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Expectations and Memories

Chapter 1- To New York I Go

"I can't believe you're leaving me alone here for the entire spring break, you motherfucking bitch." My roommate, Kendall, says. She's lying on the floor, naked save for her wet towel from the shower draped loosely over her lower torso. This is a fairly accurate depiction of my roommate. Constantly cursing, naked, and complaining.
"Ken, I love you. I'm sorry I'm deserting you. Now get your ass off the the floor and put on some clothes! I have to be at the airport in 30 minutes and I still need you to take me."
She moans, but obliges. Slowly she puts on clothes and grumbles something about wishing her mom was a flight attendant and she could fly to New York City for free under her breath.
I ignore her rude comment and scan my room for anything I could be forgetting. Cell phone charger, check. Every possible outfit combination I own, check. Pajamas, check. Toothbrush, check.
I walk out to our tiny kitchen and grab an apple. Enjoying the momentary peace, I close my eyes. Seconds later I hear footsteps.
"Oops. Sorry, Buddha. Didn't mean to disturb your zen zone," Kendall cackles. "I'm ready to go, are you?" She stands, holding her keys out expectantly.
I laugh and, mouth full of apple, gesture to her just a minute. I go into my room and retrieve my suitcase and we set out for the car.


On the way to the airport, I turn up the music so Kendall can't whine anymore about how bored she's going to be all spring break. I scroll through my iPod, finally settling on Sigur Ros. We live about 20 minutes away from Tampa International Airport, and midway through the ride Kendall turns down the music. I sigh, preparing for another complaint. Instead she surprises me.
"It will be so funny if you come back from this trip a totally different person."
I roll my eyes. "I'm going for a week, not a year! And it's New York, not Nicaragua. What are you expecting?"
"I don't know. It's just you've told me about Rachael and how she's become this hipster It Girl since she moved to New York because her cousin is somewhere high on the corporate ladder at Colombia Records. I bet you'll meet cool people."
I considered this a moment. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but Rachael--my former best friend from high school--had become something. She moved to Brooklyn from our hometown in Florida straight out of high school, and shared an apartment with her two cousins: one was the drummer of a semi-well-known band and the other was the Communications Director at Colombia Records. Right when she got there, freshly graduated high school, she'd snagged an internship for the online fashion mag Man Repeller. In no time she'd gone on to Teen Vogue, where she was currently assistant to the assistant creative director. It didn't sound like much, but this was impressive considering she was the ripe young age of 19. I hadn't talked to her much in a few months when she randomly sprung the idea of this trip on me via text message. "Hey! Your spring break is coming up, right? Spend the week in NYC with me I miss you!!!" She'd written. It was unexpected, but exciting. I was surprised, but pleasantly so.
"I'm just stoked to go to my favorite city. I wish you could come though." I said wistfully to Kendall as we arrived at the airport.
"I know, I'll miss you. Text me always and safe travels, Aura!"
"Love you!" I responded as I got out of the car.
I had no idea what I was about to get myself into.
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Alright, the handsome babe Jude Law will likely be in the next chapter. I know this is kind of boring, but I needed to get some background in there before I plunge into this awesome romance. Comment and subscribe!!!