Status: No longer active.


Life & Wonder

Yesterday wasnt very much, nothing caught my eye, but what you said to be at the end of homeroom when i was on my way to my first lesson, i walked past you and we hi-fived about my driving skills, although you were more skilled than me and you knew it, you were still happy for me, and you still made me feel special and made me feel like you actually cared that i did something i was proud of..

You made me feel special, Thank you.

I also noticed how you changed, it was probably because your other best friends and your girlfriend weren't there, but thats ok.

Even if i can only feel special each time that happens, that's enough for me.

Today one of my best friends killed herself, all because of me.

I dont think i want to tell you that. But i guess i just did.

She died on monday and i sent her an apology message for not talking to her on tuesday.

I could have helped her if i just wasnt so busy living my life.

I cried this morning, but only infront of Bianca.

I refuse to think about it anymore and maybe it will just go away.

Or hopefully when its 3am and i message you or inbox you saying that i need your help, you will answer and maybe try and talk me out of making the same decisions as she did.