kai who opened his left golden eye.

Not smiling nor hinting any emotion, his deep voice rumbled "We've been expecting you, what is your reasoning?" He raised up from his siting position. Thinker Hummingbird looked at us as well from the prayer; her face worried.

"She wants you to join us in the real world" I spoke shuffling my purple boots around on the floor. All of them widen their eyes in shock, surprised. Thinker Humming bird vastly grabbed onto Maiden Rosie's hand. Her whole body shook in fear and it sounded she was desperate despite the given look from Thinker Kai.

"Yes, I wish to leave!" She said in agreement. Almost too excited, her wings broke through her robe, flapping continually "please take me with you". Thinker Mao pulled her away, Thinker Hummingbird bawled.

"We just can't leave are people, Gelée are home we watch over!" He pointed, still holding onto her. Thinker Kai hushed them, almost irritated with them.

"Why do you need us in the real world? Is this a new purpose for us?" Thinker Kai asked. He looked back at Thinker Mao and Hummingbird which sat separate, looking neutral. Maiden Rosie gave her thoughts to me.

"Your true creator awaits for you all" I repeated "I shall watch over Gelée while you leave". I gasped at my own saying, what?! Maiden Rosie wants me to stay HERE?!. I held down my spasm attack and gulped loudly.

"Is this true..?" Thinker Kai questioned Maiden Rosie who nodded. Thinker Mao ran a hand through his hair as Thinker Humming Bird gave a dumbfounded look.

"Are you serious?" Thinker Mao blunted "A rabbit samurai watching over something bigger than HER life? I rather place Aziza or Adelise in charge, not a traitor!".

"I somewhat have to agree, how can we trust someone who betrayed us? Look at those unknown clothing she's wearing.." Thinker Hummingbird stepped in.

"You've have always known me before my sudden 'betrayal' to be a good person" I crossed my arms " The outside world isn't so bad as you think, I can take care of this world".

They seemed suspicious about me and formed a group around each other. I heard whispers, doubting and rethinking until Thinker Kai stood up to be the final decision maker.

"We agree to go only for a short period of time" Thinker Kai responded, he walked over to me "I expect you to know well". His eyes never left on me as the group left together with the blond maiden. Thinker Humming, the last of the people to leave, came up to me.

"Alice?" Thinker Hummingbird sniffed a tear "I want you to have this" there, she grabbed the green orb from her chest was the given power she had as a thinker "you always wanted to be one..". It glowed brightly as it shifted into me, in which Thinker Humming bird smiled before retreating with the rest. The orb.. it was so pure. I realized Thinker Hummingbird was no thinker anymore, but only a normal being. The others didn't notice it as her wings left into a tattoo embedded in her back, dispersing into small hummingbirds that flew away. I followed them out the door onto the porch before stopping. They continued into the portal and disappeared one by one. After they left, I looked around the empty room. I always wanted to be in this room, in this prayer. It was sacred to be in and I finally was accepted. Maybe Gelée isn't so bad to be in, my parents, friends... I stepped around the flooring into Yamin's old room which had the double doors to his own backyard, I dropped my boxers to the ground. The room was neatly placed where it had to be as if Yamin cleaned it himself. His favorite tree sat, falling the last of it's pedals before it was completely bare. I opened one of the double doors to see it up close, I took off my glove, moving my hand over it's smooth bark. Yamin's canvas still stood there below the tree, I placed my glove back on. My eyes laid on the picture which had the pond contained with pedals, Yamin's signature was drawn in the corner. Him and his art.

Later that day at the local shrine..

It felt so long ago to be here, remembering the flips and memories. As a thinker, I could feel the spirits speak to me with their past, visible souls flying around me. What other powers could I discover next? Thinker Humming must have planned..."My daughter has finally came back" a familiar voice stood behind me. I turned to see my father, my real blooded father. His red hair tied while his green orbs stayed on me while wearing his causal noodle outfit.

"Dad!" I quickly hugged him, not caring if I shook him a bit as he was glad to see me.

"What type of clothes are you wearing?" My dad touched the end of my dress and poked my gloves. I gleamed, nodding.

"You're right" I said, taking out the braids of my hair. All the way down the pathways, he informed me what's been going on. Recently while I was gone, mom found the motivate to be a school teacher and Adelise engaged to a handsome beaver spirit. Some of the gossip was interesting enough to hear and I missed that. Seeing all the stuff we walked past made me regain memories of childhood, positive ones. Maybe.. I could stay here, if I was lucky enough I could ask Maiden Rosie and Willis to bring Yamin back even if we had to start all over with are friendship. My beautiful kura-zukuri styled house stayed where it always was; in the meadow not far from the village. My mother welcomed us, her brown long curly hair loosely tied in a ponytail and dressed in a red and white kimono. I hugged her for a moment, glad to see my parents.

"Your presence is...different" She whispered in my ear "have you become.. what I think you are? I haven't felt this since.. a pure soul like Thinkers' came about".

"Thinker Hummingbird gave her pureness to me.. I do not know why" I replied, honestly.

"Oh?" that was what she said. We settled for dinner that night the same day. Next morning, I patrolled around Gelée; discovering more details about my village. 'French' signs and Japanese culture mixed? Willis was weird at these explaining, but I did notice some things here and there. My hair now down decorated with flowers and I wore a simple yellow dress with a green robe as I stood in the middle of the Gelée road; placing a thumb to my chin. I decided today that I- a huge force pushed me, erupting my mental speech.

"Look's who's back for third rounds!" a enlarge man bull confidently puffed out smoke through his nose.

"Who are you again?" I was dumbfounded at this man. I should be angry, upset, or annoyed at this, yet still confused. Why did he push me down like that? I reminded myself no one knew that I was in charge of this village and had more abilities than before, only my mother knew.

"Stop asking that question! Am I, the great bull, so forgettable?!" He yelled.

I gave him a plain look "Yes.." then a idea popped in my head about him "Dennis is that you? You still hold a grudge?".

"Of course I do, ever since you made a fool out of me, my boys won't accept me and it's all your fault; now fight me so I can prove I'm the strongest!" His left back leg scratched the ground.

"I'm.. sorry Dennis" I was always stubborn to give out apologies but now? I guess I'm embarrassed too "I don't want to fight you.. anymore. You win". Now this just got plain weak of me, thought if he still attacked; I wouldn't be hesitate this time.

"I'm not going to win just because you said so stupid hare!" He lunged forward. Time slowed as I pulled out Hummingbird's sword out of my palm and leaned in.

"Now you've done it!" a blue swirling wind appeared as I started to spring towards him, holding my sword to the side. I've always wondered what power the Thinker's sword contained, now I get to see it up close. In the mid seconds, his horns and my sword collided creating a strong reflective force; pushing us both off are feet. Dennis, flying back into a wall, raised from the rubbles. "M-my horns!" they were sliced off, in a rather neat style "all you do is make things worse for me!". He began crying over the rocks holding his hands to his face covered in dust. Despite winning, I sighed and walked over to him, I crouched.

"I... I know, thought we aren't drawn to be perfect, I do say it was destiny" I patted his shoulder "tell me everything, I'm not the only problem".

"How do you know I have other problems rather than you, hare?" He sniffed.

"I can just tell" I laughed a bit. We found are selves talking endlessly about everything including me and him. It wasn't till midnight, it was time for me to leave. I raised up from sitting in the grassy meadow leaving the attention of the stars knowing that they didn't exist.

"Do you have to leave so soon?!" Dennis complained.

"I have duties to attend to" I replied. Before he could say something, a yell came from a far, a small shadow growing bigger.

"ALICE!" Willis shouted, exhausted "Luan.. has betrayed us". His dirty blond hair ruffled and clothing looking worn with a few shredding of holes. I helped him put his arm around my shoulder and placed him down grassy bed. Dennis only frowned.

"I guess duty calls you" He said.