

Late Friday afternoon Ha-jin and I went to Ji-hyuk's house, the boy with the crazy hair and intimidating height smiled at us when he opened the door and invited us in, Ha-jin was quick to run over to greet his best friend, Kyung-jong, with a hug and joined the other boys in conversation. My eyes roamed around the room at the many rock posters on the walls until they landed upon Byung-hee's guitar and tears threatened to spill until Ji-hyuk spoke to me and made me look away.

"Ga-eul, want noodles?"

I smiled softly, "Yes, please."

Ji-hyuk returned the smile and got the pot ready. I turned away from him and took a seat next to Ha-jin who was too busy play fighting with Kyung-jong to notice me beside him. His uninterest bored me, I turned to the other boys, Hyun-soo and the quiet Do-il who had nicer hair than I ever had in my seventeen years of life. I was ready to start a conversation with the pair but Hyun-soo beat me to it.

"I heard you've got something to tell us?"

I nodded, "I came up with a plan to hurt Pyo-joon."

"You're not going to kill him, are you?" Do-il asked me with wide eyes.

"As much as I'd like to, no, but this is probably as painful."

"What is it?" Hyun-soo asked.

"I'm going to break his heart."

Hyun-soo immediately started to laugh while on the other hand, Do-il stared at him as if he was some sort of idiot and then looked back at me, "How are you going to do that?" He asked. How was I going to break Pyo-joon's heart? I actually hadn't thought of that and so I shrugged in response. Do-il stared at me, I could tell that he was trying to think of a way in which I could make my plan work and when he came up with one he nudged Hyun-soo's arm, "Do you think cheating would hurt Pyo-joon?" Hyun-soo nodded, "Cheating hurts anybody." Happy with Hyun-soo's answer, Do-il flashed a big smile and looked at me again, "Cheat on him with his best friend. Seung-hoon."

After dinner, the night grew darker, it became even colder and soon we all found ourselves under blankets, drinking hot tea that Ji-hyuk had made and the boys helped me work on my plan. Ji-hyuk had a notebook on his lap, pen in hand and was taking down notes of our ideas until we finally had a list of things to do which he ordered in chronological order and then handed it to me so that I could keep it. I read over the list over and over again, it was detailed and it seemed like it would really work.

1) Befriend him.
2) Act interested/Flirt with him.
3) Slowly start to ignore (not much) him - Guys like a chase.
4) Let him chase you for a week.
5) Say yes when he asks you out - He'll surely do it when he can't take it anymore.
6) Start dating.
7) Be really good to him.
8) Show everyone how proud you are to have him - But don't overdo it.
9) Don't give him attention all the time either - He still needs to feel like there's a
10) Be there for him when he's having hard times.
11) Stick up for him.
12) Take things to another level - Sleepover.
13) After a few times... Sleep with him.
14) Once he's wrapped around your finger, start to get closer to Seung-hoon.
15) Spend time with Seung-hoon - Go on dates etc but spend an equal amount of time with both.
16) Seduce Seung-hoon.
17) Have a sexual relationship with Seung-hoon.
18) Slowly start making it obvious to Pyo-joon until he cracks and asks Seung-hoon - Who wont tell him.
19) When he asks you about it, tell him you love him and would never do such a thing, especially with his best friend.
20) Keep up the little game between the two and eventually, sneak out of class with Seung-hoon and go to the music room, the boys will take Pyo-joon over to the music room and he'll catch you two.
21) Pyo-joon and Seung-hoon's relationship will break and not only will Pyo-joon be broken over what you did to him, but also how his friendship with Seung-hoon is over.
22) Mission complete.

"You sure you want to do this?" Ha-jin asked. His chin rested on my shoulder as he read the list as well. I did want to do it, I was certain that this plan would work but the only thing I truly didn't want to do, was to have sex with either of them, but if I didn't, the plan wouldn't work as well if I didn't and I was determined to do anything to get revenge and make Pyo-joon suffer and pay for what he did.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Even the一"


Raspy fingers found their way between mine, I looked up at Ha-jin and he sighed, "I hope you wont regret this later." I shook my head, "I一" Ha-jin put a finger to my lips, "I don't want you to get hurt."
♠ ♠ ♠
the plan is finally set askjaelklae

thank you again shim changmin (nikki) for the review and comments on this story! :)