Status: On Going

The Unknown

Chapter Two

"You will be okay up north right? And you are sure your mother has no problem with her being there for the winter break?" Daenerys asked as Sansa and Lyanna were eating breakfast in the airport with Lyanna’s aunt Daenerys Targaryen. Dany would not let go of her niece's hand.

“I will be fine, Auntie. Its just for winter break, and Sansa will be there. Shes even flying with me. See, shes sitting right there.” Lyanna pointed her finger to Sansa who was sipping her starbucks. Sansa had told her mother she was going to go to Kings Landing with Lyanna, and fly with her back up to Winterfell with her, so she could meet Lyanna’s favorite family member. Daenerys Targaryen. She was 15 years the girls senior and seemed to actually treat Lyanna like her daughter and not her niece. Sansa immediately fell in love with the famous artist of Kings Landing. Known for her risque art, Daenerys Targaryen was anything short of her reputation.

“My mother is complete okay with her coming up, in fact, after I told her that you were going to visit your Nephew, she insisted that Lyanna should come. She hates it when people have to be alone for the holidays.” Sansa said, putting hand on top of Dany’s other hand.

“You two will be alright flying?”

“No, I’ll freak out and jump out of the god damn cockpit.” Sansa giggled at her friends sarcasm. Dany only glared at Lyanna. Lyanna patted her aunt’s hand.

“Auntie, I’m going to come back. I promise. I’m not like my father. I don’t randomly go off and die. I promise, I will come back.” Lyanna leaned on her aunts shoulder as she kissed the top of Lyanna’s head. Sansa looked at the tender moment with slight tears in her eyes. This was one of the most touching scenes she thought she ever say between the two. Lyanna looked at her watch and tapped nodded to Sansa.

“Its time to head to the gate.” Dany gave the girls one last hug, and asked Sansa to come to Kings Landing again soon. Both girls walked towards the plane where they were both sitting first class.

“I could have ridden economy.” Lyanna said staring at the ticket.

‘Me two, but my mum bought the tickets.” Sansa said, linking her arm with her friends.

The plane ride was nice considering it was only about five hours. Sansa and Lyanna walked off of the plane, a little tired. It was only mid afternoon, but they had turbulence, which both were not really a fan of. Lyanna sent a text to her Aunt saying she made it safely, and that she did in fact not jump out of the cockpit. Sansa started to drag her friend to the baggage claim as they were dying for a good cup of coffee.

“Is it just me or are we more tired over that damn flight, then waking up at 6 in the morning.” Lyanna said running a hand through her white brown hair. Sansas long red hair was getting on her nerves as they both slid on sweatshirts. The cool breeze of the north came through the doors that lead outside next to the baggage claim.

“Yes, well, I don’t think you had to nearly attack me when we hit turbulence.”

“I didn’t attack you, I jumped on you. I got scared.” Lyanna pouted. Sansa bit her bottom lip as her friend clung on to her arm. Lyanna could be such a child when she was tired. But that was what was so endearing about her. The fact that she could become a your friend with just sitting next to you. Both standing there waiting for their bags, neither noticed two boys come up behind them.

“I’m sorry miss, but I’m looking for my sister. Have you seen her? She has Red hair just like yours, but your too old to be her.” Robb Stark said. His golden brown locks shining in the dim airport lights. Sansa turned around and threw her arms around her brother.

“Robb! Its so good to see you.” Breaking the embrace she turned to look behind him and she caught the dark eyes of Jon Snow who was playing with a set of keys in his hand. He came up behind Robb and smacked him on the back of the head.

“You are an idiot.” Turning towards the two girls in front of them, Jon goes to pull Sansa into an awkward hug. Lyanna watches but doesn’t know who is more the cause of the awkwardness, Jon or Sansa. Pulling away, Sansa bites her lower lip. A habit she picked up when she is nervous. Lyanna not wanting people to see her nervous steps in. Sticking out her hand for Jon.

“Hi, I’m Lyanna, Lyanna Targaryen.” Jon took her hand with a firm grip.

“Jon, Jon Snow.” He replied back. Robb stuck out his hand.

“Robb Stark, Sansa older and much more handsome brother.” He said winking at Lyanna. Sansa knew right off the bat that Robb at least found Lyanna attractive.

“Thats a long title, can I just call you Robb?” Robb laughed at Lyannas comment. Sansa spotted their bags making their way around. Noticing that both were not about to let the eithers hand go, Sansa went and tried to grab both their bags. Jon’s hands briefly touched the back of hers, as he moved her hands to quickly drag both of them out. He did it with such ease that Sansa wondered if he worked out. Biting her lip again she tried to take the image of Jon without a shirt at the gym out of her mind. By this point, Robb and Lyanna had quit staring at eachother, and she had reached for her bag.

“Sorry, Zoned out.” she said with a slight blush creeping up her features.

“Yes, well if Robb is done flirting, I think we should go head home.” Sansa said linking her arm with Lyannas again. Both of the boys took the girls bags and walked behind them. Lyanna turned to see Robb’s face with slight redly cheeks, that matched hers. All four of them walked in a comfortable silence as they walked to Robb’s Honda Civic.

“Hey dumbass, next time don’t leave the keys in the ignition.” Jon said throwing him the keys.

“Shotgun!” Lyanna said first.

“No!” Sansa whined. Robb flashed a huge grin at his sisters smile that spread over her face as she slightly pushed her friend from her arm. Lyanna just laughed at Sansa. Before Lyanna could open the door Robb had grabbed the handle.

“Please, you are a guest. Let me.” He said. Lyanna flashed one of her genuine smiles towards him. Robb looked at her shocked for a little and then flashed his eyes quickly to Jon’s face and then back to Lyannas. Lyanna had slid into the seat and buckled up. Sansa had slid in the seat behind her, and Jon had sat next to her after putting the bags away. Robb entered the car with a look of shock on his face.

“Robb are you okay?” Sansa asked as she leaned on the back of the passenger seat, staring at her brother. Shaking his head as to not worry his sister and the beautiful white haired girl, he flashed them a reassuring smile. Jon seemed to notice that it was a fake one, but didn’t say anything. Sansa slide back into her seat, as Lyanna seemed to relax. She wondered if he thought the same thing she did the first time she meet Lyanna. How much she looked like Jon. But both seemed to not notice it at all. Sasna thoughts went back to the tall handsome man sitting next to her. The seats in Robb’s back seats were smashed with their carry ons on one side and Sansa was forced to sit in the middle with her thigh touching Jon’s. Trying to keep her cheeks from growing red, Sansa decided to try and take her mind off of Jon’s muscular leg touching her own slim leg.

“So why is Robb an Idiot?” Sansa asked Jon, loud enough for both of the two in the front could hear. Sansa watched as Lyanna hide her smile behind the sleeve of her sweater. Robb groaned as Jon smiled at his friends embarrassment.

“Well, he first he jumped out of the car without taking the keys with him. And then as he’s crossing to get to the into the airport and runs in front of a taxi. Almost runs into a security guard and when I finally caught up to him, I had to help someone whose bags he knocked down.”

“It wasn’t that bad.” Robb murmured. Sansa and Lyanna bursted out laughing as Robb’s blush grew deeper.
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Same as always. Thank you for reading!