Status: On Going

The Unknown

Chapter Four

Chapter Four
1 week later
Everyone fell into a sort of a small groove. Lyanna has not brought up ‘the incident’ she was talking to Sasna about before Jon had walked in. And for that she was thankful for. Jon had not brought up what might have happened in vale either. Sansa had even been avoiding touching Jon ever since they came back as well. The strong feelings she had started growing towards her brothers best friend and her Fathers God son was anything but sibling love. And it scared her. She was developing a serious crush on him that seemed to slowly grow when ever he would do nice things for her that he would do for other girls as well. But she also started to see something spark between her brother and her best friend. It was like a slow burning ember, wasn’t sure it was going to catch a blaze or not. She wondered if anybody else had noticed it. Sansa couldn’t be certain until that friday. It was that time of the year when Sansa’s parents were taking their annual ‘get away from the kids’ weekend farther north at a resort. Right before the holidays started. This year they did something different. Instead of leaving Robb in charge they turned to Sansa.

“Sasna you're in charge.” Ned Stark said as everyone was sitting in the living room. All of the starks were okay, but Lyanna had a blanket wrapped around her. It was proving to be too cold in some places of the house for her.

“What?!” Robb said a little irritated in his voice. He was sitting next to Lyanna, whose feet were tucked under his thigh. Sansa took noticed to it, but to her parents if they saw it, they didn’t seem to mind. Robb looked over at Lyanna who poked him a little with her big toe.

“Its not uncommon. Usually the women were in charge of the household and then men were just seen as the protectors. But women ran the house, men just lived in it, and ruled over the people in town.” Everyone stared at her, as Sansa giggled at her friend. Burying her face into the blanket a little more she mumbled out, “At least thats what I read.”

“Your not helping.” Robb said to her with a shake of his head.

“Shes helping my case.” Sansa replied back from the big chair she had took over. Ned Stark gave out a hearty laugh.

“Its hasn’t been this interesting since Arya brought a boy home.” Sansa turned around to peer up at her sister who was sitting on the back of the chair.

“You brought a boy home? Was he alive?” Arya pushed her sisters shoulder.

“Shut up!” She said anger written on her face.

“Girls!” Catelyn yelled out.

“The reason Robb, is that they last year we left you in charge and we had to pull up to our house with a Theon Greyjoy bare as the day he was born, lying on our couch. And also came to find all of our expensive liquor had mysteriously evaporated into thin air.” Ned said looking at his son.

“Why did Theon have to be naked?” Robb said with a growl. Lyannas giggle was heard as Bran and Rickon joined in.

“I think that was the first non Stark penis Rickon had ever seen.” Bran said.

“Anyway, your mother and I have determined that Sansa will be in charge, and also that we have set up cameras ever since the break in at the beginning of this year. So we can check up on you guys if we have a funny feeling that their is a party going on.” Ned said looking at his elder children. Sansa nodded her head. She didn’t want to throw a party anyway. Last year was to chaotic and they didn’t even get to clean up in time. So she just decided she was going to try and talk Robb out of it this year.

“Why isn’t Jon in charge then?” Arya asked. Sasna looked around and Jon wasn’t even in the room.

“Jon was also responsible for the party as well.” Catelyn said. “So for the weekend. What ever Sansa says, Goes.” She added before standing up. She walked over to Sansa and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Please no more parties.” Her voice soft as she exited the room. Ned Followed his wife out as they headed upstairs to finish packing.

“Normally festivals where a cause for celebration. As in someone was getting married or even if the King was awarded a new hand. They were called tourneys.” Everyones eyes went to Lyanna as she spoke up. Sansa looked gave a soft laugh at her friend. Arya stood up.

“We need to get her a muzzle.” She said walking out of the room.

“Arya!” Robb yelled after her. Jon bumped into Arya as walked in with a bag full of snacks and dvds.

“What is she so mad about?” He asked as the others were sitting on the couch.

“Dad brought up she brought a boy home.” Bran said as he stood up. Rickon followed him up stairs as they went to play video games.

“So what is on the movie list for tonight?” Robb asked taking the bag from Jon’s hands.

“Is tonight the night we get to use the movie theatre you guys built?” Lyanna asked. Robb pushed the movies to the side of him and reached over and grabbed her ankle. Jon’s eyebrows rose but he didn’t say anything.

“As long as you stop poking my thigh!” He said with a little mischief in his voice. Turning her head gaze Sasna made eye contact with Jon. They know who is definitely taking the sort of small chair made for two tonight. Which means, Jon and herself will be sharing the same loveseat while Arya will undoubtedly get the chair by herself. Bran and Rickon will lay out on the bean bags, leaving only one place for Jon and Sanas. Lyanna started to pull her foot away from Robb as his gripped tightened. They’ve been doing this for about two days. Low level flirting Jon told Sana one time. Walking over Sansa grabbed the DVDs from the bag and started to peer through them. These were undoubtedly male movies. All except for one.

“The Purge, Hangover, a Haunted House, Robin Hood Men in Tights, and Casablanca?” I said turning towards Jon. He raised his shoulders.

“It was a request.” Jon’s fingers brushed Sansa’s as she handed him back the movies.

“Sorry, Sansa, I know how much you don’t like classic Romantic cheesy movies, but Robb said he never saw it before, and its one of those, you should see once your life.” Lyanna said. Which made Sansa puzzled.

“But, Robb made me wat-” Sansa stopped talking the minute Robb shot her with a glare.

“She means, I made her watch Citizen kane, which has nothing to do with Casablanca.” He seethed at her.

“Oh, yeah thats right. Citizen Kane, wasn’t that the movie that Jon and you fell asleep and woke up cuddling?” Sansa said, pulling Lyanna off of the couch.

“Is that never speaking about it again?” Robb yelled after her as the girls giggled their way up the stairs to change.
Robb and Jon were in the kitchen popping popcorn. Arya had already grabbed her seat down stairs along with her soda. Rickon and Bran just ran down when the girls walked into the kitchen. Robb smiled when his eyesight caught view of Lyanna.

“Popcorn!” She said smiling. Going over to one of the bowls already popped and popping one in her mouth.

“Would like a soda for the movie?” Robba asked. Shaking her head yes, Robb went and grabbed a Coke out of the fridge. He grabbed himself one as well. “Hey, I’m going to get Lyanna all settled down stairs and ready to watch the Robin Hood Men in tights.” He said, giving his elbow for her to take. She took it with a smile as they left Sansa and Jon alone to wait on the last pop corn bag to pop. Sansa realized that they needed one bowl and went over to the top shelf of the cabinet. Even for her, the bowl was up to high, and she stood up on a stepping stool her sister uses. Somehow, she has no idea how in the name of the seven gods, she did it, but she somehow slipped off the edge as she brought down the third plastic bowl. Strong arms wrapped around her sides as fell onto a solid form. His breath was on her ear as she tried to remain calm. The arms that had caught her, where around her waist, and her heart started to hammer in her chest.

“Are you okay?” His husky voice asked.

“Yeah, I just slipped I guess. I guess college made me a klutz.” She joked. His arms slowly left her sides but not before she felt them linger a little bit. Sasna thought it was just her imagination and ran her hand through her long red hair.

“The stools wet.” He pointed out. “Besides you're too graceful to be a klutz.” He said with a small smile. Jon had moved over to the microwave and grabbed the popped popcorn. Sasna tried to hide the blush that was rising to her cheeks.

“Do you want something to drink?” She asked as she went to the fridge.

“Just a coke would be fine.” She raised her eyebrows as she also grabbed herself a diet coke.

“You're not going to drink like Robb?” Shaking his head he walked over to the stairways.

“No, I don’t really drink anymore. Only on special occasions.” He held out his arm as Sansa went down the stairs first. Smiling she nodded her head as it was a good answer. And as Sansa predicted as she came into the ‘theatre’, that Robb and Jon had built, she saw the only space for herself and Jon was the small two person seat. She noticed how Robb and Lyanna were sharing a blanket as she was in her usual spot, when her feet tucked under his thigh to her warm. Sansa stuck her tongue out at her friend who only threw a popcorn kernel at her. Jon laid the blanket across both of their laps, as Robb pressed play on the first movie of the night. Sasna noticed how Jon was biting his lower lip as her thigh touched his. Let the Show begin she thought as her cheeks started to heat up.
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