Just Like You, Just Like Me

girl slash boy.

When I can't sleep at night, I think of us kissing in the moonlight.
Eyes a mod podge of colors; hazel. Hair not quite black; brown.
A cigarette always in your hand, I pretended I couldn't stand.
Why can't I stop thinking about you?
Even the wind blowing through my hair is familiar.
You told me you couldn't stay,
I told you I "it's okay."
But as I look in the mirror,
I r e a l i z e,
all of my demons look just like you.


When you can't sleep at night, when your thoughts aren't quite right...
My features stain your thoughts, a book you can't quite put down.
I bet you still think about the night that I held your hand.
But it wasn't quite true.
I am the wind blowing through your hair.
I couldn't stay, okay?
But you'll find someone who will, one day.
But for now, nothing could be clearer,
you r e a l i z e,
all of your demons look just like me.
♠ ♠ ♠
new writing style attempt????