
Keep Your Smile

Things were calm, but unsettling. It was too quiet, too dull, and far too lonely.

Nanami was locked away in her room, like she had been for the past few days, composing one single piece that she just couldn't perfect. Her friends were concerned about how secluded she was becoming, about how she never left her room except to use the lavatory and pick up a little food to eat. However, with their busy and relentless idol lessons and schedules, they barely had enough time to worry about their own problems.

Nonetheless, Syo managed to worry and watch over her from her bedroom window with a weary eye whenever possible, somewhat hoping she would look down and see him standing there. He wanted to see her smile again. All she ever did now was furrow her brows in frustration and bite down upon her pencil's eraser nervously before crumpling up the paper before her and tossing it into a growing pile of rejected ideas.

“Syo-chan, we're going to be late for the variety show recording!” Natsuki cheerily called, waving his hands to gain his attention.

The blond sighed and let his gaze travel towards his friend and roommate, yelling back, “I'm coming, I'm coming!” Taking one final glance back at Haruka's slouching posture and exhausted expression, he slowly began to run after his band mate to fulfill yet another engagement, hoping that when he returned, she'd be out of that godforsaken room and in the open with her enchanting smile lifting up their spirits.

His hopes were dashed when he returned later that night, seeing her still sitting there in the dark with only a lamp to light her workstation, chained to her chair and work, her eyes darkening with every passing minute, with her livelihood suffering from her seclusion. His hands formed tight fists, his black painted fingernails digging into his palms and hurting himself.

Syo's emotions were rampaging within him. He hated this – seeing her so not like herself, seeing the once cheerful Nanami dissipate before his very eyes. It was painful to watch. Though what hurt the most wasn't watching, it was knowing that he couldn't do anything to stop it. He felt so powerless, like someone who wasn't worthy of being her friend.

Haruka was always there for him. Whenever he was down, she cheered him up. Whenever he felt like he couldn't do it, she was his form of inspiration and motivation. She was what drove him, and without her, he wouldn't even be in the Master Course – none of them would.

But what could he do besides watch her wither away?

There has to be something! He thought.

Nothing came to him and his frustration only grew to a boiling point.

He no longer cared about making a plan. He wanted action now.

His legs carried him with fast-paced strides to a tree that was right beside her bedroom window, his short arms wrapping around the bark as he began to climb up. Somehow or another, he made it, and he was soon standing upon a sturdy branch that met up with the sill.

“Nanami!” He loudly whispered.

She didn't hear him.


Her brows furrowed and she gently rubbed her temples while shaking her head, most likely believing that she was now hearing things.

Oi! Nanami, look over here!”

Finally, her attention was captured, the young girl looking towards the window in confusion and gasping aloud when she saw Syo there with a victorious smile. He waved her over, and hesitantly, she made her way to him, opening up the window to greet him.

“S-Syo-kun! What are you doing here? That's very dangerous!”

For the first time in days, he was right next to her, and he was able to see the exhaustion that was etched upon her face in detail. Her eyes were glossy due to a lack of sleep, there were visible bags beneath her less than vibrant orange eyes, and as impossible as it seemed, her already porcelain skin was now paler than before, showing signs of a lacking nutritious diet. He found himself growing more worried for his friend's well-being.

Her being locked away in this toxic room was no good for her. He needed to get her out.

“Nanami, come with me,” he extended out a hand for her to take, giving her a small, reassuring smile as well to coax her out.

“But... Syo-kun, it's late, and I still have to finish this composition.”

“Nanami, take a break. Some fresh air will do you some good.” He insisted.

“But...” Haruka looked back at her desk, unsure if she should give in or not.

Syo's lips drew a firm line. “Nanami, let's go!” He yelled, taking things into his own hands and grasping her wrist, pulling her carefully out onto the branch with him.

Nanami held onto Syo, clearly frightened of falling down. “S-Syo-kun!”

He couldn't help but smile at how cute she was, wrapping an arm around her waist. “I got you. I won't let you fall, Nanami.” They both then made their way towards the trunk of the tree, Syo climbing down first to the ground and extending his arms out with an expectant, mischievous grin. “Jump down, Nanami! I'll catch you.”

She seemed to size up the height of the fall, gulping nervously. “Are you sure?”

Trust me, Nanami.”

She collected herself, and with one deep breath, she loosened her grip on the bark and pushed off, yelping on her way down and waiting for some kind of hard impact. There was none. When she opened her eyes, she found Syo's big blue ones gazing back at her orange ones, and a shining, caring gleam was held within his pools.

Their close proximity caused for blush to cover Nanami's cheeks. “S-Syo-kun...” she whispered softly.

He grinned widely when she said his name. “Let's go, Nanami!” He laughed.

Setting her down, he took hold of her wrist and the pair ran off, ending up at the small lake. They flopped onto the cool grass and stared at the endless night sky that carried millions of glittering diamonds, panting to catch their breath from their quick sprint. Once they were breathing regularly once more, Syo sat up, looking over to Nanami who was entranced with the darkness above them.

“Sorry for forcing you out, Nanami,” he apologized, scratching the back of his head. “But you really needed to get out of that room. You've been in there for days.”

Nanami sat up and shook her head in disagreement. “I'm trying to figure out a way to finish that composition, but...” she sighed and then drew in a quick, sharp breath, hanging her head in defeat and hiding her eyes from his sight. “It's just hard. I keep trying and trying to get it right, but I just can't and I'm getting so frustrated with myself. Sometimes I think I'm just losing my touch and that maybe I can't write anymore... I... I...”

Syo felt his heart break on the inside when her shoulders began to quake and small drops fell onto the back of her hands. “Nanami...” he whispered, for once in his life not know what to say to comfort her.

“I'm sorry, Syo-kun. I don't mean to cry and complain.”

He couldn't help it.

His arms wrapped around her and he pulled her into him, rubbing her back soothingly as she was still trembling from her uncontrollable emotions. “You can cry. Cry all you want to. Just let it all out, Nanami. I'm here for you. But when you're done, I want you to go back to how you always are – happy.” Syo spoke into Haruka's ear in a soft, comforting tone, the hot of his breath causing goosebumps to erupt on her skin.

“Syo-kun?” Nanami's blush came back full-force, her orange eyes glittering in the moonlight as more tears accumulated in her pools.

Syo looked to her, grinning to let her know that it would be okay. “Nanami, you're the greatest composer ever. Your music fills people with happiness and love. If something isn't right, don't force it. You'll get it right, but some things take time, and sometimes things just need some inspiration.” He consoled her quietly, still rubbing her back in circular motions, noticing her quaking starting to lessen ever so slowly.

Syo smiled as he thought of an example to give her in an attempt to liven her spirits. “Remember when I was having trouble with that shoot with Hyuuga-Sensei a while back? I was supposed to leap across the gap in the bridge, but I just couldn't do it. I was starting to lose faith in myself as an idol. Then when you brought my bag and were hanging onto the bridge, I knew that I had to be able to jump across to save you. I was so scared about anything happening to you that I just was able to make that leap like nothing. You were what gave me that motivation.”

Nanami was staring at the blond in slight wonder, her eyes wide and her small mouth open just a bit, and she was truly amazed at his story and that she had been of such help to him back then.

Syo noticed this and felt blood seep into his cheeks. “O-oi! Don't just look at me like that!” He gently shouted, looking away from her to hide the rest of the blush that was beginning to surface.

“Sorry!” Immediately she diverted her attention to his chest, becoming embarrassed by the fact that she had been staring. “But Syo-kun... thank you. You've really made me happy.”

“Just... promise me that you'll go back to normal starting tomorrow. No more secluding yourself. If you have a problem, let us know... let me know. You don't have to handle things on your own. All you have to do is keep your smile. All you have to do is keep laughing. Things'll work out.”

Haruka's arms wrapped themselves around Syo's back hesitantly and she allowed herself to bury her head into his chest. “Thank you, Syo-kun.” She said quietly. “I think...” she yawned, “you'll be my motivation too.”

His eyes darted down to the girl who was in his arms, her eyes closed and small snores being let out ever so softly. Her lack of sleep finally caught up with her. His hand gently caressed her cheek, his fingers moving a few strands of her unique hair out of her face so he could admire it carefully.

Leaning in, he left a ghost of a kiss upon her forehead, whispering, “All you have to do is keep smiling, Nanami. That's all I want you to do.”
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I don't think I portrayed Syo correctly, but I did my best. :/

Comments and recommendations are always appreciated!! :D