Ghosts of Days Gone By

Total Chaos

June 10, 3000
6:23 p.m.

Zana sat on her black leather couch that was placed in the middle of the living room. The television was playing some romance movie quietly in the background while she read over her next script. Her mind began thinking back to her very first audition, the one that made her famous. She wondered if she made the right choice back then, especially since she was only sixteen. She couldn't see herself doing anything else in the world, not as if there was really all that much to do since technology took over. At least she would always have a job that she loved doing.

Zana's eye barely strayed from the tablet in her hand when the television began playing the news. Anytime the news came on, it was about a war going on in another country or possible storms of some sort. Every now and then a volcano would erupt, or even an earthquake would happen, and that would make the news as well. Her eyes fell back to the tablet, studying the script for the hundredth time, not paying any attention to the news report at all.

Xavier is walking the warm, crowded streets when a siren goes off. 'Whatever it is, isn't happening here,' he thought, not caring since it was obviously not concerning him. The millions of people around him didn't seem to care either. The sirens usually went off for severe weather or an attack on this country, or at least that's what he was always told.

Xavier decided it was nearly dinner time. He casually walked into the huge grocery store and glanced around for something to eat. His eyes fell upon every robot worker nearby before casually snatching a fresh apple and quickly placing it the pocket of his jeans as best as he could. It was pretty obvious he had stole it, yet none of the bots noticed it partly sticking out. He quickly made his getaway through the lines of people entering the store before the stupid robots actually noticed.

He made it outside safely and took out the fresh apple. After taking a bite, he began his journey back down the street with everyone else while wondering why robots pretty much took over the world. Robots had been ruling the world for hundreds of years now. They are the reason why there are so few jobs left. The only jobs humans could get were technicians, politicians, and anything that had to do with being creative. That might sound like a lot, but it's not since there are billions of people. Xavier thought the dumbest and laziest thing humans ever did was creating all these bots.

Screams from behind Xavier snapped him from his thoughts. He threw the core of the apple down on the ground before spinning around to find the source of the screaming. Everyone who he had walked past began rushing past him. People were getting shoved to the ground and being trampled on. Xavier moved to wall of the closest building to get out of the middle of the chaos. He began wondering what people were seeing that had them running. He had only seen something like that happen in movies, yet this was real life and they were doing so.

After a few failed attempts of trying to ask the people rushing by, he decided he would find out for himself. He shoved himself off of the wall he was leaning against and began going through the hordes of people that were running in the opposite direction of him. Whatever had people scared wasn't going to scare Xavier Collins, and he was going to prove it.