Marshall and I

A New Life

my plane finally landed and get off the plane

I waited for my bags, I brought 2 bags with me

after I pass the control and show my passport I go to the exit and search for Alaina, she told me she will be waiting for me in a Starbucks next to the arrivals

-"Marina, Marina"- Alaina waves

-"Hii"- I say and wave back

-"what's up gurrll?how are you?" she hugs me

if only she knew...

-"I'm good, you?"-I say with a fake smile

-"good too, do you need help?" she says and points at the bags


she takes the read bag

-" follow me"- she says

I nod

we're now in her car and she grabs the keys and open the door

-"where do we put the bags?"

-"let's put them in the trunk"

we go into the car and she starts to drive

-"how was the flight?"

-"good, I fell asleep"

-"you look tired"

-"I'm tired"

-"are you ok?"

-"yes"-I sigh


she looks at me

-"thanks so much for everything, for letting me stay at your house, for picking me up for being always so nice , thanks"

-"I already told you it's ok, you don't need to thank me, I like you plus Marshall would have killed me if I say no, he really likes you"

I blush

-"you think so ?"

-"I know so, I know him and I know he's so into you, and he loves you"

I burst into laughter

-"what? how do you know that?"

-" I know it because the day you left we had a dinner at Nate and Ashleys and we teased him and he admitted it, you two don't need to play the fool, it's obvious"

I blush

-"he admitted it?"

she nods

-"and you're madly in love with him too by the way"

-"whatever" I blush again

-"I'm worried about him tho"

I look at her

-"what do you mean?"

-"since you left he hasn't been the same, he didn't want to come to the dinner, he barely talked and he has been spending all his time in the studio"

-"so? he's Eminem, he's an addicted to work, I mean I even know that he has said many times hip hop is his life, so it's not a big deal he spends his time in the studio, working , how is the little Liam?"- I say trying to change to subject

-" I know but like I say it's something else I can tell he's worried about something, he's not ok and Liam OMGG he's lovely, he's such a cutie it makes me want to be a mother, ha! can you imagine?"- she shakes her head

-"why not? if that's what you want..."

-"I love children but I'm too young to be a mum, why? you want to be a mum ? you're too young too"

-"of course no!"-I say and roll my eyes

-"hahah that would be so fucking funny, you pregnant by my uncle"

-"haha yes"- I say with a fake laugh, and look at the window , if only she knew

-"are you sure you ok? you look worried too, what's up? did something happen between my uncle and you? did you fight or something? he can be difficult and asshole, but he's trying with you "

-"I know I know, it's not that, it's just I'm tired and sad because I'm going to miss my family and my life there"

-"but you can have a new life here, and here's my uncle, he's your prince charming and you his princess and you two will live happily ever after"

I burst into laughter

-" what's wrong with you?"

-"I feel romantic, I guess I need love and get laid"


-"what? it's true, sex is the best, specially when you have someone that you truly loves, I think that to make the love is the best way to show your love towards your partner, think about it, you become just one , you are feeling each other , you are touching each other , you're giving everything inside you, your body.., don't you agree?"

-"yes I guess you're right"

-"plus I bet you and my uncle.."- she raises an eyebrow


-"oh please, I'm not stupid!"

-"do you really think I'm gonna say if I had or not sex with Marshall?"

-"hahaha whatever"

I roll my eyes

-"we're here"- she says and parks the car

we get off the car and grab the bags

-"let me help you "

she opens the door and we go into the apartment

-"Alaina, which one is my.. Marshall?"

-"hi"- he says and smiles while he opens his arms to give me a hug

-"OMMGG Marshall it's you, what are you doing here?"- I say while I run towards him and hugs him tightly

-"surprise!!"- Alaina says

-"why you didn't tell me ?- I say looking at Alaina

-"because it was a surprise"- she says rolling her eyes

-"I guess you want to talk so I go to my room , your room is that one, I don't know if I told you but I live with a friend but she's not in Detroit at the moment and I made the bed for you , tha door is the bathroom, this the kitchen and and that one living room I guess that's all for now, welcome to your new home"- she says pointing at the doors

-"thanks Alaina"- Marshall says and hugs her

-"no problem, good night guys and there are condoms in that wardrove, in case you need it, and please don't make noise I don't want to hear you having sex with my uncle, I've had enough with once"

-"Alaina!"-Marshall says

-"what's wrong with you two? sex is nothing bad, you two are so dull"

we both roll our eyes

-"good night"-

-"byeee" and she closes the door after her

-"it's a little late for condoms now, isn't it?"- he says I could tell he was trying to make me smile

-" yes, yes it is, how are you ?"

-"nah... how are you?"

-"Marshall I asked you first"

he sits down on the couch and runs his fingers throught his hair and looks down

-"I'm ...ok"

I go and sit next to him and rest my hand on his shoulder

-"Marshall, you are not ok.."

-"no, I'm not, FUCK!!"- he says and kicks a table


-"I'm not ok, I can't think straight , I try to think about other things but I can't"

-"I know babe.."-I sign he looks at me and kiss my ckeck

-"I'm sorry babe, I'm complaining like a prick when you're the same or worse, how are you?"

-"we're the same Marshall, and I don't know to be honest.. I guess I'm just ok.."

-"I know babe, it's strange because I'm scared because I'm 41, I'm too old and we're starting, we're knowing each other but at the same time I feel excited and I think it won't be that bad, that we can make it together, if we have each other ,you know?and then I think a babe with you , omg it's exciting, and the babe is gonna be the most beautiful babe in this world because you're gonna be its mum shit!! I don't know if know what I mean"- he says visibly nervous

I smile at that and nod, he's such a cutie

-"Marina what I'm trying to say is that if you're going to be a mum, I wanna be the father, I don't want anyone else to put babies inside you but me, I wanna be the only one that can do it , because I .. fuck!" he says frustrated

-"you... ??"

-"this is so fucking cheesy"

-"nooo, Marshall what were you going to say?"

-" Marina, do you remember the day we went to buy the phone and we fought and you left?"

I nod

-" when I saw you leave, for a moment, just for a moment I thought we were through, and it broke my heart, I don't want to lose you, Marina I love you , I love you so fucking much that it hurts"

I was speechless

-"Marshall, I don't know what to say.."

-"tell me you do love me too, that you want the same, that you want to be with me as much as I want"

-"of course I do!!! I love you, I love you so much!"-I say and start to kiss him passionately

he pulls away and looks at me with a serious face

-"what's up?"

-"Marina I want you to meet Hailie and Whitney"