Status: I will try my best to get a chapter a week

Four Years Later


Rebecca’ P.O.V

After getting a phone call from the school, telling Sid and I to come to the school worried me. They didn’t tell me any reason why. When we got to the school and into the main office. I spotted Kaley in a room just drawing.
‘Why is Kaley not in class?’ I ask my self. Going closer to the front desk, the lady told is that Mrs.Jones will come and get us when she’s done on a phone call. Mrs.Jones’ door opened up and she came out of her office.
“Thank you for coming down on a short notice Mr. and Mrs. Crosby. I need to talk to you about your daughter.” We walked into her office and I could see all the medals for best head office in the school.
“Is it bad? Did she do something bad to any of the other students?” Sid step up to talk.
“No, she’s a sweet heart. Kaley has an old soul in her. I called you down here because have you two ever heard of DRD but it’s called dyslexia?” Both of us shook our heads.
“A person who has dyslexia may have trouble rhyming and separating sounds that make up spoken words. These abilities seem to be important in learning to read. A child’s early reading skills are based on word recognition. That involves being able to separate out of the sounds in words and match them with letters and groups of letters.”
“So you are saying that our daughter is stupid?” Sid getting really upset by this.
“No, Kaley is a bright child. It’s just that They may have difficulty understanding sentences. Kaley is just falling a little behind of the reading course we give to the teachers to hand out to the kids.” Mrs. Jones handed both Sid and I a piece of paper.
“We gave Kaley a spelling quiz and this is what she gave us.” Looking at the paper. She spelled cat, dog, mom and dad wrong. I was having tears in my eyes that our daughter has this.
“This happen more with girls than boys. Do you know any of your family has this?” She looked over at me.
“I’m the only girl from 4 boys. Sid?” I looked over and Sid. Sid was stun at the news about his daughter.
“No I have no idea either. What do we need to do as parents to help Kaley to get back to normal like the ret of the kids?”
“I’m sorry to tell you this but the only way Kaley will be at the same level as the kids she’s in class right now. Is that she needs lots of private tutoring. We didn’t put in her class today because we wanted to let you know that we are going to put her in special day class with the same children that she has.”
“No, I am not letting my daughter being in a same class with a bunch of retarder children!” Sid got up from his chair upset by this.
“Mr.Crosby I need you to calm down for us.” When sat back down, I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears that he used that word in front of me. I alway hated that word for a long time. I was going to burst into tears at that moment.
“Can I have a word with Sidney here for a second.” Mrs.Jones nodded her head and left her office.
“Can’t you believe her that she thinks our child is retarder.” I slap Sid’s shoulder really hard.
“What was that for?”
“You know how much I hate that word and they are trying to help! Your being a dick head! Kaley doesn’t have cancer so this is not life or death. At lease the school is trying to help her and your only thinking is about your last night going to be damage because of what’s going on with Kaley’s learning.” I grab the keys from my purse and handed them to Sid.
“I need you to leave since I have done this more often than you.”
“How are you going to get back home then?”
“James.” Before Sid walked to the door, he turn around and had his hand on the door knob.
“Sorry for saying that word in front of you. I will see you tonight then.” After the door was shut, I cried a little because of that stupid word. When Mrs. Jones came back in, we talked about what classes Kaley is going to be in for the rest of her time here before she goes to middle school.
“What are the complications of having this?”
“She might have problems in school, including behavior problems, loss of self-esteem and reading problems that continue which may affect job performance. Which right now we have lots of time to fix that.”
“I’m sorry for my husband’s outburst. That’s never like he when it comes to Kaley.”
“Don’t worry, I bet he’s wants Kaley to be great like him. You can take Kaley home with you if you like.” I nodded my head and grab Kaley from the room they had her in.
“Mommy what are you doing here?”
“Taking you home, they are letting you out early today and we are going to spend time with uncle James today.” When James pick us up, all Kaley wanted to do when we got to this place was the play with James.
“Kaley I need to talk to Uncle James for a couple of minute s.” James handed her the remote for the TV and she walked into the living room.
“So what’s up? Why is Kaley not in school right now?”
“Well Sid and I found out that Kaley has dyslexia.”
“Yeah it means that it’s going to take Kaley more time to learn things when she reads. When Sid hear about it, he went full blown denial that she has dyslexia. Saying that she can’t be …. retarder, James you know how much I hate that word and he said that word with Kaley in that sentence almost made me cry in the office.”
“So sale 1 to 10 of how pissed you are of Sid right now?”
“It was a 10 when he left but right now it’s down to an 8. He did say sorry for using the word but to our daughter that he loves more than anything in the world. How could he say that?”
“So what now for Kaley?”
“She’s going to the same school but different class than she was in. She can see her old class mates during lunch I trust in my daughter but right now I need make sure that Sid knows that he’s a farther of an amazing girl.”
“Kaley is an amazing little girl that you have and she has great people behind her back if she needs any help.”
“Thanks James.” When James dropped us off at home. I can see that both of our cars were in the drive way so that means Sid is home. Kaley ran inside to find where Sid was.
“When you find daddy tell him that I am going to make dinner.” Kaley went off looking for him. As I was in the kitchen I can hear Kaley yelling for Sid. As I was making dinner, I was thinking what James told me early. He needs to find someone because he would be such a great dad.
“Hey sweet heart.” I could hear Sid coming out of his office. Hearing Kaley laughing must be Sid tickling her.
“Daddy stop it!” She was laughing to hard. I love with Kaley laughs really hard because it tells me that she’s happy and I am happy. Once I got dinner done and once finishing eating. Sid and I were cleaning up the kitchen.
“Rebecca I am sorry for what I said.I feel more stupid after I said that. When I called Mom and asked her what I should do. She told me that to love her even more.”
“Will you please forgive me for what I said.” Sid place his hand on to mine.
“Yes Sid I do and if you say that word again. You will be sleeping with Kaley in her small bed.” Sid laughed a little. He kissed me on the cheek and helped me finish with the rest of the dishes.