Mother Sea

Come Away To the Water

Teeth. The first thing he noticed was the teeth. Her jaw had elongated, into waves of razors that decorated her gums. Her beauty had been absorbed into a monstrous form.

She had seduced him with melodies of love for days. He would go out for a simple fishing trip to the sea and would return hypnotized. Her lungs produced serene notes while her appearance enticed him.

He was convinced she was an angel; it was the only explanation for her tail. She had possessed a tail of silver scales, no legs, no limbs. On the sea rock she was perched atop of, they shone like little diamonds against the ultramarine sea blankets.

Her face had elegant curves that destroyed him. Almond eyes, high cheek bones, and coal hair. She never wore cloth, her breasts exposed to him. She sang in a language he could never decipher. It was always jumbled, like a jammed radio signal. But he always grew attentive on every syllable she crafted.

But there was something about her. Something that unsettled him. She was an angel, yes, but her insistence and charming songs felt eerie. As a child, he had heard the wretched stories sea-fairing men being lured to vicious deaths by way of fish creatures. However, this could never be his angel, he convinced himself.

Until the day she uttered his native language.

“Come with me,” she had said, her voice floating on the sea breeze to his ear drums.

“I can’t swim,” he replied, water leaking onto his sun-born cheeks. He was blubbering, his bottom lip quivering. He was three again and losing a new toy.

“I’ll take you.” With that short phrase, she disappeared into the sea.

He stood near the sea, letting his feet rest gently against the waves, waiting for her. Was she leaving because of his inability? He was sure of it, yes. She had vanished into the ultramarine unknown.

A bubble had resurfaced near him, it was her. He felt it. She emerged from the sea, inky hair stuck to a wet face. “Come,” she whispered, offering her pale hand. From afar, he had not noticed the scales that had been imbedded in her flesh. Little gems.

On her back, he had ridden to a cavern he had never seen before. A small dirt covered thing that had no obvious exit.

“I want you to go in.” He could hear her now. She no longer needed to speak, for her oceanic mind was now with him. And he listened.

He sat atop a dirt ledge, that lead back to the sea. She was at the edge, her beauty radiating from her reflection in the water.

It was then he noticed the teeth.
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This was written for today's April challenge coz I'm lame.