Status: Completed

It Wasn't Meant to Be Like This.

Chapter Three

“Ben! Wait!” Danny called out, although not sure why. Maybe it was because he saw the hurt in Ben's eyes, or maybe it was because he didn't want to be alone. All he knew was he wanted Ben there with him.

Ben stopped, but didn't turn around.

“What?” Ben spat bitterly, making Danny step back slightly.

Danny now realised how much he had really hurt Ben. But why was he so hurt? Wasn't the dislike mutual? He shook his head.

“I... I... don't want ya to go,” Danny finally managed to get out.

Ben turned slightly.

“I can't do this without ya, Ben. Like ya said, we need to stick together,” Danny added.

Ben shook his head.

“I can't. I can't stay with ya knowing that we're gonna hate each other for the rest of eternity. I just can't handle that Danny. I'm sorry”.

Ben turned and started walking again. Only this time Danny followed, and without any thought, he grabbed Ben's hand.

Ben froze, he felt tingles travel throughout his body. It was that moment he realised how he really felt about Danny. There was something more than sexual attraction. He wouldn't say it was love, but there was potential there. He slowly looked up into Danny's blue eyes. He was frozen too, he had no idea what he was doing, or what to say.

There was an intense silence as they stared into each other's eyes. It was only for a few seconds, but it seemed to last forever until Ben broke the silence.

“I'll stay,” he said quietly, letting his eyes unlock from Danny's.

Danny felt an uncontrolled smile spread across his face. He was happy. He didn't want to hate Ben anymore, and now he had the chance to change things. He looked down, realising he still had hold of Ben's hand. He should have let go, but he didn't. Instead, he found his lips against Ben's.

Ben blinked, a little surprised, but he didn't pull away. He slowly slid his arms around Danny's waist, closed his eyes, and kissed back softly. He knew that if he had a beating heart, it would be beating ten times as fast at that moment. He felt the tingles travel through his body again, only this time, they were more intense. He began getting lost in the kiss, his mind began to wander, wander about the things that were to come.

Danny slowly ran his tongue over Ben's lips, moving his hands up to tangle his fingers in his thick, dark hair. Ben didn't hesitate in opening his mouth, allowing Danny's tongue in to explore. Both their imaginations went wild as their tongues twisted, and fought with each other. They both felt pure ecstasy, forgetting about the past, and forgetting about the hate. At that moment all it was, was two lovers in arms.

A moment that came to an end too soon for them both. They jolted apart at the sound of glass shattering from somewhere in the house.

“D-did we do that or...?” Ben softly panted out, his body tingling with a mix of excitement and fear.

“I'm afraid not, my dear boys,” said a raspy voice that echoed around the room. “Sorry to interrupt such a... tender moment,” it continued, dripping heavily in sarcasm. “But I have come for what is rightfully mine”.

Both Ben and Danny were frozen with fear. The man who appeared before them was at least seven feet tall, and he looked... dangerous. They gulped simultaneously as he laughed a dark, evil laugh, displaying a razor sharp set of fangs. His long, raven black hair seemed to blow in a wind that wasn't there, and his sunken in eyes stared right into their souls.

“W-what do ya want?” Danny stammered out.

The man stopped laughing and stared right at him. He hissed and grimaced.

“You know EXACTLY what I want!” he spat out, making them both step back, grasping at each other's hands.

“I-if we knew, we'd give it to ya,” Ben cautiously whispered, tightening his grip on Danny's hand.

The man growled and snarled.

“I've had enough of petty games!” he barked, getting close to their faces.

Ben and Danny blinked at him. They were both fear-stricken, they really had no idea what it was the man wanted. The man chuckled, stepping back slightly. He clapped his hands loudly, momentarily confusing Ben and Danny. But it was only a matter of seconds before they understood what was going on... he was summoning his minions.

Vampires swarmed the house, coming in from both the windows and the doors. Before Ben and Danny had time to act on the situation, a tall, slender vampire was tying their hands behind their backs. This man was even taller than his leader, but he seemed less dangerous. Ben sensed that he was probably being forced into doing the evil deed.

They watches helplessly as the other vampires searched the rest of the house. When their leader was given the all clear by a shorter, stockier vampire, he nodded at the two other minions. They roughly grabbed Ben and Danny's arms and proceeded to drag them towards the front door.

Ben looked frantically around for an escape. Then, he spotted it... A candle, burning on the table. He closed his eyes and prayed, prayed that it would work. Without any further hesitation, he knocked the table, causing the burning candle to fall to the floor. The carpet instantly caught fire, as did the trouser leg of one of the goons holding them. The vampires started to panic as the fire grew, blazing and roaring loudly.

The house quickly became filled with chaos as the fire began to spread. The curtains, couch, tables, everything was soon being devoured by the devilish orange flames. The air was thick with smoke, it was difficult to see, even for a vampire. There were screams of pain as many were caught by the flames. Sending them to a harsh, fiery grave. The fire roared louder, it seemed to have the sound of beastly laughter as its victims burnt.

Fortunately, Ben and Danny were not victims of the fire, Ben's plan had worked perfectly. They had managed to escape in all the confusion. They ran out the front door and into the night. They weren't sure where they were going, or what they were to do. But they had escaped, this time.