

Nearly a week after turning down Pyo-joon's requests to go out with him, I finally accepted. The smile on his face was so big I was scared that his face would break in half. After school Pyo-joon took me to a cute cafe that was a few blocks away from the school and he ordered for me, saying that he knew the absolute best food and drink to have there and it was a surprise for me. I smiled up at him, lightly touching his arm and turned to find a free table by one of the windows.

Five minutes later Pyo-joon sat in front of me, "Here," He said, handing me a white cup of hot chocolate, "This is the best hot chocolate in town. You're gonna love it." Pyo-joon grinned and took a sip of his own cup.

I smiled and warily took a sip. My eyes widened in shock and I looked up at Pyo-joon who was smirking at me as if saying "I told you so." I let a small giggle escape my lips and nodded my head at his unspoken words, "It's amazing, Pyo-joon." With that, I took another sip and then began eating the pastries he had bought, they were all so simple yet so mouth watering that I couldn't help myself but eat one after the other and even made him buy me more. "I'm so sorry but they're so good! Thank you!" At that moment I forgot about hating Pyo-joon, I was so thankful that he had taken me to that cafe that I all the hatred had vanished... That is, until I finished the last cream filled pastry and he started to talk to me about other things.

"I'm glad you accepted coming out with me finally."

"Sorry I made you wait so long." I sighed, pinching my thigh from under the table to try and stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"I hope we can do this again," Pyo-joon leaned across the table and looked into my eyes, "What do you say? Will you go on another date with me?"

I forced a smile, "Of course," I said and then added, "Only if these pastries are present again."

Pyo-joon chuckled, nodding his head before leaning back in his seat and just looking at me. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze, it wasn't an inappropriate gaze, not at all but it was one that was filled with admiration and happiness. I shifted awkwardly in my seat, placing my elbows on top of the table and coughed to bring him back from his thoughts. Pyo-joon looked up into my eyes once again and smiled a dashing smile that would make any other girl apart from me swoon so hard that they'd fall off of their chair.

"Let's go, huh?"

"Okay." I nodded.

Pyo-joon laced his fingers in mine casually, I tried to pull away but he squeezed my hand and flashed me another smile. I swear that the only thing he knew how to do when around me was smile like a little love-sick puppy, one that didn't know what was waiting for him and I felt pity for him for just a fraction of a second. Pyo-joon, noticing how I was staring at the side of his face, turned to me and asked where I lived, adding that he was going to walk me home and that I wasn't allowed to refuse. I laughed and told him, he thanked me and pulled me along with him as we made our way down the familiar paths to my house.

"So this is your..." Pyo-joon's words faded as he looked directly in front of us to the boy that was standing in front of the door to my house, hands in the pockets of his tight black jeans and humming a small tune here and there until he swayed to the right and his eyes landed on Pyo-joon and I. His eyes widened and he skipped down the three steps, he made his way over to us but before he could get close, Pyo-joon had let go of my hand and was already in front of him, he pushed him back with a grunt, "What the hell are you doing here, Ha-jin?"

Ha-jin scoffed, "Don't you fucking touch me," He said between gritted teeth and the direction of his eyes moved to me, a sigh passed his lips, "I came to apologize to Ga-eul."

"Apologize? What for?"

"For what I did to you."

"Oh really一"

"Only because you now mean something to her. Also, just because I'm saying sorry, it doesn't mean this changes anything between you and I. I still hate your fucking guts and that will never change."

Ha-jin growled angrily, looked at me one last time and turned around to leave. When I ran up to Pyo-joon, he had already left around the corner and Pyo-joon grabbed my arm, he stared down at me, "Are you going to forgive him?" I simply nodded and with that said goodbye. I let out a breath and hurried inside my house, got my phone out and called Ha-jin to come over now that the piece of shit was finally gone.

Less than a minute later, Ha-jin was at my doorstep and I let him in. As soon as he walked inside, I kicked the door close and my hands flew onto Ha-jin's chest, I rubbed at the places where Pyo-joon had pushed on and only stopped when Ha-jin placed his hands above mine, whispering that he was alright. "I'm sorry." I murmured under my breath, Ha-jin chuckled and just shook his head, he took my hand in his and lead me into my living room. We sat on my couch and watched some shows on TV for a while until my mother had finished cooking dinner and we move to the kitchen table.

"Ha-jin, you're here again." My father stated matter of factly with a smile, he had always liked Ha-jin and treated him like his son.

"Of course." Ha-jin laughed.

"Are you staying the night?"

Ha-jin looked at me from the corner of his eyes, I nodded and then he looked back at my father, "Yes."

"Alright. Remind me to bring up a blanket later, okay?"

Ha-jin and I both nodded. My parents had no idea that Ha-jin and I slept together, they always thought that when he stayed over that he slept on the floor with the blanket and pillows my parents had given him but that was only the case the first couple of times he had stayed over; after a year of being friends we somehow ended up cuddling together under the same blanket and have slept that way ever since. I think it happened after a night when it was unbearably cold and then another when I had had a bad day and he held me throughout the whole night as I cried because it was the only way I felt better, then it became a normal routine. As normal routine as it was for him and I, my parents couldn't know because if they did, they'd never let him stay over again because they were very strict about that sort of thing and a boy sleeping with their daughter wasn't seen in a good light, even though nothing else was involved and it was simply two best friends sleeping together.

After eating dinner and helping my mother wash some dishes, as well as getting the blanket and pillow from my dad, the two of us headed upstairs into my room. I locked the door and skipped over to my bed where Ha-jin was already sitting on, he looks at me and finally asks me the question I was dreading he'd ask.

"How was your date with that asshole?"

"The food was great but everything else was horrible. At this one point, he was staring at me like I was a piece of shiny gold that he liked so much and I wanted to punch him in the face."

Ha-jin chuckled, "At least the food was good."

"Yeah. It made it bearable," I grinned, "I'll take you there someday, yeah?"

"You don't even have to ask."

I giggled, my fingers tapping lightly on his jean clad thighs and my heart skipped a beat when he put his finger under my chin, tilting my head up to look at him and then in the blink of an eye he pushed me down on the bed and started tickling me. I tickled him back until he surrendered and simply hovered over me, he swiftly placed a kiss on my forehead and collapsed to my right.

"So, I saw he held your hand."

My mood instantly changed and I groaned. The rest of the night I spent telling Ha-jin how much I hated being beside Pyo-joon and how I loathed that my hands had been touched by his again and this time for a longer period of time. Everything became too much all of a sudden and by the time the clock hit 11 o'clock I was crying onto Ha-jin's shoulder, he suggested that if it was that hard and horrible that I should of just stopped but I told him no. The plan was already working better than expected and I would be strong to get Byung-hee the revenge he deserved.
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I have all the chapters planned out already wow it feels good to have a plot o.O I never write plots and just go with the flow but wow this makes everything so much easier and makes me want to update every single day!