Status: Completed

It Wasn't Meant to Be Like This.

Chapter Seven

Ben walked over to Danny as Michael tried to get his followers to attack them. Ben wrapped his hands around Danny's on the stake and the necklace.

“Together...,” whispered Ben.

“... Or not at all,” whispered Danny.

With their hands clasped together, Ben and Danny plunged the stake into the gem, breaking it and letting the tip hit the blood.

Michael screamed in agony as he felt the garlic and silver in his blood, feeling it burn him from the inside out. Soon enough his body began to crumble and turn to ash in front of his terrified followers. As the last flake of ash hit the floor, Ben struck a match and threw it into the ashes.

The ashes burst into bright red flames. As the flames grew higher, one-by-one Michael's followers began to crumble where they stood. Some tried to run away, hoping that if they got far enough away they wouldn't suffer the same fate, but it wasn't to be. Their agonising screams echoed all around until, almost as sudden as it started, it just... stopped.

Ben and Danny looked at each other, a little shocked that they were both still standing there.

“H-how?” whispered Ben, staring wide-eyed at Danny.

“I... I don't know,” frowned Danny looking around. “We should be... like them”.

Ben and Danny quickly turned round when they heard the snapping of twigs behind them. A hooded figure stepped out of the woods towards them.

“You've done a great job boys,” came a soft feminine voice. “You've taken out one of the most dangerous rogue vampire groups in recent history”.

“W-who are you?” asked Ben, squinting to try and see under the hood. “What exactly is going on? Why aren't we dead like the rest of them? His game changed us!”

“Who I am does not matter. All that matters is that everyone is now safe,” the voice echoes around them. “Unfortunately, yes he did change you, but I can change that...”

Danny's head snapped up to look at the hooded figure.

“C-change it?” Danny stuttered. “W-what do ya mean?”

“Wake up and find out,” said the hooded figure, snapping their fingers.

“We are awake!” said Ben, with a mix of frustration and confusion.

The figure laughed softly and started to back away back into the woods.

“Sit... Close your eyes... And just, wake up boys”, the voice whispered.

Ben and Danny looked at each other in confusion, before looking back at the figure, only to find they had gone.

“W-what was that about?” frowned Ben. “What did she mean 'wake up'?”.

“I have no idea,” said Danny, sitting down. “But I'm willing to give it a shot...”.

Ben looked down at Danny and shrugged before sitting next to him.

“Got nothing to lose,” Ben whispered. “So, close our eyes and just... wake up, right?”

Danny nodded, closing his eyes. Ben took a deep breath and slowly let his eyes slip shut. Ben smiled lightly as he felt Danny's hand slip into his own. They both sat there in silence for a few minutes wondering how this would ever work, when they suddenly felt it... They were being pulled upwards by... something. Instinctively they both opened their eyes and found...

They were back at Ben's house, that was suddenly back how it was, no signs of ever being on fire.

“W-what the...?” exclaimed Ben, looking around. “H-how did we get back here? How is it even standing? We burnt it down!”

“I-it was real, right?” asked Danny, rubbing his forehead.

“Well I remember it,” said Ben. “And you obviously do too...”.

“Hey you two?” called out the voice of their friend Sam, who they thought had been killed by the vampires. “You wanna play this awesome vampire game we just found in the attic?”

Danny and Ben quickly sat up, wide-eyed, before getting up and running into the kitchen...