Status: Sorry for the historical inaccuracy.

The Time I Left Forever


The boreal night in the Roman city of Pompeii was almost unbearable. It was sometime in 79 A.D. and Dan Smith grabbed my tiny hand. He treated me as if I were his own child mainly because my parents abandoned me. Dan could tell that I was freezing so he took his jacket and draped it over my shoulders. We went to our small building to eat. We had eaten some type of food but I can’t remember what it was. There was commotion going on outside. Dan told me to wait here as he went outside.

"What’s going on?" he said in his angelic voice.

"You can’t see it? The volcano is erupting! Run, Dan, run!" I had realized that the volcano really was erupting. Dan came in panicking and told me to come with him.

" Let us leave. I will take you someplace safe for now." He was hysterically panicked. Fear was sent through me as he grabbed my hand. We ran for miles away from the ash and away from our beloved city.