Strictly Casual


“Just a casual thing.” Avery specified as she perched on the edge of the bed. An unlit cigarette rested limply between her lips and she gazed at Garrett expectantly. In the moonlight, she looked like a goddess, although Garrett couldn’t fathom over what she would have unending control over. Sarcasm possibly; or narcissism.

“Casual. Of course.” Garrett murmured, his eyes traveling down Avery’s nude body. Avery looked away from Garrett, rolling her eyes. She groped the bedside table and grabbed up a box of matches. Avery would be to hip to use a lighter. Garrett was surprised she didn’t build a fire in the middle of her room in order to merely light a cigarette. “Why don’t you just use a lighter?” Garrett asked, propping himself up on an elbow.

“I like the smell of matches after they’ve gone out.” Avery mumbled as she struck up a match. She looked beautiful in the fire’s small glow. Almost as an instinct, Avery cupped the flame as the touched it to her cigarette. With a flick of her wrist, the light was gone, and smoke was rising in its place. Avery tossed the match onto the the table.

“You would.” Garrett chuckled and fell back onto the pillows. He started to get comfortable when Avery turned to look at him. Her perfect eyebrows were knit together, like she was confused.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Avery asked. Her words were laced with poison.

“Lying down. What do you think you’re doing?” Garrett grinned at Avery

Her eyes were getting plenty of exercise of tonight, as she rolled them once again. “If we’re done here, then you need to leave. We’re casual, remember?”

“What a bitch.” Garrett growled, sitting up. He plucked the cigarette from her hands and tucked them between his own lips before getting out of bed.

“I’d rather be a bitch than a prick.” She hurled back, standing up.

Garrett’s eyes were drawn to her slender frame. Small breasts, but nice ass. Her pussy was shaved, or maybe she got it waxed. Avery made a soft “he-hem” sound and Garrett brought his eyes back to her face. Her eyebrows arched. “We just fucked, you’re not feeling shy are you?” Garrett reached for his boxers as he took a drag off of Avery’s cigarette.

“Of course not, but I’d rather be fucked by your dick, not your eyes.” Avery pulled another cigarette from her pack and reached again for a match.

“Is that an invitation?” Garrett teased, pulling on his jeans.

“No. I think I’ve had enough disappointment for one night.” She sighed, blowing smoke from between her lips.

“You must enjoy disappointment, seeing as you begged for it four times.” Garrett shrugged as he tugged on his shirt.

Avery was speechless, and Garrett felt a swell of pride in his chest. Nobody could out-sass Avery. She was the Queen of Quips. “Please get out of my apartment.” She said in defeat, rubbing her hand across her forehead. “And don’t make too much noise on your way out.”

“I’m sure the neighbors won’t mind, you’ve been keeping them up for hours.” Garrett taunted on his way out. He did abide by Avery’s wishes, and kept quiet as he left, not so much because he respected her but because he felt bad for the people who had to live around her. Once he exited the apartment complex, he was met with a refreshing burst of cold air. Avery’s apartment reeked of cigarettes and sex. When he crossed the street, he looked back up. Avery was sitting on the edge of her balcony, naked, watching Garrett as he left. He could see the glowing tip of her cigarette puncture the darkness. How pretentious.