To Love Is to Destroy...


"To love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be the one destroyed."

What had I been thinking? How could I have been so stupid? I should have never let him in. Now everything is falling apart.

I was supposed to go to school, become a doctor, find the cure to cancer! But, no. I chose to let myself believe that someone could fall in love with me. Now look at me!

I looked at the mirror, glaring at my reflection. All my hopes and dreams had been crushed by this bump beginning to form in my stomach.

Abortion? No, that wasn't an option. It goes against all my beliefs. Adoption? Honestly, I don't think I could give up the little life inside of me because even though I despise myself and him, I had already began to love the life growing inside of me. It wasn't its fault that I was stupid enough to give it up to some boy who supposedly loves me. It was my mistake, not the baby's.

I huffed and pulled my sweater down. My mother and father are going to be so very disappointed in me. How could I explain it to them where they would understand? I took a deep breath, stepped out of the bathroom, and walked into the living room. "Mother, Father, I have something I need to tell you..."
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I believe the quote goes with the story because the boy loved her but destroyed her hopes and dreams by getting her pregnant.