Status: Short story, so should be finished very quickly


Humanity has fallen.
Women are scarce and rare, Institutions have popped up to keep any they find safe and out of harm. To the North, there is an ice age. To the West, dried land, death, and false hope. To the East, an endless desert that crosses oceans, and to the South, sweltering heat that moves in liquid form.

Juniper Kirin in the last of her family to survive in this harsh world. She left the protection of the Institution, seeking solace and solitude with the animals she adopts and the desert she learns to live in. She avoids contact with other people, but being the only woman for miles around attracts a lot of unwanted attention. That all changes, however, when she discovers that she is not nearly as alone as she thought.

**Picture is actually for another story, but I just threw it on here for now**
  1. Part one
    Something strange happens to Juniper as she is fighting
  2. Part Two
    Wrym hunters are trouble, didn't your mother ever tell you that?