Ghosts of Days Gone By

Ghost or Imagination

June 10, 3000
6:37 p.m.

Xavier's brows furrowed when the hordes of people began thinning out. People were still rushing by, but it was like most had disappeared. Stores along the streets were now closed, and through the windows he saw people barricading themselves inside. Why had everyone ran off or went into somewhere. Was it not safe outside? Should he have heeded warning and took cover as well?

Zana stood at the window of her apartment, glancing out to the now empty streets. She had finally listened to what was being said on the television due to her curiosity. All that was really said was to be inside due to some virus going around. She had heard the siren go off as well as the screams of people. She still hasn't spotted what the problem was, unless the virus was people going insane.

She decided to take the risk and go outside. What harm could it do to her? She had been out earlier in the day, so whatever it was she probably already caught. In fact, everyone probably had it since almost everyone goes outside, or at least in Los Angeles everyone goes outside. It was most likely nothing major or a complete lie to cover up something the government had done. Either way, she was going out to find out for herself.

Xavier continued his way down the nearly empty street when he heard loud screams from behind him again. He could literally hear the thudding of the people rushing back towards him. It was in a matter of minutes before he would actually see what people were left on the streets still. He continued walking straight since going back the way he came would be pretty pointless.

He had his hands in his pockets of his dirty jeans, kicking a stray rock that was on the ground. He was startled when he heard a young child ask if anyone had seen his mother. Xavier's eyes lifted from the ground to the little blonde haired boy that was in front of him. Xavier knew right then that something was really wrong. This little boy had a gunshot wound that went through his head that was still bleeding. There was no way in hell that this kid was really alive. Was it all apart of Xavier's imagination? Or was it a ghost?

"I dunno, kid," Xavier answered the little boy. The little boy's deep blue eyes filled with tears and Xavier had no idea what to do or say next. This kid certainty wasn't dangerous, no matter if he was alive or dead. He was like any other kid who didn't know where their mother was. Maybe this boy was why people were running in the first place. He didn't scare Xavier though.

"Can you help me find my mommy?" the little boy asked, staring straight up at Xavier with his tear filled eyes. Xavier's eyes widened as the bullet hole began to stop bleeding and close back up. He didn't notice that millions of people were running towards him and the kid, and was shocked when the boy was swept away with the crowd. Nobody panicked when they saw the boy, or maybe they hadn't even realized him. Last thing Xavier saw was the dried blood on the poor boy's forehead.