Status: This story will be updated over the summer

The Return of Pennywise the Dancing Clown: A Bill Denbrough Love Story

Chapter 1

“Let go of him!” I screamed although my voice felt like it was weak. I felt paralyzed from my voice to my legs. I could not help him and it was making my heart race and hyperventilate.

“NO!” I cried out when it was too late. “No, please stop!” I screamed at the clown.

I woke up sweating with tears running down my face. My heart was pounding, and I was breathing hard. I dreamed of ‘It’. The thing I had not seen for years and completely forgot about; the 7-foot monster that lived in the sewers where I grew up; in Derry, Maine. It looked like a clown – a demon clown – yet was never a clown. It was an alienated spider that flew down from space during the dinosaur days and ended up living down in the sewers for 100’s of years and feeding on children. Well… that’s until Bill, Richie and I stopped it officially back in my first years of university in Derry. The first time we went into the sewers was during the summer of grade 8; Bev, Richie, Bill, Stan, Eddie, Mike, Ben, and myself. However, we thought we beat the monster, but it only came back when we were in university, and at that time, it was only Bill, Richie, and myself that stayed in town to get our education.

My dream really took me back though. I don’t know why I dreamt of Pennywise the Clown. I don’t think it was a symbol of the clown coming back, but I felt like it had more to do with Bill.

Bill has always been in my subconscious ever since I left Maine to go to university at Stanford, where I currently am now. I am in a four-year program at university, so far in my third year, which means I haven’t seen Bill in three years. We had agreed before I left that we would not keep in contact with each other, as we have a lot of history. He always told me that I was his soul mate, which I would not deny as I felt it too, but the way my future was planned out by my parents, I was not allowed to be influenced by anyone who had feelings for me.

What I mean is, ever since I was in grade four, I was told I was gifted. I was smarter than the average student in my grade. Because of that I was boosted up to the fifth grade and was the youngest, yet still the smartest student, even in my grade five class. As I kept growing up, I was always the smartest. My family doesn’t know where my intelligence came from, as it wasn’t genetics, but they say I was a gift from God, and that it was fate.

I was living a normal child’s life, up until my freshman year, when my life changed forever; for my parents, it was for the better - as for me, it was for the worst. I was playing all the time and goofing around with friends. I even experienced what love felt like during the summer we first met face-to-face with Pennywise; a week after we thought we destroyed It. But that moment the president of Stanford University told my mom they would accept me the moment I graduate high school – which was a lie, by the way, but I’ll get into that later – my parents controlled my life. All I was allowed to do was study and study.

However, I still snuck around a bit. Richie and I had the best local band in Derry back in high school. I still went out with my closest friends whenever I could escape my house. I even helped Bill when he was majorly depressed in high school. I even destroyed the devil. Twice. I also fell in love with the same guy four times.

I guess I should start from the beginning…
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters or where the story idea originally came from. This story was influenced by Stephen King's IT.