

Three days.

Three days was all it took to get on Pyo-joon's good side and a week later we were walking together at school during break. The whole time I was eager to smack him or push him over but refrained from doing so and just flashed him pretty smiles that I knew he was slowly starting to fancy since I caught him looking at it one too many times. Not only did I smile but also subtly touched his arm sometimes or 'accidentally' brushed his hand with mine, "I'm sorry." I'd say shyly, "It's okay." He'd smile, and all the while I was thinking, 'this is going to be easier than I thought.

How did this all come about? Well, on May 6th, 2014, a Tuesday, was the day when the plan commenced. The boys and I came up with a little plan. After school the boys set off to meet Pyo-joon for a little 'talk' which in fact lead to them beating him up pretty badly until I showed up, pretending as if I was in complete and utter shock.

"What the hell are you doing to him!?" I yelled.

Hyun-soo looked up at me from beside the injured Pyo-joon who weakly sat up from the ground. A smirk played on Hyun-soo's lips, "What does it look like, huh?"

"We're giving him what he deserves." Ha-jin said.

I gasped and quickly ran up to Pyo-joon. I pushed Hyun-soo away and pretended as if I was honestly worried about the piece of scum before me. As planned, Hyun-soo put up a fight with me and pushed me back, we started to insult each other as well and I said such things as "Pyo-joon did nothing to deserve this!" Which made me feel disgusted in myself even though it was just acting.

After a while of fighting between each other they finally left me alone with Pyo-joon. I tended to him as best I could, wiping the blood away from his face and keeping him awake until I called an ambulance who took him to the hospital. He stayed there a good few days since he 一surprisingly一 wasn't that hurt and I had made sure to pay him a visit once. When I arrived in his room he slowly woke up and did nothing but stare at me the whole time, "I just wanted to see how you were doing." I said. My voice was quiet but he heard me and a weak smile tugged at the corners of his pink lips.
Pyo-joon and I made our way to our class as soon as the bell rang and as soon as we entered he swiftly took my hand in his and lead me over to my desk that was beside Ha-jin's. Pyo-joon smiled at me and I forced a thankful smile when all I wanted to do was cut his hand off and feed it to a few wild dogs. He finally left me and went to his desk at the back of the class, I was so happy that he had gone but my mood dropped as soon as I recieved a text from him.


Let's go eat something after school. Yeah?"

I pretended like I hadn't seen it. 1) Because spending more time with that scum wouldn't do me any good. I was already drained from every source of happiness that I had left and I couldn't allow myself to go through with even more torture and 2) Because I had to play hard to get. When the last class finished I got up off of my seat and quickly started heading for the door when a hand grabbed my forearm and spun me around. The stupid smile and evil eyes of the piece of crap that I was hoping to avoid were right in my face and I had to take a few steps back.

"Did you get my text?"

I shook my head, playing dumb, "I haven't checked my phone."

"Check it." He smiled.

I sighed inwardly and checked my phone, "Ah~" I acted surprised, "I'm sorry but I have important things to do at home tonight."

"Oh..." He said sadly, "What about tomorrow?"

"Hmm... I don't know. I'll see if I'm free, okay?"

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow than."

"Bye, Pyo-joon-ah~"

The sweet smile that graced my lips after I said goodbye quickly fell to a frown when I was out of the front doors of the school. I took quick steps, wanting to get home and take a shower in order to rid myself off Pyo-joon's touches, so that was exactly what I did as soon as I opened the front door.

Having lost track of time with all the scrubbing I did to my skin in order to feel good again, I stepped into my room an hour later in light pink pyjamas pants and a baggy white shirt that laid under my favorite wooly cardigan. I paced around the room while my fingers worked on my long brown hair, twisting and turning it until I had a long plait falling past my right shoulder and finally sat on my bed and grabbed my phone from on top of the bedside table to call Ha-jin over because I needed to talk to him and let out all my feelings, possibly even cry on his shoulder too.

I forgot how many times I called Ha-jin before I gave up. I had even snuck in a few text messages here and there because maybe he couldn't talk wherever he was, but he could text me back. A long sigh escaped my lips and I shook my head, knowing exactly what he was currently doing that he couldn't pick up my calls or even text me. His hands were probably groping some girl's boobs or grabbing her waist to keep her in place on the bed.

"Can you not be such a fucking manwhore Kim Ha-jin? I really fucking need you right now..."
I walked into school the next morning by myself, it was the way that it would always be from now on since I was supposed to act as if I wasn't friends with the boys anymore. It was so lonely to walk into the huge building filled with students on every single side of me and I wanted to run away and find my friends but it couldn't be done. Revenge comes with a price. A price that I was just going to have to deal with because Byung-hee deserved to get his revenge in some way and I was more than willing to help even though spending time with Pyo-joon made me want to kill myself.

I was almost near my class when my phone vibrated in my pocket and surprisingly it turned out to be due to a text message from none other than Ha-jin, asking me to meet him in the gymnasium and I reluctantly texted him back that I'd be there shortly. After he hadn't replied to me the night before I was honestly angry at him, I didn't know why I cared so much about it but the thought of him sleeping around had made me angrier than I had ever been about it. Maybe it was because at the time I really needed Ha-jin to hold me and take away the feeling of Pyo-joon's touch on my skin or because I was finally sick of Ha-jin's priorities. Didn't he notice that I would need him later? I knew very well that he had clearly seen the little stunt Pyo-joon pulled upon entering the class and leaving it.

The gymnasium was silent when I stepped in through the large doors, what first caught my eyes was that the floor looked incredibly glossy and the basketball hoops towered above my head. Finally after a little while, I scanned the room until I found Ha-jin staring at me with this incredibly strange look in his eyes from the benches on my far right. Slowly I made my way over to him and he got to his feet to meet me halfway and when I say that, I mean he strode toward me and engulfed me in his long arms, nearly squeezing me to death, "I'm sorry about yesterday." He mumbled as his hands traveled down my back until they rested on the small of my back and he was able to completely wrap his arms around me, making the distance between us even smaller. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I pulled away and sat down on a bench, he followed me and I sighed.

"Why didn't you pick up your phone?" I asked even though I already knew. For some reason I just wanted to make sure that I was right but I was also hoping deep down that he would say something else and prove me wrong.

"I一 I was with someone..."

"Thought so."

"Thought so?"

"Yeah. That's what you always do," I said, "You're always off having sex with girls or flirting with them."

"No, I'm not一"

"Yes you are!" I snapped.

Ha-jin widened his eyes, obviously surprised that I had snapped at him for the first time in years, "I'm not always flirting with girls or having sex with them."

"Yes! Yes you are!" I snapped again, "I'm surprised you haven't gotten any STD's yet!"

Now it was my turn to widen my eyes in shock, how could I have said such a thing!?

"What are you saying right now?" Ha-jin growled.

"I'm saying that you're a manwhore, a playboy, a guy that just screws girls and always puts them before me!"


"I really needed you last night! I couldn't take my mind off of Pyo-joon holding my hand and I felt like shit the whole time. I know that this is my fault because I want to get revenge for what they did to Byung-hee in this way but I just fucking needed you, okay? I'll need you when he first takes me out on a date. I'll need you when I first spend the night at his house or when he touches me in ways only a guy that I care for should. I'll need you every step of the way. I'll need you forever Ha-jin..." When I finished I was almost crying.

"I'll need you forever but you're always going to put a good time before me and it's happened plenty of times already. I'm so fucking sick of it! I want to be more important to you than seeing some random girl's breasts!"

I ended my words with tears and I was so scared that Ha-jin would be angry at me or never speak to me again because of what I said that my tears got heavier and I felt like I was about to burst the pacific ocean out of my eyes. It felt like it had been three years of utter silence that was slowly killing me until strong arms encircled themselves around my waist and Ha-jin's soft voice cooed in my ears, telling me he was sorry.

"It's not like you aren't ever there when I need you but一" I was cut off when the bell for first period rang and I tried to push away because we had to get to class but Ha-jin pulled me against his chest and stopped me. He patted my head gently until I finished protesting and took a deep breath, "I promise to answer your calls as soon as you call from now on and I promise to stop sleeping around as much."

"You don't have to stop that. I know you like it."

"I want to," He said, "And... Like you said before... I'm lucky not to have any STD's."

We looked at each other and started to laugh. Ha-jin brought his thumbs up to my face and wiped away my tears while once again telling me he was sorry before hugging me again and this time it felt different, it was like we were back to normal but something else was there too and I couldn't quite pinpoint what that something else was. I just hoped it was nothing bad.