Status: in progress

Summers, Sunsets and Shoulder Surgeries

Chapter 3

Throughout dinner they had learned a lot about each other. Ryan explained how Taylor had been kind enough to let Ryan stay at his apartment after his surgery and once all of Ryan's roommates had left for the summer. Lauren had opened up and told Ryan numerous stories about when her and Taylor had been young and gotten in trouble at their aunts wedding. She admitted that she missed playing hockey, mostly for the friends she had made and they way skating had kept her so in shape but she filled Ryan all in on her love for cheerleading. It wasn't until Ryan said something about getting a drink later that Lauren realized she hadn't told him her age.

"I can't go get a drink with you later" Lauren giggled out.

Ryan looked defeated as his sad eyes moved down to the table and his hands played with his straw wrapper. "Oh that's okay I didn't mean to make things awkward.." Ryan started rambling before Lauren interrupted him.

"Ryan I can't get a drink with you because I'm only seventeen" this time it was Lauren's turn to be embarrassed and she turned her head down as so not to have to make eye contact with Ryan. Ryan sensed her embarrassment and tried to make her smile.

"If it makes you feel better I'm not old enough to drink in the United States" he joked. Lauren could tell he was trying to make a joke so she lifted her eyes to look at him and smiled. "You know you don't seem like you're only seventeen, you could at least pass for nineteen" he told her.

Lauren chuckled, "Everyone tells me that"

As the two left the quaint little Chinese place and started the short stroll back to the apartment their banter back and forth continued.

"Okay favorite NHL player" Lauren asked.

"Ummm probably Paul Kariya" Ryan responded.

Lauren's head snapped up. "Wait Paul Kariya?" she asked shocked.

Ryan looked down to meet her eyes as he chuckled, "Yeah, why?"

"Oh well just I always heard my dad talking about him. He played at Maine ya know! My dad got to see him win the National Championship", Lauren added.

"Haha I did know that. Year I was born actually. So what about you? Favorite NHLer?"

Lauren blushed as she knew Ryan wouldn't necessarily like her answer. "haha well um actually it's Toews..", she waited for his response.

"I'm surprised! I was expecting you to say Hallsy. Does he know his own cousin prefers Toews to him?" Ryan chuckled.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him", Lauren giggled as her comment also drew a laugh from Ryan.

"Yeah the Hawks are definitely my favorite team but the Oilers are a close second, don't worry I still love you guys too" Lauren quickly added.

Ryan thought she was so cute when she got embarrassed so he purposely asked, "Okay so who is your favorite Oiler besides Hallsy?"

"That's not fair!" Lauren protested. "He's my cousin I can't pick someone over him!" Lauren giggled and Ryan chuckled.

"But if I did have to pick someone else I would have to go with you Nugie" Lauren quietly added.

"Nugie?" Ryan laughed as he looked at her.

"Yeah suits you better than Ryan. I heard the guys call you it, it suits you." Lauren smiled as she looked at him.

"Whatever Lauren, I'll ask Hallsy what I should call you" Ryan stated as he held the door open for her and she walked into the apartment.

"Taylor?!", Lauren called through the seemingly empty apartment.

"In here!" Lauren heard from the kitchen. Her and Ryan walked in to find Taylor and a beautiful blonde eating some pasta.

"Hey Kelsey" Ryan said as he walked past the couple.

"Hi" Kelsey responded then she turned to Lauren. "Hi, you must be Lauren" she said as she stood up and embraced the younger girl in a hug.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you", Lauren added as Kelsey released her from the hug. "You are so pretty", Lauren added embarrassingly.

"YOU are so much prettier than those silly pictures Taylor showed me of when you were fourteen" Kelsey responded. Lauren's cheeks started blushing again. Taylor picked up the two plates and put them in the sink before leaving the room.

"So you and Ryan" Kelsey suggested raising her eyebrows.

Lauren laughed, "No, we're just friends! Just met today actually".

"Well you guys would be a cute couple", the blonde girl added as she dragged Lauren into the living room where the boys were sitting and joking about something. Kelsey went and sat on Taylor's lap as Lauren took an awkward seat next to Ryan.

"Let's watch a movie", Kelsey suggested. No one objected so Taylor got up and popped a movie into the player. Within a few minutes a horror film was flashing across the screen and Lauren groaned.

"Really Taylor? We have to watch a scary movie?" Lauren whined.

"Sorry Ness it's all we really own"

"Ness?" Ryan questioned

"Long story" Lauren whined. She really hated scary movies and she was sure the only reason the guys only had them was so they could make girls cling onto them the whole night. She looked over to where Taylor and Kelsey were cuddled up in the chair and her suspicions were confirmed. Lauren groaned as she settled farther back into the couch and pulled her knees up to her chest to rest her head on.

Some how through the duration of the film Lauren had somehow slowly inched her way closer to Ryan. There was a scream on the screen and Lauren jumped, lightly knocking into Ryan. He smiled to himself. As she whispered her apologies and he put his one good arm around her. At first she tensed up but then she let herself relax against the older boy. She rested her head on his shoulder as she felt how much of an affect a whole day of travel had had on her body. Before he knew it Ryan felt the slow rising and falling of Lauren's chest as she curled up to him. He knew she was probably really tired from traveling so much so he let her sleep. When the movie ended Taylor began talking across the room to Ryan.

"shhh man, she fell asleep" Ryan whispered.

"Aww cute!" Kelsey squealed.

"Should I wake her?" Ryan asked. Darn his stupid shoulder. If he had been able to he would have just lifted her up and carried her to her bed, but he wasn't allowed to use his left arm at all. He looked at Taylor for help.

"I'll get her" Taylor offered. He walked over to the two on the couch and carefully pulled Lauren into his big arms. She was fast asleep as he tucked her in her bed. When he came back out he looked at Ryan with a questioning look.

"She went into your room to change" Ryan answered the silent question of where Kelsey had disappeared to. Taylor nodded.

"Night Nuge" he added over his shoulder on his way to bed.

"Night Hallsy" Ryan reciprocated.

Ryan padded into his own room where he struggled to remove his shirt as a pain shot through his shoulder. He brushed his teeth and climbed into bed. He wouldn't be able to sleep for a while. There were two reasons: one, his shoulder had been hurting all day, he didn't know why and two,
he couldn't stop thinking about Lauren.
♠ ♠ ♠

Kelsey's outfit:

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